My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 134 Military God, Sage, Reversal of the Situation

Chapter 134 Military God, Sage, Reversal of the Situation
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of the drum was fierce, first it was a rapid beating, and then it was smashed heavily with great enthusiasm, like a judgment hammer falling from a court.

So the corps, awakened by the emperor's call, took a step forward.

He took off his war bow, half-kneeled on the ground, and drew a volley of bows.

Each shot of arrows containing magic power was comparable to mortar shells, bombarding Shuoyue and Kuanglan densely, but failed in the face of the majestic iron wall rising from the ground.

The next moment, real mortars roared.

Not one, but a whole row!

The modern hot weapons turned into treasures by Kuanglan roared in unison, flew over the iron wall built by Shuoyue, and suddenly exploded in the phalanx formed by archers. In the turbulent flow of flames and hot wind, countless figures turned into spirits. child dissipated.


The beating of drums was long and loud, and the one-eyed old man with his upper body naked beat the drums heavily, channeling the chaotic army and rearranging them into a neat phalanx.

Controlling the army with the sound of drums is an act of a famous general!

A road was automatically separated in the middle of the legion. Leonatus mounted the horse and led the army behind him to charge. With the white light shining from him, it spread, and finally completely covered the surroundings of the legion, making the charging army The defense power has been greatly improved.

"Play it again, Kuang Lan!"


The mortar positions roared, but this time, the shells failed to make a contribution, but were bounced off by the white light-filled army array and exploded in the air.

"Charge!" Seeing that the enemy's strange weapons were restrained, the Macedonian army's momentum was greatly boosted. Under the loud shout of Leonatus, the seventh valet, the charge speed went further, and the iron wall cast by the projection was about to be torn apart in an instant. , tearing those two hateful enemies into pieces.

At this moment, the iron wall in front of him separated automatically, and the young man with white hair and golden eyes carried a weapon similar to a barrel on his shoulder, grinned at them, and pulled the trigger.

RPG-7 spouted scorching flames, and a thermobaric bomb with a thick head flew out, bombarding Leonatus.

Then they saw the sun.

The air is taken away, and after the oxidation-reduction reaction in the molecular form, there is an oxygen-free combustion for tens of thousands of seconds. The extreme high temperature and high pressure explode at a speed of 4000 m/s, taking away all life within the range.

Under the continuous lethal high temperature, the white light wrapped around the military formation was quickly diluted and finally dissipated.

Afterwards, Shuo Yue casually dropped the RPG, snapped her fingers, and a cylindrical cast iron projectile appeared behind her.

One of the prohibited weapons: cluster bombs.

"I have never signed the "Cluster Bomb Convention." After talking to herself, Shuo Yue was about to throw the bomb, but at this moment, Kuang Lan's painful roar sounded behind him !
Turning his head, he saw a scarlet arrow sticking out of the black knight's back. Looking further away, the burly man wearing a mane and feather crown lowered his longbow and struck the round shield in his left hand with a short spear in his hand. The provocative gesture speaks for itself.

"Victor" Seleucus I, one of the most capable generals under Iskandar and the founder of the Seleucid Dynasty, his legend is even worse than Lancelot, the first knight of the round table.

So far, Iskandar has dispatched a total of seven heroic spirits—even the round table under Saber cannot compare with it. Simply comparing the number of heroes and generals, it is impossible for Britain, which is limited to one island, to compete with them. Compared with Macedonia, which spans the three continents of Asia, Europe and Africa.

However, this does not mean that the Knights of the Round Table will shrink back, especially Kuang Lan who has lost his mind and only has the instinct of a beast.

"Roar!" Berserker grabbed a few guns and grenades, and armed himself as a bandit, ran like the wind, tore through the steel barrier, and before Shuoyue had time to stop him, he rushed towards Seleucus who was attacking him go.

And Seleucus turned over, jumped down from the small mound, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"The strategy of diverting the tiger away from the mountain is boring." Shuoyue saw their conspiracy at a glance, snorted coldly, got down on the ground, and raised the gun, "Since we are at a disadvantage...then kill another one."

"Bang!" Barrett burst into flames again, and the bullet that had been strengthened into a D-rank treasure broke through the sound barrier, pierced Leonatus' left shoulder, and tore his arm to pieces.

Pull the bolt, the cartridge case pops out, Shuo Yue holds his breath and concentrates, and fires again.


The short spear with a gold-colored tip pierced out, hitting the flying bullet just by a hair, knocking it flying, but the hand that seemed to be slack due to old age did not waver in the slightest.

"Go back, Leonatus, you don't have the strength to face this young man." The one-eyed old man put on his helmet, leaving only a tough back for the seven servants.

Although fighting over Iskandar's territory after his death, the 'Military God' volunteered to be the emperor's spear and the emperor's shield when his king called.

"Tsk!" Leonatus smacked his lips in dissatisfaction, but still swung the reins and galloped back to the formation.After confirming that the rear was safe, Antik finally turned around and looked at the young man who had dropped his hot weapon and was holding two knives.

Among the heroic spirits descending from the King's Army, Antigonus, the 'God of War', was even stronger than his commander, Iskandar.

However, with Kuang Lan being lured away and Shuo Yue's hot weapons ineffective, Antigonus did not choose to overwhelm the army, but walked out of the army alone to face the young man who had caused them heavy losses.

It's not because of underestimating the enemy, but for an enemy of this level, an ordinary army is just an ant that can be crushed at will.

Instead of wasting troops, it is better to set up a battle and fight with real swords and guns.

"Warrior, step forward and report your name!"

"Me?" Shuoyue took a step forward, facing the old man head-on, and returned with a burning smile, "Shuoyue, a person in this world!"

"What bright eyes, just like the man in the battle of Ipsus..." The old man admired in a low voice, and immediately became angry, and shouted, "I am a veteran under the emperor, Antigonus!"

"Upright here—"

"A showdown!"


"...Where is this place?"

Miyu and Saber were back to back, clenched the weapons in their hands, and vigilantly looked at the soldiers who surrounded them.

Just now, Saber charged at Iskandar with a sword, but as the world spun, Rider's figure disappeared before her eyes, replaced by the fact that she was in prison.

"We have clearly broken into the center of the formation..."

"No one can fully control the situation of the battle, just like no one can fully grasp the truth." An old but wise voice sounded, Saber and Miyu followed the prestige, and a hale and hearty old man walked forward slowly with a cane .

No introduction is needed, as long as one has met this old man, one can understand what a great sage this man is.

"Ancient sages, Alexander's teacher, Aristotle..." Miyu's face was serious, and the old man said slowly:
"I'm sorry, King Arthur, and the lovely girl, for the sake of my students who are no longer cute, please leave the stage."

The magical array comparable to the age of the gods opened in an instant, and the sage whose strength surpassed Iskandar waved his stick and summoned the magic light rain forward without hesitation!
(End of this chapter)

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