My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 168 Just because I looked at you one more time in the crowd

Chapter 168 Just because I took one more look at you in the crowd...

Himself, betrayed?
This was the first thought that flashed through Emiya Kiritsugu's mind when he woke up from moaning.

He moved his limbs calmly, and found that he was not restrained, then he opened his eyes suddenly, pulled out the pistol from the windbreaker, and rolled on one side to the wall, the inherent restraint was ready to be activated at any time, in case someone else killed him one strike.

However, no one.

It was only then that Emiya Kiritsugu realized that he was still in the second stronghold, that is, in the pure Japanese courtyard.

It's just that there is no one around...

The man in black looked around, and finally put down his pistol dejectedly.

After getting rid of the crisis of life and death, the pain of betrayal came to him again.

Saber, the servant he summoned himself, actually made a move against him... Emiya Kiritsugu subconsciously raised his arm, but the command spell on the back of his hand had no direction, as if the corresponding servant no longer existed. of.

In other words, Saber severed the master-slave contract between them, and as far as Emiya Kiritsugu knew, there was only one person who had this means.

"New Moon."

Chewing these two words slowly, as if in this way he could resist the cold air spreading all over his body, Emiya Kiritsugu closed his eyes, his arms trembling.

"Are you... kidding."

What he was worried about happened so easily.

The demon who was not satisfied with just restraining him came to the door again, this time, completely broke his hands and feet.

He lost his Servant, Saber who was known as the strongest class.

He lost his assistant, like his half-length Hisu Maiya.

He lost his wife, and also the vital Lesser Grail in the Holy Grail War, Irisviel.

He lost his daughter, and Illya seemed to be fine, but her life was hanging by a thread, and her life and death were in Caster's hands.

He lost... huh.

He has nothing left.

Emiya Kiritsugu staggered and sat on the chair, staring blankly at the ceiling, listening to the patter of rain outside the window.

Shuo Yue didn't leave him anything except this man himself.

Suddenly, a note on the table broke into Emiya Kiritsugu's dim eyes.

He mechanically held it in his hand and spread it out.

【Dear Mr. Kiritsugu:】

[I see the letter, but I believe that you can't wait to hit me in the face with a magazine of bullets, so I'll get straight to the point. 】

【First of all, as you can see, your lover Irisviel and assistant Maiya Hisau have been kidnapped by me and Saber. 】

[If you want to save them, go to your old profession - assassination. 】

【Kill Kotomine Kirei and bring the evidence of his death to Enzang Mountain. I will prepare a celebration drink and welcome your triumphant return with your wife】

【New Moon】

Staring at the words on it, Emiya Kiritsugu stared at it for a long time, then suddenly stood up, and walked into the rain outside the door without looking back.

There was no light in his eyes, but something was burning, like a murderous ghost crawling out of a tombstone.


I lost...

The red-haired strong man was lying on the grass in a "big" shape, his battle robe was torn.

"That guy is indeed the King of Heroes in ancient Babylonia..." Laughing wryly, Iskandar barely stood up, hearing the overwhelmed protests from his organs.

But these voices are just hollow, empty echoes.

He is a follower, an existence made of magic power, and does not have a real body.

In other words, these servants are nothing more than familiars, even the highest ranking familiars.

As long as it is a familiar, it must obtain magic power from the contractor. However, now that the contract is broken, Iskandar can only use his own magic power to fight, so he fell into a trap in the fight with Gilgamesh. downwind.

Just as he was about to use the 'king's army' to finish it off, Gilgamesh seemed to realize something, stepped directly onto the ark Vimaya, and disappeared in front of Iskandar.

Strictly speaking, this is considered a tie, but for the King of Conquerors, if he does not capture his opponent, it is a failure.

"There's not much magic power left." He muttered, but Iskandar still squeezed out the remaining power and summoned the wheel of Kamui.

He conquered the king, even if he died, he would die on the way forward, instead of abandoning himself on some lawn, waiting for death to come.

"Although you are also very tired, you still walk with me for a while, Bull."

The bull mooed obediently, then kicked its hooves, and carried Iskandar into the air, heading in the direction of the church.

Although he came a step late, Weber told him everything before the contract was broken, including the fact that Kotomine Kirei, the self-proclaimed supervisor, came to his door.

In other words, Kotomine Kirei must know something.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the rain falling from the gray curtain infiltrated the gaps in the armor. The red-haired man squinted his eyes slightly, feeling the coolness spreading to his limbs and bones, longing for the feeling of being in touch with this world.

To be able to touch the world means to be able to measure this land with both hands and feet, and to conquer all territories within sight.

As soon as he thought of this, endless joy surged in Rider's soul, as if drinking a cool ice spring on a hot day.

Ah, how wonderful this is.

It's a pity that this kind of enjoyment can only last until today...

Suddenly, Iskandar was attracted by the man in black running on the street.

"This is, the magician killer from the Saber team?"

At the same time, the man in black raised his head as if feeling something, the raindrops fell from his hair and wet his whole body, making him look as embarrassed as Iskandar who was also in the rain, but He looked even thinner again, like a lone wolf with a broken thigh but still fierce.

"... Rider?"

A servant who has lost his master, and a master who has lost his servant, the gears of fate turn, and they are meshed together by such a coincidence.


When Irisviel opened her eyes, she unexpectedly found that she was resting on the bed. After seeing her wake up, Saber first showed a reassuring smile, and then turned her face away in shame. looked at her, and called instead:
"Shuo Yue, Irisviel has woken up."

"Oh, here we come."

The diamond-shaped space opened up, and the young man wearing a cooking apron who seemed to be preparing dinner appeared in front of Irisviel, and greeted her under her astonished gaze:
"Hey, ma'am, long time no see."

"This is... you... this is?"

Irisviel looked at the unusually harmonious Saber and Shuoyue, her mind went blank, and she organized her sentences after a while:
"You secretly formed an alliance?"

"Correct answer." Shuo Yue snapped her fingers, "Because of a reason, I successfully persuaded Saber to become my right-hand man."


"Yeah, a reason." Seeing the smirk on the corner of Shuo Yue's mouth, Saber murmured that it was not good, and wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

"If you Einzberns still remember the big accident of the third Holy Grail War, you should pay more attention to the possibility of 'abnormality' in this fourth war—in short, the current Holy Grail has been It has been completely destroyed by Avenger's magic power."

" is it possible?" Irisviel wanted to refute, but Shuoyue's face was not joking at all, and even Saber nodded slightly, agreeing with what he said.

In other words, is there really something wrong with the Holy Grail system?
The millennium long-cherished wish of our Einzbern...

What about Kiritsugu's dream?
As an artificial human of Einzbern, a staunch supporter of Emiya Kiritsugu, and also the Lesser Holy Grail responsible for the connection, Irisviel fell into shock as expected, with a dull expression and dull eyes, as if she was the first The Great Holy Grail looks broken in one step.

"The rest will be left to you, Saber, we must ask my wife to cooperate with our actions." After finishing Irisviel, Shuo Yue Shi suddenly turned around and returned to the diamond-shaped space, "The dishes in the kitchen are just right, I went back to continue cooking. But to be honest, I didn't expect Hisu Maiya to be a good cook."

With the replacement magic turned off, Saber sighed helplessly as she looked at Irisviel, who only knows how to speak.

"Shuo Yue... you bastard."

I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort for Irisviel to realize the reality.

On the other hand, Weber, who was also kidnapped, did not face the same evil ending as Irisviel. Fortunately, this weak, pitiful and helpless former master is currently being bound, imprisoned and trained () treatment.


(End of this chapter)

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