My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 133 Barrett Shows His Power!

Chapter 133 Barrett Shows His Power!
Berserker, new moon.

Obviously there is only one follower, a human being in this world, but the faces of Alexander the Great and the soldiers under his command are ashen and tense.

10 minutes.

It only took 10 minutes...

The invincible partner cavalry who made countless feats, as well as the two best generals under the emperor's command, have already gone to perish.

Under the ferocity of these two men, the morale of the army was inevitably hit.

Waver scanned the solemn faces, and finally looked at his servant, Rider.

At this moment, Iskandar's rough face could not hide the sadness.

Hephaistion, his best friend...

As if by fate, Hephaistion left him one step ahead of him again.

Winning or losing is a common matter for military strategists, and he will not take his anger out on Shuoyue who killed Hephaistion, but even so, Shuoyue has become the target he most wants to get rid of.

There is no other reason, a Kuanglan is not scary, but a Berserker armed as a gangster with the support of Shuoyue's hot weapons is too scary.

The decline of the partner cavalry began after Kuang Lan got the gun.

Therefore, use the most complete army formation to crush Shuoyue...

"Rider." At this moment, a voice called from behind.

Not only Iskandar, but also many generals also looked sideways. After all, in this army, there is only one person who does not need to respect Iskandar as the emperor.

That is the Master who summoned Iskandar, Waver.

Stared at by countless outstanding generals, Weber couldn't help trembling, but he still gritted his teeth and said seriously:
"Rider, I understand the pain in your heart, and I also believe that you can pull yourself together. There is only one thing I want to remind you—"

"Saber and Caster, where are they now?"

A word to awaken the dreamer.

Iskandar was suddenly alert: "Teacher!"

"Well, it was my mistake." The old man, known as the greatest philosopher, scientist and educator in history, stepped out, raised his cane slightly, and chanted in a low voice.

So the light curtain made by divine magic unfolded, and after searching aimlessly for a while, it finally stopped at the flank of the army.

However, there was no figure of Saber or Miyu in the field of vision, only the blurred light and shadow reflected by the scorching air.

"Following the magic power, this place was finally locked." Aristotle twisted his beard and said in a flat tone, "Since I sneaked into the hinterland without knowing it, I must have used some method to hide it?"

"Leonatus, Antigonus, you all lead your heavy cavalry and shield soldiers forward. You don't want to win, but you must stop Shuoyue and Berserker." Iskandar frowned slightly, and quickly gave instructions , "Creitas, Cleetus, go to the flanks and look for the traces of Saber and Caster!"

Leonatus, one of the seven servants, is good at commanding infantry, and the famous "Macedonian Phalanx" is his strong point.

Antigonus, one-eyed old man, god of war, one of the greatest commanders of the Hellenistic era.

Cretas, who had saved Alexander's life at Granikas, had a reputation for personal valor.

Cleitus, who participated in the pacification of the Lamian War against Macedonia by the Greek city-states, was known as 'White Hair'.

There are no worthless soldiers under the reputation, and the four generals quickly took orders, and each led their troops to dispatch.

"By the way, Rider." At this moment, Weber spoke again, "Mr. Aristotle, please stay, I have an immature idea..."

Along with the low-pitched discussion between Weber, Rider, and Aristotle, the eyes of many generals in the military formation changed when they looked at the short-haired boy.

This kid... can do it.


"Have you been discovered..." Seeing the two generals leading their troops from a distance, Saber couldn't help pursing her lips.

Beside her, the beryl-colored magical girl clenched her cane tightly, almost clinging to her body.

Wanting to face the wall crookedly, Saber and Miyu did so for only one reason:
The maximum output of the 'Wind King Barrier' can only cover such a range.

For Saber who lost the scabbard 'Avalon' and could not use the 'Sword of Oath of Victory' at will, she has already studied the various functions of the 'Wind King's Barrier' incomparably during her long combat career thorough.

For example, it can be used as a booster to increase the speed of oneself or a war horse; for example, as an attack method, it can be turned into a Strike Air to wipe out the opponent at one time; another example is to wrap a storm around the blade to increase the distance and speed of the blade. destructive power...

Another example is now, by manipulating the atmosphere to change the refractive index of light, making weapons or oneself invisible.

Fortunately, Saber was a young girl, and Miyu was also petite, so the two girls huddled together, just within the coverage of the Wind King's barrier.

Watching the cavalry start to gallop around on the flanks, the weapons in their hands waving randomly in the air, Saber had to admit the fact that their whereabouts had been exposed, and they were now being traced.

"As expected of the army of the King of Conquerors, I never thought that Shuoyue and the others would be able to react to such a big commotion." After reading the words with Irisviel, Saber naturally understood what happened. At this moment, she looked at Creta. Si and Clitus, the two generals, the holy blue pupils gradually turned cold.

"Although I want to sneak into Rider's side in one fell swoop, it seems that I can't do it now, so... Miss Miyu!"

"Yeah, I got it!"

The next moment, the Wind King's barrier was lifted immediately, turned into a violent hurricane and sprayed behind him, rolling up sand and dust, disturbing the surrounding sight, and at the same time, Miyu soared into the air, creating barriers in the air, and stepped on the ground together with Saber. On the magic barrier, he rushed forward in mid-air.

Waving the big knife to disperse the dust and mist, the black Kretas looked at the two people in mid-air and let out a roar like thunder:

"Infantry, throw your guns!"

With a wave of Clitus' hand, the infantry who had been standing still changed their posture immediately, the hand holding the gun changed from a forehand to a backhand, and then threw their guns in unison.

The throwing spears containing magic power instantly broke the magic barrier set by Miyu, Saber turned around, the holy sword swept across, knocking down the throwing spears one by one, but the fish that escaped the net rushed out, brushing against Miyu's arm behind Saber, leaving a trail Light bloodstains.

"It's okay, Miyu!"

"It's okay, it's just a small injury." Meiyou's face remained calm, and she didn't even repair the injury, but output her magic power with all her strength, building barriers for them to move forward.

After the first round of spear throwing, Cretas stared at Saber, who was unharmed, and Miyu who was still building the barrier, and simply dropped the sword, and snatched the spear from an infantryman.

While the magic power was boiling, the muscles of his arms swelled, and he assumed a projection posture in a tense posture.

Kretas, known as one of the three "Meng Zhang Fei", is even comparable to Iskandar in terms of strength (provided that he does not use his divinity).

The spear shot from his hand probably didn't even have time for Saber's intuition to react, let alone Miyu who was focused on building the passage.

However, at the moment when he was about to shoot the spear, there was a muffled thunder roaring in the distance.

The 12.7mm bullet pierced Cretas' head in an instant... no, rather than piercing, it tended to blow his head to pieces.

So the brave Kretas followed Hephaestion's footsteps, and the headless corpse fell to the ground, turning into spirit sons unwilling to disperse.

In the distance, after confirming the death of Cretas, Sakuzuki, who was lying on the ground, got up from behind the erected M82A1 sniper rifle and sneered:
"How dare you touch my lovely sister... Tired of you."

He raised his eyes, looked at the gloomy faces of Leonatus and Antigonus, and showed a happy smile:
"Second Battalion Commander, bring up my Italian cannon!"


At the same time, Saber and Miyu also broke into the center of the army. With a sharp shout, the blond and blue-eyed King of Knights jumped down. The holy sword pointed at Iskandar's burly figure and slashed down on his head:
"Accept the move, King of Conquerors!"

(End of this chapter)

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