My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 137 Rider's Reins and the Indestructible Lake Light

Chapter 137 Rider's Reins and the Indestructible Lake Light

【Picture record has been updated】

[Record condition 3: 'Liberate Lancelot from madness', completed. 】

[Reward obtained: 'Indestructible Lake Light' complete projection times (1/1)! 】

【Picture record has been updated】

[Hidden condition 4*: 'Untie Lancelot's knot' has been completed. 】

[Reward: The certificate of the round table! 】

Finally, there was some movement in the fate illustration book of dozens of chapters. Shuoyue glanced at the news and said, "Student Xiaoming, explain what is the certificate of the round table?"

[Explanation begins]

[Certificate of the Round Table: After being recognized by the King of Knights, or more than half of the Knights of the Round Table, the certificate is activated and transformed into an inherent skill. 】

[After the skill takes effect, it will acquire the 'Knights of the Round Table' feature, which can increase a Status other than 'Lucky' by 1 Rank, and cannot be changed after the decision is made. 】

[In addition, after defeating other knights of the round table, the certificate will be strengthened]

"In other words, it's a voucher, right? I didn't expect there to be such a strange reward." After muttering something, Shuo Yue suddenly stopped in her tracks.

A golden light beam descended from the sky and landed in front of Shuo Yue, the heat contained in it burned the gravel on the ground into crystals.


"Stop here, young man." The old man with a cane said, his voice full of air, "Smart people don't blindly pursue happiness, but try to avoid unpleasantness. This is not a place for you to vent your desire to fight."

"Oh? Aristotle?" Shuoyue was carrying a red gun, with a playful expression, "I know a scholar of Archimedes, and I have killed him several times, right?"

Faced with this insult, there was a little commotion in the group of priests, but Aristotle calmly raised his palm and signaled everyone to be quiet:
"If it's that scholar who hates humans, I'm not surprised that you have a reason to kill him. But young people, don't underestimate the old man, okay?"

Circle after circle, a golden magic circle floated up into the air. The old man whose job title was "Caster" quickly chanted mantras, and the group of priests beside him also chanted mantras, channeling their own magic power into the old man's body , under the combined force, the power of the magic circle behind Aristotle became more and more terrifying.

Facing the sage who was going all out, Shuo Yue just frowned and sighed:

"To tell you the truth, I prefer to fight with fighters. It really is the last word to cut the Mages as soon as possible... Then, I'm sorry."

A mysterious card appeared in Shuo Yue's hand, and he slapped it on his chest:
"Dream Call (Install)"

Flipping the back of the card, holding the reins in hand, the image of driving a chariot is enlarged in an instant, overlapping with the new moon——

"Lend me your strength, Miss R!"

The whole body was white, and the winged Pegasus roared upwards. Accompanied by the rattling sound of the iron toon, the tall young man leaned down on the horse's back and slowly took off the blindfold covering his face.

Under the influence of the rank card, his eyes turned into a bewitching red gold, flowing like blood:
"Magic Eye Cybele, open your eyes!"

Under the petrified magic eye, objects with magic power level C and below are unconditionally petrified. Even if the body is not petrified, the person who has been recruited will drop a level in all abilities.

Unfortunately, even Aristotle himself does not have anti-magic power above C level.

Therefore, at the moment when the blindfold was taken off, everything that caught Shuo Yue's eyes could only go to the end of "petrification".

However, Shuoyue did not give up, but waved the rein and released the treasure name:


The phantasy species from the Age of Gods let out a melodious long cry, and with four hooves stampeding, Pegasus and the new moon turned into a shining meteor, galloping towards the immobile Aristotle and the others.

Facing the silver meteor, Aristotle, whose petrification has spread towards the upper body, twisted his beard, and couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, I lost in the intelligence battle, gem-level magic eyes, fantasy-born Tianma, it's not wrong to lose this old man... Then, how do you deal with it next?"

He was already a scholar, and shouting and killing was not his style. If he hadn't seen his students for a long time, Aristotle would not even respond to this call.

The silver light engulfed everything, and when the power of the treasure dissipated, the ancient Greek sage had disappeared into the wind and sand along with the group of Egyptian priests, while Shuoyue, who was driving the Pegasus, kept moving and galloped back to the crowd. Around:
"New Moon?"

"I don't have time to explain, get in the car!"

Picking up the exclaimed Saber and sending it behind him, Miyu had already obediently squeezed into Shuoyue's arms, Lancelot looked left and right, and was suddenly tied up by the iron tree and thrown high into the sky, in a tragic He was dragged away while screaming.

Just after Shuoyue and his party quickly evacuated, the magic array that had input many magic powers of Aristotle and the priests was completely overloaded and shattered, and the terrifying magic power was released, just like a nuclear bomb exploded here, setting off a wave of chaos. Mushroom clouds soaring into the sky.

"Well, didn't you catch up?" Iskandar looked at the group of four people who escaped from the explosion range, and there was not much surprise in his eyes, "But I still have to thank you, teacher."

"My lord, the magical enchantment has been blessed, and those hot weapons will no longer hurt our army!"

"it is good!"

Forced out Shuo Yue's second card, and let him release the treasure, and consumed so much magic power - it's time.

Holding up the sword of Cyprus, Rider shouted loudly:

"The whole army, charge!"

"Oh la la la la—!" The battle roar was like a sea tide, and all the soldiers shouted loudly, stepped forward, and charged forward.

The foreplay of containment and consumption is over, and now the curtain is opened, which is the chapter of the decisive battle!


After rushing all the way to the vicinity of the high tower where Kariya and his wife were, Shuoyue slowed down, got off the horse with everyone, and adjusted the situation.

The sound of the army marching in the distance became louder and louder, and the shouts from different dialects and different slang came from far to near, announcing the coming of the decisive battle.

"Brother, they are rushing over." Meiyou reminded softly.

"I know." Ignoring Changjiang's resentful eyes, Shuo Yue patted him on the shoulder, smiling all over her face: "It's up to you, Knight of the Lake!"

In order to survive before the end of the King's Army, they must use rotations to maximize their magic while killing their opponents as much as possible.

Lancelot, who had just experienced a roller coaster ride, glared at Shuoyue and didn't say much. Instead, he stepped forward and pulled out the unique holy sword bestowed on him by the "Fairy of the Lake".

The excess emotions disappeared, and under the brilliance of the holy sword pouring down like a lake, Lancelot's face showed a fanatic expression like a pilgrimage.

"This is my chance to atone for my sins and make meritorious deeds, and it is my only chance to be free from half-life remorse and remorse!"

"I will stand tall, hold this sword high and go to the battlefield - under the glory of my king, I only need to swing the sword to my heart's content!"

"Break all locks · Overweight Lake Light (Aroundight Overload)!"

(End of this chapter)

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