My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 135 Come back to your senses, Berserker

Chapter 135 Come back to your senses, Berserker
"Trigger off (projection reload)!"

The projected circuit flows, and the jagged ax and sword are condensed in an instant. The young man closes his golden eyes. The twelve trials and twelve glory that the hero has experienced are like blood, and are transported to the body with the beating of the heart. throughout.

The magic power lifted his robe, and the golden flying sand rolled up a scorching breath.

"Shooting Hundred Heads·Slashing Sword Skills (Nine Lives·Blade Works)!!!"

The bottom-up battle spear was easily shattered, and the huge and heavy ax and sword swung his arms, cutting out a mirror-like arc in an instant.

After a short period of stillness, nine cracks rose into the sky behind the one-eyed old man, blood splashed like a waterfall, mixed in the gravel, and the smell of blood permeated.

"Cough..." Blood gushed out of the corner of Antiko's mouth uncontrollably. After receiving the blow, his spirit base inevitably collapsed, and golden spirit seeds wafted from his body.

"Sure enough, I'm better at military strategy than personal force."

Shuo Yue slowly retracted the blade of the axe, and raised her eyebrows when she heard the words: "It's just the winner and the loser, or you have stayed on the Throne of Heroes for too long, and your bones have rusted?"

"Ha, can't you give the old man a little face?" Amid hearty laughter, the figure of the war god disappeared, and Shuo Yue, after confirming Antico's exit, sighed, scattered the ax and sword, fingers Suddenly there was a sharp pain.

When Shuo Yue lowered her head, the tingling pain had already turned into numbness, and even the feeling disappeared.

Staring at the stiff fingers indifferently, Shuoyue looked around and looked at——

Berserker is in conflict with Seleucus and the army, and it is only a matter of time before they lose. Although Saber and Miyu are not in danger for the time being, under the pressure of Aristotle and Amon's priests, they may also fall into decline first. Bar,

Even if it was him, it would be difficult to spend any more.

Well, start one of the cards.

"Kan Ye!"

"Understood!" Kariya replied holding the worm jar, he stared at the three-stroke command spell on the back of his hand, and gritted his teeth.

He couldn't help hesitating in the immediate situation, Berserker was their best breaking point.

So, he raised his right hand high and exercised the authority that belongs to the master:

"Order with the command spell—recover your senses, Lancelot!"

There is no point in hiding his real name. When the holy sword is unsheathed, the existence of that man will surely shine like the light of a lake.

However, after the first swipe of the Command Spell, Berserker just raised his head to the sky and screamed, his arrogance dissipated slightly, revealing his pitch-black armor.

"Is it really as Shuoyue expected..." Kariya smiled wryly, and finally gave up his fantasy.

"I order it with the second command—free from the cage of madness, Berserker!"

"I declare with the third Command Spell—I will loose the chains of the prisoner and return from chaos, Knight of the Lake, Lancelot!"

One after another, the red light shines one after another. Under the influence of Command Spell, the highest achievement of Zouken Matou's life, which can trigger a "miracle", the spiritual impact of Berserker's job skill "Madness" is being suppressed. Gradually offset.

This is one of Shuoyue's trump cards. You must know that the strength of Lancelot without madness and the knight of the lake with madness are two different concepts!
With the effective of the command spell, the arrogance that filled Lancelot's body gradually dissipated, the hideous and terrifying face under the helmet returned to its original handsomeness, and the armor polluted by ominous magic power returned to its original cleanness. .

When the last trace of chaos disappeared from his eyes, Lancelot finally regained his proper posture, the flower of the knight who fascinated thousands of women like Diarmuid - "Knight of the Lake"!
"Master!" The calm call proved that Lancelot had regained his sanity.
"Ber——no, Knight of the Lake, my servant, you know what you're going to do." Kariya took a deep breath, discarded the jar that had been squeezed out, and took out a new magic jar.

"Yes, although I fell into a frenzy, I still remember what you said." Lancelot nodded slightly, his eyes passed Seleucus uncontrollably, and locked on the blond and blue-eyed figure in the distance.

Looking at the figure with yearning, yearning, and slightly intoxicated eyes, the knight slowly said the name he had called countless times in his dream.

" king."

Saber naturally also noticed the fluctuation of the Command Seal, and when she caught a glimpse of the familiar man, even though she was surrounded, she still opened her eyes wide and lost her voice in shock:
"You are... Sir Lancelot! How is it possible, I didn't expect you to be Berserker... Are you really you? My friend!"

Even though the distance was too far to hear Saber's voice, Lancelot showed a slightly helpless smile when he saw her anxious expression made of joy:

"Even if I am the culprit who destroyed the round table, I still maintain such an attitude towards me... Yes, this is you, king."

Slowly leaning down, the man known as the first knight of the round table whispered:
"Wait a moment, my king."

"This time, I won't miss it again."

The next moment, a hurricane swept through.

This is by no means the killing that irrational wild beasts can do. This is because the horror of wild beasts lies in their "self", while the horror of human beings lies in their "behaviors".

Amidst the splashing blood, Lancelot seemed to be in no one's land. He no longer chased and beat the soldiers, but killed a bloody path with a purpose and a plan, even if a soldier who was not afraid of death They rushed up one after another, but the charge of the knights on the lake never slowed down, but intensified, like a shining meteor.

"Oh!" Seleucus, who was trying to catch up with Lancelot, stopped abruptly and had to catch a soldier who was flying out. Looking at the figure of Lancelot who didn't look back, he couldn't help but Hold a wry smile.

"In the end, the soldiers became your best counterattack props. They are worthy of being the number one knight in the legend..."

In just a few minutes, Lancelot broke out of the tight siege, broke into the tight siege, and came to the side of the person he most wanted to see.

"It really is you, Sir Lancelot!" Seeing the man walking towards her, Saber's eyes were filled with the joy of reunion after a long absence, "My friend, my pride, my ideal knight."

With a wry smile, Lancelot shook his head at the king he was dreaming of.

"Please don't call me that anymore, my king. That is a title that can only be used by a loyal and perfect knight. I, who betrayed you, am no longer worthy of that title."

"No, no, you are—" Saber hastily denied, "That was not a betrayal at all, I have already forgiven you, Lancelot!"

So the man's handsome expression became more and more sad.

"Forgive... Forgive me for trampling on that trust and friendship, and leaving the king?"

"Yes, I believe you..."

"My lord, you are always like this."

Interrupting Saber's words, Lancelot sighed deeply, pouring out the regret and fear that had settled in his heart for countless years:

"You're always like this... Ignore yourself and think about others wholeheartedly. That's why, me, we are willing to gather under your command and fight for you."

"But Wang, do you know that I have always wanted you to punish me personally, and I hope you will question me for your own anger!"

"If this is the case—at least I can still convince myself that the king of knights who commands us is not a frightening inhuman thing, but has a human heart, a soul, and can cry and laugh , the person who will be angry and happy, is the holy king we love and follow!"

"But you... forgive me!"

(End of this chapter)

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