My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 136 Redemption and Candidates

Chapter 136 Redemption and Candidates

That was the fear that cursed Lancelot for the rest of his life.

That was the source of Lancelot's frenzy.

In Celtic mythology, Finn, who had been robbed of his fiancée, refused to rescue Diarmuid, knocked down the Fountain of Life twice, and sent the chief of the Fiona Knights to hell with his own hands.

However, Lancelot, who had an affair with Princess Guinevere and defected, was forgiven by King Arthur. The clean and honest king said that he and the princess would be forgiven.

[If your action is true, then it must be sincere, I believe you. 】

Lancelot still can't believe it to this day.

That was true, there was no falsehood in the king's words, the king was blessing them, blessing the unfaithful knight and princess, as if he felt at ease that that was the most correct result.

...If you are in the same position as the king, can you forgive the betrayer?

No, that premise is wrong. The king is different from us in the premise that he is neither a human being nor raised as a human being.

She is a king who only exists to protect the country. After all, she only hides her true face for ten years for that reason, and kills herself, just to protect the people so far.

He who does not know human happiness loves human happiness.

Ahh, that petite and beautiful king is like a monster, a monster beyond Vortigern—

A sad monster that twists and tramples its own way of being.

I don't have the guts to face the king anymore.

So, I fell into fear and chose to run away. In the end, I missed the battle of Kamran and the final farewell with the king.

But this time, I will not run away no matter what.

Accompanied by a loud noise, the armored knight knelt on one knee, begging his beloved king with the most solemn etiquette, begging for salvation.

"I didn't catch up with the battle of Jianlan. This is the regret of my life. So this time, please let me open the way for you. King, if you allow me, maybe I can pay back a little bit of the sins I have carried." .”

Saber looked at the kneeling Lancelot, opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

She wanted to say, as before, that Lancelot had done nothing wrong, that he did not need forgiveness, and that he did not need to pay for his sins.However, Lancelot's attitude told her that this was wrong, so what should I do?
The diamond-shaped space unfolded, and a young man with white hair and golden eyes stepped out of it and said:
"This is a very simple question, Saber. Lawbreakers should be punished, and rebels should be punished. There is an old saying in China called 'serving crimes and making meritorious service'. This is the path chosen by Lancelot. Do you still want to refuse? Do you still want to go against his wish and drive your knights into a frenzy?"

These words struck Saber's heart like a bolt of lightning, and she suddenly realized how shallow she was. In the eyes of others, that so-called forgiveness was probably as poisonous as a poison.

The act of imposing the will on others is not tolerance, but a kind of oppression.

"Lancelot, I allow you to perform crimes and meritorious deeds. If you can fight side by side with me, I will pardon your crimes, my dear friend."

Hearing this, Lancelot finally showed a happy smile.

His wish in this Holy Grail War has come true at this moment!
"Obey, my king! I, Lancelot, will do my best to fight for you!"


Now the plan to assassinate Iskandar has been declared a failure, and Shuoyue, Lancelot and Saber and Miyu also gathered again. While dealing with the offensive of Aristotle and the priests, after a brief discussion, they soon A decision has been made.

That is hard work!
Although facing an army of tens of thousands, even if the Shuoyue side has four servant-level combat powers, it will not help, but the same is true for the Iskandar side-to support an inherent barrier of this scale, even the heroic spirits of the world Shared sharing will not last for too long.

Right now, it is to see who can have the last laugh.

"I have a proposal for this, and that is rotation." Shuo Yuehu stood by Meiyou's side, and Rho Aias opened up to block the overwhelming spears and magic tricks for everyone, "Small number is certainly a shortcoming, but never From another perspective, the area we have been impacted is also very small."

"So that's how it is... in the case of breaking out of the siege, as long as someone guards the front, they will be able to deal with the army's offensive." Lancelot, who had cooperated with Shuoyue, wiped out three thousand companion cavalry and prevented Antico and others from charging Te suddenly understood, "Especially those hot weapons that His Excellency Shuoyue took out, after passing through my hands, they are really excellent weapons against the army."

"More than that, from the beginning of 'The King's Army' to now, the time is almost the same." Saber held the holy sword in her hand, staring at Iskandar who gave orders from a distance, "If it were me, I would definitely start to stop now." Soldiers, plan to decide the outcome."

If they wait until the army of the conqueror arrives, they will have no choice but to face defeat.

"Shuo Yue, can your magic still work? We need to break free from the harassment as soon as possible."

"Although it's possible, but it's not possible, that old man has been interfering in the space." Shuo Yue pouted in the direction of Aristotle.

"In other words, Aristotle must be killed first..."

"But it's not easy, he is surrounded by priests."

Lancelot and Saber looked serious.

Although they are all holy swordsmen, the consumption of magic power that their masters can bear is extremely limited. If they release the treasure now, it may be difficult to recover from the general attack of the King of Conquerors.

"In that case, I'll go." Shuo Yue said in a relaxed tone, "He's just a mere scholar. I have plenty of ways to deal with him."

"Then please, Shuo Yueqing, please be careful."

Shuo Yue was taken aback for a moment, looking at the seriously dumbfounded face, the smile on the corner of her mouth suddenly deepened a bit.

"Yes, my king."

The next moment, he turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Aristotle who was under heavy protection.

After he left, Lancelot took a look at Meiyu, and finally couldn't help but say:

"Wang, what did you call Your Excellency Shuoyue just now?"

"Well, what's the problem?" Saber tilted her head in doubt, after she and Lancelot resolved their grievances, she obviously relaxed a lot.

"Shuo Yueqing, is that a title only for us Knights of the Round Table?"

"Ah!" It wasn't until this moment that Saber finally realized it later, "But, it may be because he called me 'My King', unconsciously..."

"Your Excellency Shuoyue?" Lancelot couldn't help but smile narrowly when he heard the words, "It seems that even such a proud person is willing to follow in your footsteps, ah, it's just like me back then. Same."

Although he has been affected by madness, Lancelot just lost his mind, but he still remembers the past.

No one knows better than him what kind of effort that young man put in every day.

To become a unparalleled warrior, what you need is talent and hard work.

To become a resourceful military strategist, what is needed is planning and deduction.

And what that young man possessed was not as simple as the sum of the two.

Even if he has regained his sanity, he dare not say that he can beat Shuo Yue, or this young man who is not even a heroic spirit.

Suddenly, Lancelot's heart moved, he suddenly looked at Shuoyue in the distance, and then cast a strange glance at his king.

He and Kariya will definitely lose—the effect of the Command Seal can only last for a while, and the Berserker who has returned to chaos and the Master who lost the Command Seal will not be able to win the Holy Grail War where the strong gather anyway.

But Lancelot didn't feel resigned, his wish had been fulfilled, but there was still one person in his heart who was worried.

That was their king who appeared in the world as a Saber.

Kariya's current wish is wrong. Although he understands and doesn't intend to stop them, their defeat is inevitable—but the king is different. Someone must guard the king and accompany her to the last moment, until the serious and stubborn king Until you untie your knot.

So, who will protect the king?

He seems to have found the right man.

(End of this chapter)

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