My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 156 The Last Two Command Spells

Chapter 156 The Last Two Command Spells
In the miscellaneous woods, an extremely turbulent flow of magic power erupted, announcing what kind of fierce struggle the forest was experiencing.

"Bang!" The reverse holy sword drew a purple arc, which was shattered by the hard Cyprus sword.

After a brief shock, Iskandar had already reacted, and didn't get too entangled with Saber, but turned around and quickly moved towards Medusa who had grabbed Weber and started to retreat.

For the servants, the Master is the lifeblood, an existence that must be saved!
However, Saber was not the only one who blocked him, with a roar, Hercules, transformed into a class card, came over like a hill, aimed his ax and sword at Iskandar's head, and chopped it off!
"Don't stop me!" Standing up the sword of Cyprus, Iskandar's muscles burst into blue veins, and he pushed the ax and sword back in one fell swoop, and then raised the sword:
"Come charge with me, Bull!"

"Moo!" The thunder suddenly appeared, and the chariot appeared in the world. Even if the frame of the chariot was broken and the cow was injured, when the conqueror got on his car, it swept everything around like a real storm.

The ax and sword were spread out, the swordsman was slashed back, and the King of Conquerors let out a deafening roar, carrying thunder and knocking Medusa away who was too late to move, and brought his Master back to his side.

"Sit tight, Weber. Although I don't know why so many servants gather together, we must retreat first!"

"I agree, Rider, hurry to the Holy Church and report this to the Overseer—"

Before Wei Bo finished speaking, he saw Iskandar's expression change drastically, and he wrapped his body with his big hands, protecting him in his arms.


Time seemed to stand still.

Amidst the sound of blood and flesh splattering, Weber stared wide-eyed, watching a red spear break through Iskandar's battle armor, penetrate his chest, and with splashes of blood and flesh, brush past the tip of his nose .


Amidst Weber's heart-piercing shouts, the divine bull wailed and fell under Saber's sword energy. They were already wounded lying on the grass, panting heavily, and Weber managed to get out of the unconscious Rider. Climbing out, looking at the animal skin man who threw the gun, his complexion turned gray due to the experience of death.

"Gae Bolg...I understand who is commanding you."

"The trick that Miyu used back then was indeed a failure, but it's too late to know now." Saber, covered in black armor, walked slowly, and Shuoyue's voice came from the puppet on his shoulder, "Weber, Run away, as far away from the Holy Grail War as possible, but as a Servant, Rider must die here."

"It really is you, Shuoyue." Even though his calves were trembling and all the cells in his body were transmitting fear, Wei Bo still stood up tremblingly, protecting the unconscious red-haired giant, his servant, " But I haven't lost yet."

"No, you've already lost." Shuoyue sighed, "Why bother struggling any longer? With your wisdom, you should know how well prepared I am for this Holy Grail War—even if you can escape this time, you still have to fight!" Can I escape next time?"

"Thank you for the affirmation." Weber twitched the corners of his mouth and forced a smile, "By the way, I would like to add a digression—my teacher, is Kenneth dead?"

"Dead, died under the backlash of the contract caused by me and Kiritsugu, and Lancer was sent away by Saber himself."

"It really is like this..." A sense of guilt swept over him. Under the nausea caused by the double mental oppression, Wei Bo almost fell to his knees, but he still gritted his teeth and slowly raised his right hand, the Command Seal on his hand gleamed :

"Ah, yes, after blinding my reason for so long, I must admit the crime I committed - I took the teacher's luck for myself and lived to this point. If it weren't for me His incompetence and incorrigibility, the teacher should have been able to bring Rider to achieve the glory of the family."

The remaining two Command Seals began to emit light. From the beginning to the end, Shuo Yue didn't do anything, just quietly listening to Weber's monologue.

"I am a mediocre, even inferior magician - I have realized this. But Rider is different, he is the king who conquers the world, he is my distant and untouchable ideal, he has won the Holy Grail War possibility—then as the master, even if I am smashed to pieces, I have to prove this to the world!"

"Conqueror King Iskandar, you must not stop here!"

Accompanied by the magician's announcement, the command spell symbolizing the "miracle" was transformed into power and injected into the king's gradually weakened body.

"Use the second Command Spell to order you—Rider, to heal your injuries and wake up!"

Concentrated magic power instantly poured into the follower's body, repairing his shocking penetrating wound.But even so, Iskandar still just frowned and didn't open his eyes.

The fatal injury that almost touched the spiritual core cannot be easily repaired by a command spell.

Upon realizing this, Weber did not hesitate to use his last authority as a Master:
"I command you with the third Command Spell—get up, idiot!"

The two Command Seals were released in succession, releasing miraculous magic power to create a whirlwind. The sudden sense of emptiness in his heart caused Wei Bo to sit on the ground, staring blankly at the figure of the servant in front of him.

As a magician, he probably won't have a second chance to use such a huge amount of magical power in his life—but for the first time in his life, he feels genuinely happy about his wasted behavior.

"Then, good luck to you, Weber." Sighing softly, Shuo Yue began to order the followers to retreat.

Servants transformed from these rank cards alone cannot resist the wrath of the King of Conquerors blessed with command spells.

However, he was still one step too late.

"I didn't let you go, rats!" The moment he opened his eyes, Iskandar turned over and sat up, his eyes were burning with angry flames, he took the weak Master with him, and started to chase after the retreating followers. those.

Although he fell into a self-protective coma, the sound of Weber's declaration still came into his mind through the contract.

"I have the best master and the most proud friend. As a king, how can I let his efforts go to waste—'Ionian Hetairoi' (Ionian Hetairoi)!"

Roaring loudly, under the continuous supply of magic power from the Command Seal, the King of Conquerors opened his Noble Phantasm, and the World Egg expanded at an extremely fast speed, chasing the fleeing servants ahead.

But at a certain moment, it stopped abruptly.

"Please stop, King of Conquerors."

Behind the gradually disappearing followers, a man stood in front of the angry overlord holding a moonlight spear.As the moon spirit spear was inserted upside down on the ground, strange fluctuations spread, hindering the expansion of the King of Conquerors' treasures.

"Don't bother them, just let me accompany you to vent your anger."

"Did you show up on your own initiative, Shuo Yue!"

"No, Rider, something's wrong, he looks different from Shuoyue!"

Accompanied by the trembling sound, the egg of the world fully matured, wrapped the King Conqueror and the man who appeared mysteriously, and disappeared into the miscellaneous forest.

(End of this chapter)

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