My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 158 The Disappearing Command Seal and the Prison Visitor

Chapter 158 The Disappearing Command Seal and the Prison Visitor

A long time ago, the Church had evidence that the Holy Grail that appeared in Fuyuki was not the same thing as the holy relic of the 'God's Son'.The things that are popular in Fuyuki are only useful to magicians, and have nothing to do with the church.

But because Fuyuki's Holy Grail is too powerful, the church can't just sit by and watch.It's still a wishing machine anyway, and if it falls into the wrong hands, who knows what kind of disaster it will cause.

And if the Holy Grail is excluded as a heresy, it will inevitably conflict with the Magic Association, and the sacrifice made by the church will be too great.

——It would be better to take a step back. It would be great if Fuyuki's Holy Grail could be entrusted to the 'right person'.

This is the reason why the church chose the Tohsaka family, just because the head of the Tohsaka family, Tohsaka Tokiomi, has always upheld the great wish of 'going to the root'.

However, this alliance contract ends here.

The sound of gunshots shattered the tranquility of the sacred place. The man holding the murder weapon stared at the corpse of the old priest who had slumped to the ground, but still kept his punching posture. A young man with white hair and golden eyes.

"It seems that the useless guilt can be thrown away."

With a snap of his fingers, a shadow-like follower emerged, stepped forward, lifted the sleeve of the old priest's right arm, and raised the saber in his hand.

"Pfft." I don't know what technique Baimao used, although Yanfeng Rizheng's right arm was chopped off, but not a single bit of blood spewed out from the wound.

Shuoyue stretched out her finger and touched the right arm covered with command spells, recalling the content in Chapter 4No.20 of "The Gospel of John" that she read on the way.

"God is a spirit. So those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth—(God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.)"

As if echoing this sentence, all the command spells on Lizheng's icy right hand glowed faintly again.

The Holy Word was released, accompanied by a stabbing pain, Shuo Yue watched the Command Seals cling to her wrist like ants one after another, in the dim church, the red lines were like blood, exuding a strange light.

Dozens of Command Seals are the legacy left by the participants in the previous three Holy Grail Wars.

But now, it belongs to Shuoyue alone.

"Do you want to wear bandages like Xiao An?" Muttering like this, Shuo Yue closed the eyes of the old priest who was dying, and stood up: "Let's go, Assassin."

"Yes, Master."

Completely annihilating Kotomine Risei's right arm, Assassin nodded respectfully, and disappeared into the church together with Sakuyue.


Tohsaka Tokiomi discovered his old friend's death an hour later.

Suddenly feeling uneasy, he walked out of the magic workshop and stepped into the chapel, feeling the breath of death.

To learn magic, you must first learn to accept and recognize death—this is the first lesson for every trainee magician to practice, and it is precisely because of this that at the moment he sensed death, Tohsaka Tokiomi then felt the smell of blood and A little lingering smell of gunpowder smoke.

Someone must have done something unforgivable in the church.

Tosaka Tokiomi clenched his cane, moved his steps cautiously, and walked through the believer's seat—just before he came to the altar, he found Kotomine Risei sitting in the front row of the believer's seat with his eyes closed.

In the solemn atmosphere of the church, the old priest sat at the front of the congregation, his body was buried deep in the darkness together with the seat, but his face was illuminated by the sun, his face was extremely sacred.


The shouts that came out of his mouth were suppressed, and while Tosaka Tokiomi saw Father Risei, he also saw his forehead shot and his missing right arm.

Tosaka Tokiomi knew that on the right arm of Priest Risei was the Command Seal that the masters dreamed of.

In other words, it was a certain master in the Holy Grail War who killed his old friend.

As far as he knew, the Command Seal entrusted by Priest Rizheng was protected by powerful holy words, and it was almost impossible to be stripped by magic without his permission—perhaps, this was the reason why the priest's right arm disappeared.

That villain must be struggling to get the Command Seal right now, he is like a stray dog ​​who can't eat the fat in the bowl.

Cursing the murderer full of malice and murderous intent, Tosaka Tokiomi showed no emotion fluctuations on his face, searching for any traces in the church like a cold machine.

At this moment, he noticed the magic pattern drawn around the old priest, which was shining with light when it was triggered.

"This is...a trigger magic that is conditional on a certain breath!" Tohsaka Tokiomi recognized the real magic at a glance, but it was too late.

The timing magic is triggered, and the crimson light symbolizing "Eleven" rises into the sky and flickers in the sky.

In the Tarot Major Arcana, the No.11 card represents——



So after a lapse of several hours, all the familiars gathered together again,
But this time, there was no one in the church - there were only four familiars and a corpse.

Tosaka Tokiomi had already gone into hiding, but he did not hide the body of the old priest, because since the murderer had already arranged a magic trick, his extravagant actions might put him in the spotlight.

Just when the four familiars came together, before everyone started to communicate, another trigger magic was activated.

What was presented in front of everyone was the recorded magic image.

In the extremely clear picture, the magician-killer in black sat on the pew. After a few words with Father Risei, he raised his pistol and ended his life before the latter hit him.

Under the astonished gaze of the crowd, the so-called active criminal was easily exposed in this way, and Emiya Kiritsugu was pushed to the forefront in an instant.

No matter how misbehaving the church personnel were, the significance of their existence was far greater than the role of the supervisor-killing the old priest meant slapping the face of the Holy Church.

How dare Emiya Kiritsugu do this?

Could it be because of those precious Command Seals?

What's more important - who released that meaningful signal, this light curtain that records the truth?
It seems that there is an invisible black hand, pushing this Holy Grail War to a more chaotic situation.

"So, it's you, Emiya Kiritsugu." Tokiomi Tosaka knew that there were many doubts about such an image, but it still didn't prevent him from directing the hostility of the crowd on Emiya Kiritsugu, "It was you who killed the priest. !"

Not only him, even Kariya and Weber couldn't help but cast their eyes on the silent bat, Emiya Kiritsugu's familiar.

They didn't know about the Holy Word, so the fact that Priest Rizheng was killed and his right arm was taken away meant that the Saber team at this time had far more Command Seals than the other teams.

They had no plans to avenge Kotomine Rizheng, but the Saber group, which possessed many Command Spells, was the first to be eliminated.

...Even if it was a misunderstanding, it would still be beneficial to them if Saber, who had a powerful professional agent, left the stage first.

Faced with the hostility of the three groups of people, Emiya Kiritsugu did not say much, but relieved the empathy with the familiar, and began to silently pack up the equipment on hand.

"Don't you want to explain? We didn't kill the priest." Irisviel worried.

"It doesn't make sense." Kiritsugu replied calmly, "It's easy to pour dirty water on someone, but it's very difficult to clean yourself up. Instead of wasting words with this group of people who pretend to be ignorant and understand, it's better to keep your spirits up. Go first."

The magician killer who had been dormant for a long time had his eyes fixed on a certain point on the map.

That is the place where Maiya Hisau secretly followed the Master of the Matou House and found it.

In other words, that was where Kariya Matou and his servant Berserker were hiding.

"Maiya, go find Saber."


At the same time, Kotomine Kirei, who was imprisoned in the police station, also welcomed the first prison visitor.

"Well, this kind of dark and filthy place is very suitable for you, Kotomine Kirei."


(End of this chapter)

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