Chapter 155 Siege Rider
The Assassins lurking in various places in Fuyuki City are like cameras, presenting images of what happened everywhere in front of Sakuzuki.

And the chief culprit who caused today's chaos is sitting in the center of the big void, manipulating all developments.

"Berserker, Saber, successfully influenced Lancelot and accelerated the consumption of Kariya's mana—that's fine, save your strength and retreat, this is my prey."

"Before Kiritsugu makes a decision, retreat, Caster, go to the predetermined location to recover your magic power, and prepare your magic."

"Lancer is still alive? Unexpected and unexpected... Ahem, it seems that Gilgamesh has entered the mode of watching a movie again. Very good, keep watching until the day I make you a joy."

Miyu was always by Shuoyue's side, watching him orderly dispatch the servants born from the class card.

Anyone who has watched "Magical Girl Illya" understands that after a class card absorbs the magic power in the spirit veins in the imaginary number field, it can be materialized into the corresponding heroic spirit—even if it is irrational, these materialized The class card still caused a lot of trouble for Illya and Miyu, who are magical girls, in the first two seasons.

However, after encountering an orthodox follower in the orthodox world line...

"As expected, there is a big gap in strength." Shuo Yue showed a helpless smile.

Looking at his configuration, it is clear at a glance - Berserker Hercules, the strongest in the class card, and Saber Artoria jointly deal with Lancelot, and they can only catch him by surprise. As for Caster Medea, he did not dare Let her fall, just destroy Einzbern Castle.As for Gilgamesh, if it wasn't for Jin Shining Lezi, neither Lancer Cu Chulainn nor Rider Medusa would be able to come back alive.

What's more, the class card servants do not have a master, and their actions rely on the magic power they absorb in their spiritual veins. Once the magic power is exhausted, they will change back to the class card, so after coming to the real number world, they His action time is as limited as Salted Egg Superman.

Even so, Shuoyue still didn't take back the class card, but ordered them to start gathering after completing their respective tasks, heading towards the same place.

After harassing Matou Kariya, Emiya Kiritsugu, and Tosaka Tokiomi one after another, it became clear at a glance who the remaining target was.

Waver, and his servant, Rider Iskandar.

"Brother, is this... a showdown?"

"Yes." Shuoyue watched Weber and Rider's stronghold through the magic screen, and replied neatly, "If possible, Rider and Weber should leave now."

Without waiting for Meiyou to ask, Shuoyue took the initiative to explain: "Of course there is no need to say more about Archer. His extraordinary strength cannot be defeated by a group of class cards. As for Saber, once Irisviel takes out the scabbard from her body, victory is inevitable." It belongs to her, as for Berserker, I plan to finish him tonight...the only ones left are Rider and Weber."

"In addition, Weber's growth is far beyond my imagination. Among the many masters, he is the first to plan an alliance against me, but his weakness is also obvious-his magic circuit is not good enough to support the King of Conquerors. battle."

"That, that is to say..."

"That is to say, even if the class cards fail, Rider's battle with them will greatly consume Weber's magic power." Shuoyue snapped his fingers, "Last night I already caused a great deal of damage to Rider's Shenwei wheel With the destruction, coupled with today's constraints, Rider will not be able to return to his peak no matter what, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"It's nothing, it would be better if that's the case." Shuoyue didn't answer Meiyou's question. After the heroic spirits transformed into five class cards gathered, he tapped the back of the chair rhythmically, as if a general had issued an order:

"Caster lifts off, Lancer, Rider hides on both sides of the miscellaneous forest, Saber stands in the center, holding your magic sword, yes, it's better to take off the mask... The subconscious resistance is very strong, forget it, anyway It’s enough to expose the similar characteristics between you and my king, Berserker ran downstairs and shouted, emitting a magical breath, don’t make ghosts and screams, if you scare the old people in the house, I will shoot you to death.”

Thanks to the ignorance of the servants incarnated by the rank card, otherwise Shuoyue would definitely be brutally beaten, but in any case, under the orderly dispatch of the young man, a big net to kill the conqueror Iskandar slowed down. Spread out slowly.

"Now, the action begins!"


Old man McKenzie's home, Weber's stronghold.

"First, I went around Fuyuki City, and then went to the ruins of the Hyatt Hotel that was destroyed by bombs... Except for the last location, the places that Shuoyue passed were all on the track of the spirit vein map. What did he do to the spirit veins? Hands and feet? What about the Hyatt Hotel?"

Maps and manuscripts were laid out one after another on Weber's desk. Just as he was racking his brains, a chill suddenly hit his back.

"Uh, what is this?" Before Weber could react, Iskandar behind him suddenly jumped up, put on his combat spiritual outfit in an instant, and stood ready.

"Boy, we are in trouble, there are servants outside the door provoking."

"Our stronghold has been discovered?" Weber was startled, but quickly realized the problem again, "Go out quickly, Rider, we can't let the flames of war spread to the two old men!"

"That's exactly what you mean, boy, hurry up!"

Picking up the thin and thin Master, Iskandar knocked out of the window, did not manifest the car, but just jumped down from the second floor and ran towards the direction of the miscellaneous forest.

"The target appears, Berserker retreats." Captured the figures of the two from the sympathy of all the people, Shuo Yue unconsciously smiled, and his eyes were piercing.

"Come on, prepare to close the net."


Running wildly all the way, Iskandar broke into the miscellaneous forest like a whirlwind, and gradually caught up with the figure emitting the wave of magic power.

As if sensing the aura behind him, the mysterious servant turned around and faced Rider Iskandar head-on.

"This is...!" Weber poked his head out from the armpit of his servant, looking at the giant figure taller than Iskandar in front of him, his face could not hide his shock.

It was a muscular dark giant in a battle skirt, with wild shoulder-length hair, red pupils in his right eye, golden left eye, and a heavy ax sword in his wrist-bound hand.

Even though he remained silent, the ferocious aura from the giant's body still radiated unabashedly, giving people a deep sense of oppression.

"I have never met you in this Holy Grail War, strange servant." Iskandar put down the master, clenched the sword of Cyprus in his hand, and waited for it.

"Lancer, Assassin has left the field. We have all encountered Berserker, Archer, Caster, and Saber. What's going on? Is there something abnormal in this Holy Grail War?" Weber watched the black giant vigilantly, and turned towards Yi Skander moved behind, giving the two servants enough space to play.

However, at this moment, Weber's head suddenly felt soft.

"...Huh?" Weber looked back subconsciously, and there was a purple-haired woman with a blindfold and a cold temperament standing behind him, lowering her head and looking down at him.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" is it" resounded through the sky like a small animal.

"Watch your back, idiot!"

Even though he was tied up by Medusa's snake hair, Weber still did not forget to remind his followers.

Iskandar turned his head like lightning, and the swordsman in battle armor and holding the inverted holy sword was already close in front of him, and he slashed down with his sword.

"Ping!" When there was no time left, Iskandar raised his sword and blocked Saber's surprise attack.

"You are...Knight King! No, this reversed breath..." Iskandar stared at the petite swordsman with an incomparably dignified expression.

"This Holy Grail War, what happened!"

(End of this chapter)

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