Chapter 157
A soldier named "Offensive Program".

As an advanced program structure, that is, the "aggressor" of the small boss.

Transformed from the remaining spiritual bases of the servants, there are "shadow servants" who are like low-ranking non-commissioned officers simply performing tasks.

Just like the immune system, it shuttles through the battlefield and delivers the special offensive program "subject" of the shadow follower.

——And, using some kind of "material" and huge magic power, it is made by copying the follower's spiritual foundation data.Its ability is not inferior to the "Copy Servant" of the deity, and it is also the general who commands every war zone.

As if from another dimension, the interlocking war system collided head-on with the army of the conquering king. Servant against follower, soldier against soldier, the entire desert covered with yellow sand turned into a battle of flesh and data. meat ground.

In the end, of course, there was a draw.

It is impossible for Iskandar to use up all his magic power because of a moment of anger, and there is no reason for those who came to stop the Overlord's footsteps to die.

After the spearman in the blue tights was besieged by seven servants and finally beheaded by Iskandar, the inherent barrier dissipated, the king's army disappeared, and all the existence around the man merged into his moon. In the colored spear, he disappeared.

In the miscellaneous forest at noon, two figures stood facing each other.

"Why do you want to stop me, mysterious combatant?"

"It's just convenient, even if I don't do it, he will not lack the means to deal with you."

"...The one who participated in the first half of the king's banquet was you, please report your name."

"It's just 'Wu Ming', the great conqueror." The white-haired man showed a self-deprecating smile. If you look carefully, there is a deep blood-like luster in his black pupils.

"Please enjoy the final collapse of this war, I will take my leave first."

After leaving the last sentence, the man who called himself 'No Ming' left, while Iskandar stood where he was, watching the figure disappear.


"I'm fine, boy, just a sad drifter, let's go."


This is the end of the turmoil of the rank card Heroic Spirit. Although the impact is still fermenting, for a certain behind-the-scenes manipulator, the current results are enough.

"The King of Conquerors didn't come after him?" After receiving Assassin's report, Shuoyue frowned, and quickly ordered, "Tear down the large magic ceremony array at the other end of the forest, if innocent people are drawn into the imaginary space, how many There will be some trouble."

Assassin took the order, the voice fell silent, and Shuoyue sorted out her mood, showing a proper amount of panic, entanglement, sense of mission and other mixed expressions on her face, and then pushed open the gate of Jiaofan (police station).

When all the participants were confused, Shuoyue was finally able to escape from the big hole and do what he had planned from the beginning.

"Hello, I want to report the crime - I know who the prisoner who bombed the Hyatt Hotel is!"

KaiYue Hotel!

As soon as these words came out, the noise in the police station disappeared immediately, and fell into an eerie silence.

For the citizens of Fuyuki City, the impact of the Hyatt Hotel bombing is as serious as the destruction of the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai. Even though the Holy Church has tried its best to suppress it, it will take time to further block the news.

And now, the person who claimed to know the suspect was standing in front of a group of police officers.

Seeing that several police officers in the police station panicked, and even the inspector in the office rushed towards him, Shuo Yue showed an imperceptible smile, and raised the ziplock bag in his hand.

"This is the evidence I collected, please handle it carefully?"

Hinting that the magic was activated, everything went as Shuoyue expected:

"The person I want to report is—the priest of Fuyuki City Church, Kotomine Kirei."

Half a quarter of an hour later, the police force from Xindu swarmed out, and under the stunned gaze of pedestrians, they galloped towards the church.


Amidst the sharp sound of sirens, countless police cars surrounded the Holy Church on the hillside of Xindu.

"I'm a policeman, please don't move!"

"Hands up please, stay where you are!"

A large group of policemen with live ammunition swarmed in and sealed off the inside of the church. Obviously, in order to arrest the criminal who caused the terrorist attack, and under the influence of Shuoyue's implied magic, the police were already on the verge of a formidable enemy.

The old priest Kotomine Rizheng who was in the church was caught off guard and was immediately restrained. After a search, Kotomine Kirei who was recuperating in the basement was also found, and was pointed at numerous gunpoints and handcuffed with a silver bracelet.

"At X o'clock in the afternoon on X, X, the suspect Kotomine Kirei has been arrested!" After reporting on the walkie-talkie, the operation captain personally escorted Kotomine Kirei towards the police car.

"Wait... Did you guys make a mistake? My son Kirei has always been strict with himself, and it is impossible for him to do anything outrageous." As the old priest spoke, he calmly activated a certain item in his pocket. appliance.

It is a replica of the sacred relic held by the Church of the Holy Church, which has a function similar to hinting magic. Using this, it can temporarily relieve the predicament.

However, the action captain was unmoved, and the old priest's hint was dismissed.

This is... a magic barrier!In other words, there are indeed magicians targeting the church!
Yan Fengli realized something was wrong immediately, but at this moment, helpless, he could only watch his son being escorted into the police car and disappearing from his sight.

"...Who did this crime?" Whispering angrily, Yan Fengli was walking back to the church, intending to report the matter to the Eighth Secret Society, asking the church to use secular power to save people .

But the moment he stepped into the church, a man wearing a black coat and sitting on a church chair with his legs crossed appeared in his sight.

"Eimiya Kiritsugu." The old priest couldn't help but read out the man's name.

Hearing the voice behind him, the man turned his face, with an unprecedented smile on his face:
"I'm here just to ask about one thing - as an ally of Shuoyue."


Templar church
Afternoon sunlight filtered through the stained-glass windows, dotting the dimly lit sanctuary.

The magician from the Einzbern family leaned back on his chair, turned his head, and scanned the kind-faced priest with his mocking eyes:
"Father, do you think your actions are right?"

"what do you mean?"

Yan Fengli was closing the door of the church calmly and walking slowly towards the man.

"Of course it refers to your alliance with the Tohsaka family. As the supervisor of the Holy Grail War, you must remain a just priest, but you are allied with the participants—"

He was still sitting defenseless, but the words that came out of Self-Defense Palace Kiritsugu's mouth were as sharp as a sword: "【Whoever pursues evil will surely die】."

"[And whoever perseveres in righteousness shall gain life]." The old priest responded calmly.

"This is the words of the "Old Testament - Book of Job". I didn't expect that, as a magician killer, you would actually read our teachings."

"It's just a casual search on the road." The man said, "Then, what is your answer?"

"Yes, forming an alliance with the Tohsaka family is exactly the justice I believe in."

The supervisor sent by the church, Kotomine Risei, answered without hesitation, and then with the same determination, he swung his fist at the magician whose back was turned to him.

What responded to his boxing skills was the fire from the muzzle of the gun.


(End of this chapter)

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