My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 138 Fantasy Collapse and the Evidence of the Round Table

Chapter 138 Fantasy Collapse and the Evidence of the Round Table

All Chains Break · Overweight Lake Light (Aroundight Overload)

Class: A++
Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm

Maximum catch: 500 people

"Reach the end, surpass the limit. The king of the other side, witness this light! The chains are all broken, and the light of the lake is too heavy!"

Huge magic power overflowed from the cut surface, and the cyan light shone like a lake. The moment the seemingly soft and harmless water wave touched people, it suddenly turned into a slash containing magic power. Bring destruction, bring death.

In the blink of an eye, half of the army rushing to the front was declared destroyed, but the soldiers did not retreat because of this, but shouted loudly and accelerated the pace of the charge.

Lancelot was not surprised either. He put the sword back into its sheath, and took a PKM handed to him by Shuoyue. After strengthening it with a treasure, he pulled the trigger, and the muzzle burst into flames.

However, with little success.

"What's going on?" Lancelot frowned, only seeing the bullets flying out, as if they were washed the moment they entered the army, the black and red lines that bred magic power dissipated, and turned into the most ordinary metal creations, Eliminated by the mystery contained in the soldiers.

"It's an enchantment that weakens the mystery." Shuoyue saw through Iskandar's arrangement at a glance, "It should be set up by the magician over there, and it is a long-term effective type. Even if you kill the caster, it won't help. It must have been arranged when we were restrained."

"In that case, then I—" Lancelot was about to draw his sword, but a figure stepped forward before him and blocked them.

"Let me come, take the time to recover and fill up your seat in time after I finish." Shuo Yue said.

"Wait, Shuoyue!" Hearing this, Arturia quit, "Did you ignore me? I can continue to fight!"

Shuoyue glanced at her with a half-smile: "Do you think I can't see it? You have already consumed a lot of magic power to protect Meiyou before? Don't you still want to be brave? This is what a king should do ?"

"Goo!" Being poked into the soft spot, the dull hair on Saber's head drooped listlessly, "Well, at least let me help..."

"I do need your help, but not right now." Shuo Yue didn't answer, then he clasped his hands and shouted softly:

"Come on, prison sickle, dust saw!"

The horizon of dawn that burns all seas.

Open up the verdant horizon of a thousand mountains.

The two god-made treasures covered the sun in the sky. Even if they were fakes, the shadow cast down by a huge mountain still caused a little disturbance in the army.

If it falls, it will definitely cause great damage.

However, Iskandar's generals were not vegetarians either. Immediately, several meteor-like rays of light rose from the ground. It was obvious that someone was commanding the army formation to prevent the falling of the two huge swords.

Taking advantage of the delay of the army's offensive, Shuo Yue took a deep breath and chanted in a low voice.

"I am the bone of my sword."

"Steel is my body, and fire is my blood... Ugh!"

The egg of the world collapsed the moment it took shape, and Shuo Yue had to stop singing, but judging from his unsurprised expression, he had expected this failure a long time ago.

Fighting back with 'Unlimited Swordsmanship' in 'Army of Kings' - nice idea, but almost impossible to do.

The inherent enchantment is a great magic that replaces the "self" and the "world" without changing the state, and once the "world" becomes another person's "self", the magician is locked in the other person's "self" It is necessary to have the same magic base and magic power as another person, in order to create the phenomenon of two 'inherent barriers' competing against each other.

The Conqueror King Iskandar not only possesses the spiritual foundation of the highest rank familiar, but his inherent enchantment "King's Army Power" is also borne by countless heroic spirits gathered under his command.

Obviously, Shuo Yue does not have the same power as many heroic spirits.

"Since it is not enough to simply create an inherent enchantment, how about using magic to bless it..."

The thinking is over, but this does not mean that Shuoyue is helpless—just like the FGO team uses Berserker when everything is unresolved. In the face of this kind of crowd attack, the best thing to use is indeed large-scale bombing!
"It might be a little rude next time, catch it!"

As Shuoyue slowly clenched her right fist, crimson and emerald light suddenly flowed from the Hell Scythe and Dust Saw that fell from the sky. Exploding bomb!
"Let's go, Rider!" Wei Bo, who was lying on the chariot, felt his scalp tingle, his eyes hurt just looking at the two giant swords, and he shed tears, "That guy Shuo Yue is going to make a big deal! "

"It's too late!" Iskandar's face was also not much better, he never expected that Shuoyue would dare to do this, dare to treat his treasure like this!
"Everyone, defensive formation, priests get ready!"

At the same time, Shuoyue has pulled out the magic power, faith and divinity contained in the prison sickle and the dust saw, stuffed it all into the explosive bag, and then ignited the fuse:
"Broken Phantasm"

Treating an extremely powerful Noble Phantasm as a disposable bomb—how powerful is this kind of power!

Just look at the tragedy of 'The King's Army'.

Because it was blasted from mid-air, the army was lucky to escape the frontal bombing. However, when the fire rain fell from the sky after the collapse, the army's defensive circle was easily destroyed. The rain devoured the left flank and reserves of the army, and even melted the ground into crystalline potholes.

Under the influence of the forbidden move of 'Fantasy Collapse', the charge of the king's army was stopped.

Shuoyue, who had successfully retired, had already given up her position. After a hasty rest, Lancelot held up the holy sword and released his treasure once again:

"Sparkle like the surface of water, burn blazingly, my holy sword! Break all locks, overweight lake light!"

Following Lancelot's declaration, the lake light radiated out in circles, making the already injured King's Army even worse.

Although Iskandar also has a group of priests under his command, how can the magic barrier they hastily strengthened be compared with the legendary Compared with the holy sword made by stars!
The screams were endless, Shuo Yue looked at Lancelot, who was guarding him alone, and finally withdrew his gaze, and met Saber who had been staring at him.

"You said before that you need my help, Shuoyue?"

"Yes." Shuo Yue fixedly looked at the legendary knight king, looked at her holy blue eyes and beautiful face, and finally made up her mind.

"Please allow me to become a member of the Knights of the Round Table."

(End of this chapter)

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