My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 139 Knights of the Round Table, Shuoyue, see it!

Chapter 139 Knights of the Round Table: Shuoyue, see it!
In the legend of King Arthur, the most famous is the story of him (she) and the Knights of the Round Table.

In front of the relic called [Round Table].The sworn knights are equal companions regardless of their identities. This is the original proof of the heroes and the magic dress that declares the fetters and recreated it for King Arthur.

Although the most famous story is indeed the story of "Thirteen Round Tables", in fact, there are more than 100 Knights of the Round Table under King Arthur, all of whom have sworn loyalty to him (her).


"Why do you want to become my round table after more than 2000 years?" Saber expressed the astonishment in her heart, "What's more, I believe that your strength is not inferior to mine, Shuo Yue?"

Because the round table is the leading evil force in Xingyue, and I want you to help me practice, ah no, I want you to help me activate an item...

Shuo Yue naturally didn't want to be chased and hacked by Dumbao, so the complaints in her heart just passed by, and she immediately said seriously:

"The passing of time has never diminished the reputation of the Round Table. The legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table has always fascinated me. Now that the legend is reappearing in front of me, I hope to continue the glory of the past. Is it right?"

"If that's the case... But what about your kingly way? Didn't you claim that you want to be the king alone?" Arturia asked.

Doesn't this show that my king is well-mannered?

Although she really wanted to say that, Shuoyue understood that when facing the serious Saber, replying with a playful smile would only lower her impression points.

"This is just the path I will take in the future. It is my will, my determination—you can understand it as the kingly way, or the path I choose for myself. Whether I am a king or not, or whether I join the round table, I will unswervingly walk on this path."

This is the answer Shuo Yue gave.

Is becoming a knight of the round table destined to be inferior to King Arthur?

Is it true that if you choose the kingly way of self-respect, you are doomed to walk all the way alone?
This was never within Shuo Yue's range of choice, and he did not allow himself to become so narrow and extreme.

By now, Saber also understands that Shuoyue is not joking, although "intuition" tells her that Shuoyue has other purposes, but his desire to join the round table is not lying.

Then there are only two remaining questions.

One: Is Shuoyue eligible to join the round table?
Memories of the past emerge one by one:

Praising the brilliance of a heroic spirit in front of Lancer's master is a testament to 'honor'.

Its strength is strong, its martial power is prosperous, and there is no doubt that it has 'heroic'.

Even if he wants to become a knight of the round table, he will always be loyal to his soul and have 'honesty'.

Gave Diarmuid the 'Glorious Appearance' the end of a knight to prove 'mercy'.

Follow the righteous path in your heart, wait until the crowd disperses before going upstairs to fight Lancer's master to the death, even though you post those unnecessary pictures at night... In short, it can be regarded as having 'fairness'.

Modern humans don't need to believe in gods. As for the remaining 'humility' and 'sacrifice'... No, there is no need to ask for these.

Didn't her most trusted knights of the round table also have their own flaws, and have they ever violated the virtues of knights?

With the above points, plus her understanding of Shuoyue, Saber has recognized Shuoyue's quality, not to mention, looking back on the entire Holy Grail War, Shuoyue has helped her too much...

Second: Knights of the Round Table, are you willing to let Shuoyue join?
At this moment, Lancelot, who was standing in front of him, spoke: "My king, please allow me to say a few words for Your Excellency Shuoyue."

"Say it, my friend."

"Obey." The Wuhui lake was brightly lit, and the treasure was released again, destroying the several troops rushing in front of it. "Before I regained my sanity, I had the honor to live with Your Excellency Shuoyue for a while."

This should have been confidential information, but Lancelot believed that his beloved king would not reveal this secret, he paused, and continued:

"It is precisely because of this that I understand what kind of plan Your Excellency Shuoyue once made - if it is carried out according to that plan, if there is no accident, the current Holy Grail War is over."

"However, because of Caster, Your Excellency Shuoyue gave up the easy victory."

"Eh, me?" Miyu on the side blinked.

