My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 167 The Kidnapped Weber

Chapter 167 The Kidnapped Weber

morning church

"Pa-ta." The big black umbrella was closed, shaking off the water droplets on the ground, wearing a black robe, black short hair, as if there was only one color all over his body, walked into the church, walked towards the first row of the audience, Slowly playing with the golden heroic spirit with a cane.

When the two eyes met, the golden heroic spirit snorted coldly, while Kirei Mine showed a leisurely smile:

"I have reported my father's death to the church, and identified the murderer as Caster's Master Sakuzuki. At the same time, the church has also admitted that I will succeed the priest Kotomine Risei as the second commander of this war." supervisor."

"At the same time, Berserker's death has been confirmed, and Kariya Matou has left Fuyuki City and headed to Zenjo's house."

Gilgamesh didn't answer, and Komine Kirei didn't mind either, and sighed to himself:

"It's such a pity. Although I have already drawn a draft in my mind, the actors with flesh and blood, rationality, and soul escaped from my palm first. Even the small props that were going to be arranged on the stage escaped with the actors. , can only be buried in the soil and rot uselessly.”

Hearing this, Gilgamesh finally raised his eyes, and there was an undisguised mockery in his bloody eyes:
"It was obviously an excellent opportunity, but Tosaka Tokiomi was let go, and he was given time to escape... You have disappointed me now, Kotomine Kirei, this lord has already begun to question the relationship between us. Whether the contract between them can bring me fun."

In his hand, the silver-brown cane looked unremarkable, and it didn't match the aura of the king who loved luxury at all. Instead, it looked more like something held by some old people.

But Kotomine Kirei knew that this was a Noble Phantasm, the original code of human wisdom.

At the same time, it is also a prop to break the contract. As long as the cane is broken, the contract of the holder can be broken.

As if inspired by Sakuzuki, Gilgamesh used this treasure last night to break the contract between him and Tohsaka Tokiomi, in order to prevent the dying Tokiomi from using the Command Spell and let Archer follow him. Funeral.

And a day later, the cane was ready to use again.

"Then, please, the King of Heroes, condescend to play with me one more time." Kotomine Kirei saluted without any respect, and the smile on his face never restrained.

"I can guarantee that you will never be disappointed this time."


Old man McKenzie's home, Weber's stronghold.

"So, what's the point of the church's second overseer coming to me?"

In the gloomy weather, while enduring the aches and pains all over his body, Weber stared unkindly at Kotomine Kirei, the priest who claimed to be representing the church.

He ran out in a hurry when he heard the sound of the two old men falling to the ground. Fortunately, Kotomine Kirei only hypnotized them and did not show any malice, but Weber couldn't let it go at all.

Because of Sakuzuki's instigation, whether Assassin died or not is still a mystery, not to mention that the Command Seal in Kotomine Kirei's hand has not dissipated, and it was even revealed to the outside in a grandiose manner by this priest.

Damn it, but Rider isn't here...

With a tense face, Wei Bo tried his best to maintain calm, secretly calling for Rider to come back and rescue him through the contract.

His magician aptitude is too poor, and Rider's "King's Army Power" is a big energy consumer, so after expelling Shuoyue and the man who called himself "Wu Ming", he asked Rider to go to Miscellaneous Woods, that is, to summon It rests in place to speed up the recovery of magic power.

Originally, he was going to set off this morning to meet up with Rider, but at this juncture, Kotomine Kirei unexpectedly came to him——

"As the supervisor, I originally wanted to announce a piece of news...but now it seems that there are more important questions that need to be answered by you." Kotomine Kirei withdrew his gaze from the back of Weber's empty hand, and turned to look solemnly. Asked in a tone of voice:
"Weber Velvet, if you are still a master, please order your servants to appear immediately."


Weber lowered his eyes, it will take time for Rider to come back, he has to think about how to reply to Kotomine Kirei without showing weakness.

Unbeknownst to Weber, however, the priest hadn't expected an answer from Weber in the first place.

"Since you refuse to answer, let me prove it in my own way."

own way?
what is that—

Wei Bo's thoughts stopped abruptly, and the sharp pain from the back of his neck was only for a moment, and the next moment, he fell limply to the ground and lost consciousness.

Kotomine Kirei grabbed Weber's neck like pinching a chicken, then took out the silver-brown cane he had prepared, put it in Weber's hand, and broke it.

The contract between Waver and Rider was broken.

After doing all this, Kotomine Kirei picked up the unconscious Weber, dropped a word, and jumped out of the window.

"The rest is up to you, King of Heroes."

"Interesting." The golden king emerged, with a disturbing smile finally showing on the corner of his mouth, "Sure enough, this king is right, you are still very talented, Kirei."

"Since the play has already started, this king will help you with some difficulty."

The next moment, there was thunder from the sky, and the original pattering rain suddenly turned into a torrential rain, as if angry because of someone's anger, Gilgamesh walked out of the house, the raindrops avoided his noble body in fear, and he Looking up, the overlord's anxious face was reflected in the bright red pupils.

"Why are you running so fast, why don't you come down and have a drink with me, King of Conquerors!"

"King of Heroes!" Iskandar just glanced at Gilgamesh, and quickly looked away, "Now I don't have time to catch up with you, do you know where my Master has gone? Or— —”

Tightening the reins violently, Iskandar let the rain fall on him, staring straight at the smiling King of Heroes with fierce eyes, as if there was a violent thunder in the depths of his eyes.

"Did you rob my Master, King of Heroes!"

"Your Master? Hahahaha..." Gilgamesh laughed mockingly. Behind him, the treasure house of the king unfolded, and countless treasures turned into golden light and projected out, trying to shoot down the thunder that was galloping across the sky.

"What are you kidding? Don't you feel that Weber Velvet has cut off your contract?"

"Then let me tell you about this abandoned wretch, King Conqueror! Because Tosaka Tokiomi was killed by that cook Sakuzuki, this king has found a new contractor."

"He is now - already the king's subject (Master)!"

Facing the enthusiastic speech of the King of Heroes, Iskandar's pupils trembled, and he couldn't help but clenched the reins tightly!

Weber... chose to become Archer's master?
No, how is it possible!

But the contract was indeed severed by Weber on his own initiative...

After a brief struggle, Gilgamesh noticed that Iskandar suddenly calmed down, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"How about it, have you recognized the reality, King of Conquerors?"

"Yeah, I see the reality."

Iskandar said coldly, but the next sentence made Gilgamesh lose his smile:

"It was you who kidnapped Weber and tried to break the contract between us, right? I didn't expect the King of Heroes to use such indecent methods!"

Roaring, the King of Conquerors charged from the sky in an ox cart, calling out the name of his treasure:
"Via Expugnatio!"

"Looks like you don't want to live anymore, bastard!"

After being insulted, the furious golden hero opened up the king's treasure, and the overwhelming golden rain intercepted the thunder light like an anti-aircraft gun.

"Don't question the bond between me and Weber, you bloodless tyrant!"

"What did you say!"

The thunder was mixed with the dust cloud of the explosion, interlaced with the boiling flames and soared into the sky, illuminating the dark cloud-covered sky.

In the morning, at 28:[-], Rider's master, Weber Velvet, was kidnapped.

Kidnapper: Kotomine Kirei.

(End of this chapter)

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