Lancelot nodded slightly. After all, Sakuzuki experimented with imaginary number magic the night he stayed at Kariya's house and coaxed Miyu to sleep. Then he went to the courtyard alone to revise the plan overnight, and Berserker, who was guarding Matou's house in the courtyard, happened to witness the whole process.

If Shuoyue summoned an obedient and unfamiliar servant, then his strategy would definitely be implemented smoothly, and he would win the Holy Grail War without any suspense in the end, right?

But the one who appeared in front of Shuoyue as a follower was Miyu, his younger sister.

Since she is his dear sister, she must be happy to spend every day.

Since he is an older brother, he must create the most perfect journey for her.

She cannot be allowed to see the dark side of the Holy Grail War. She must be allowed to enjoy this reunion, even if it is a night destined to fight each other, and she must be allowed to see the shining brilliance of humanity.

——This is the reason why Shuoyue never said it out loud, and it is also the reason why he took the beauty tour to see the sea, go shopping, eat delicious food, make new friends... and even go racing at night.

In the normal Holy Grail War, how can there be such a master and slave who are not doing their jobs properly, not thinking about how to win the Holy Grail, but thinking about how to play every day?

This tenderness only exists in the invisible care of the elder brother to the younger sister.

Lancelot stopped talking, and Miyu couldn't help but threw herself into Shuoyue's arms, hugging him tightly.

Shuo Yue had no choice but to look at Lancelot with a wry smile:

"Although I am very grateful for your 'good words' for me, aren't you really secretly taking revenge on me, Sir Lancelot?"

"Ahaha, how could it be?" The cunning Knight Flower laughed a few times, turned her head away, and concentrated on dealing with the enemies that kept coming up.

And Artoria listened to Lancelot's narration in silence, her holy blue pupils shone slightly, and finally made a decision.

"Then, come forward, Shuo Yue."

After touching Meiyou's head, Shuoyue stepped forward and knelt down on one knee.


At this moment, it is not in the sacred city of Camelot, and only the knight of the lake is watching the ceremony, but when Artoria holds the legendary sword of victory, no knight will question the sanctity of this ceremony.

Flipping the holy sword over, lightly touching Shuo Yue's shoulder three times with the back of the sword, the Knight King spoke with a solemn expression.

"May you never shy away from a dangerous path out of fear, and may you persevere along the way."

"Stand shoulder to shoulder with bravery, so God bless you."

"Do what is right, even if it costs you your life."

"Protect those in need, take this oath."

"Now, Shuo Yueqing, stand up as a knight of the round table."

So the young man with white hair and golden eyes stood up, put his hand on his chest, and said softly:

"I swear, I will walk in the world as a knight of the round table, severely punish the wicked, and fight for justice and justice!"

The wind and sand filled the air, and the sound of killing shook the sky, but when Lancelot and Artoria's eyes fell on Shuo Yue, they felt that he seemed to be a little different.

Becoming kinder and also becoming stronger.

[It has been recognized by the King of Knights, the Knight's Certificate is in effect, and the inherent skill 'Knights of the Round Table' has been obtained! 】

[In parameter selection... selected as 'magic power']

【Picture record has been updated】

[Obtain Inherent Skill: Knights of the Round Table C]

[Acquiring the 'Knights of the Round Table' feature, the magic power parameter increases by one level, magic power: B→magic power: A! 】

"Only C-level? In a sense, it's really good..." Shuo Yue stared at her parameter panel and raised her eyebrows.

Although the level is not high, it also means greater growth.

As for the reason why he chose to push the highest "magic power" in the parameter to a higher level, it was not because of the so-called "concentrate on one point and reach the peak" idea, but because of habit, to add more chips for the next action.

The A-level magical power has reached the level of a witch, a sage, or even a great magician mixed with phantom genes.

"Since I have become a Knight of the Round Table, please allow me to open the way for the king: Knight Shuoyue, join me!"

The young man with golden eyes stepped forward, and the sword blade around him took shape and flew, killing the soldiers who came pouring in like a colony of ants. Then he opened his right hand and murmured:
"I am—the bone of my sword!"

At the same time, he snapped his fingers with his left hand, and the foul magic with the blessing of the magic workshop appeared.

[Replacement begins! 】

(End of this chapter)

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