My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 171 The Countdown to the Decisive Battle

Chapter 171 The Countdown to the Decisive Battle

Tick, tick.

The raindrops from the eaves fell, and the bamboos by the pond made a clear sound one by one.

The fragrance of tea is lingering, and the white-haired young man sits on the porch, looking up at the gray sky.

The moon tonight must be very bright and clear. If the temperature is cool, you can enjoy the moon with Meiyu and the others here.

The young man emptied his mind and let his thoughts run wild, until a head of beautiful silver hair broke into his field of vision, and he turned his head away, those ruby-like pupils were full of resentment.

"Alice Phil."

"Xiao Shuoyue, you have caused me to not know what to do." Obviously she is already a mother, but Alice Vier pouted, still hiding a girlish coquettishness in her brows, "Bring me to you in this way." Let's go, Kiritsugu must be in a hurry."

"It's okay, I've already left him a message." The young man lifted the teapot, staring at the emerald green water pouring into the celadon teacup.

"Sit down, although there is no moon, listening to the sound of rain can also relax your mind."

"He's obviously a young man, why does he look like a little old man?" Irisviel muttered, and sat down beside Sakuyue who was wearing a black and white kimono. In situ, "Is this tea? It tastes bitter."

"That's my wife, you haven't gotten used to it yet." Shuo Yue smiled and picked up the teacup, poured the tea into her throat, and then returned to the sweetness, "Back to the point, what did you come to see me for?"

"Of course there are many things I want to ask you. For example, what happened to Illya? Can the magic in her heart be solved?"

"Do you care more about your daughter than the Great Holy Grail? Well, I can remove the magic on her at any time, but..."

"but what?"

"However, if you want your daughter to escape from the fate of the 'Little Holy Grail', it's better to keep this state." Shuoyue said, "Through Meiyu's magic induction, I was able to use projection magic to compose Yi Riasviel's pseudo-heart, and asked a puppeteer to recreate it."

"But... Isn't this the method you use, Shuoyue, to threaten us?"

"Yes, it is both a threat and a salvation, just like the real threat to humanity is the desire to protect humanity itself, things always have two sides - although the puppeteer is in dire straits of the 007 working system , but the day after tomorrow, she will have time to deal with Illya's affairs? At that time, I will use the replacement magic to help her get rid of her future misfortune, so..."


Looking at the suspicious Irisviel, the young man showed a sly look: "So, even if it's for Illya, you must protect me well?"

"You're really cunning." Irisviel showed a helpless wry smile, with joy hidden in her eyes, "Then when will the Holy Grail War end? After all, we don't even know what your purpose is." ah."

This time, the young man who had always maintained his composure finally fell silent, and said after a long while: "There is still some time, let me tell you a story, Irisviel, a story... that happened in other worlds."

"You really like telling stories, Xiao Shuoyue."

"No, it's just that it's easier to tell some things in the tone of a bystander." Shuo Yue said, "Then, where should we start..."

"Let's start with the man named 'Emiya Kiritsugu' and the little holy grail named 'Irisviel' bringing his Servant Saber to Fuyuki City."

"It's just that in this story, there is no existence named 'Suoyue'."

The sound of the rain is dense, the fragrance of tea curls up, and the voice of the young man is like a dream, telling the story of the gray past, silver present, and red future.

"...In the end, the boy named Shirou, who was adopted by Emiya Kiritsugu, vowed to replace Kiritsugu as a hero, to replace Kiritsugu as the person he once dreamed of but gave up. Wanting to protect smiles and gentleness, The desire for eternal happiness is passed from a man who has spent his life achieving nothing and gaining nothing to his adopted son."

"In this way, the gears of fate continue to turn, leading to the destined and unknown side."

Sakuzuki finally stopped talking, and at some point, Saber, Miyu and even Hisau Maiya had surrounded him, and Irisviel, who had been sitting beside him from the beginning, had tears streaming down his face, choked up and asked:

"Back then, who was the 'Shirou' you called yourself?"

"Yes, that's me, to be precise—that's what I inherited, the original power, the man who was also called 'Emiya Shiro' in another world, and gave everything that was left of him to I, including his fetters and fate." Sakuyue confessed, "Although the story development of this world is different, but because of the pollution of countless 'Shirou' on the Seat of Heroes, and the memory of me, a person who knows the trajectory of fate, everything Anyone who is related to the individual 'Shirou Emiya' has an influence on me."

"So you were influenced by 'Emiya Shirou', so you are so tolerant towards Emiya Kiritsugu?" Saber was thoughtful.

Sakuyue nodded: "I have to admit that because of this way of existence, I do feel guilty and grateful to Emiya Shirou. It is normal to have a preference for his relatives. At the same time, the fragments of his soul left behind are also It's influencing me, making me let go of many things subconsciously, otherwise Kiritsugu would have been caught in my hands long ago."

"But that's all in the past, thanks to someone not being a riddleman, now I have realized this wrong phenomenon, Emiya Shirou's emotions can no longer cause any disturbance to me, and in addition——"

The young man stood up, stretched his waist, walked towards the house, and left a word lightly.

"At least one day, at most two days, my tour in this Holy Grail War will come to an end. At that time, the condolences for a certain man will come to an end."

"As 'Suoyue', I will live in this world instead of him with respect."


The gossip belonging to Sakuzuki and the others came to an end, and in another corner of Fuyuki City, Emiya Kiritsugu and Rider were still rushing to save important people.

After signing the master-slave contract, Rider, who received the supply of magic power, brought Emiya Kiritsugu to the door of the church at lightning speed, and then stopped.

"There is a warning barrier outside the door, one step further, and the people inside will sense our arrival." Rider said, "Do you have any good solutions? Emiya Kiritsugu?"

"The solution?" Emiya Kiritsugu took out the pistol and closed the safety while talking, "The solution is that we rush in together, and if there are servants, you can solve it. I will look for your Master while killing Kotomine Kirei. trail."

"Put the matter of finding my Master first."

"It's impossible." Emiya Kiritsugu turned his head sideways, and met Rider's eyes, "My mission is also very important."

"Then do your own thing after entering the church—maybe the servants inside are more interested in the Master." Rider raised his eyebrows, refusing to give in.

"..." Faced with Rider's naked threat, Emiya Kiritsugu finally chose to take a step back, "Well, I will help you find the trace of the Master first, and then attack Kotomine Kirei. Do I need to sign a contract? Conquer king?"

"No need, I don't need to use that thing, just let me trust you once, Master of Saber." Iskandar said with deep meaning, and deliberately added an accent to the last sentence, and then took the lead to control With the wheel of divine power, rushed into the church:

"Weber! Where are you kid, I'm here to save you! AAAAALaLaLaLaLaie!"

The tranquility of the sacred place was broken, the thunder shattered the concrete wall, broke the precious statue, and rushed into the hinterland, looking for the master's trace.

"What are you doing, King of Conquerors!" The golden spirit first appeared in front of the King of Conquerors, angrily angrily said, "You are invading this king's private domain, that is to say, are you ready to go to war with this king! "

"What are you talking about Rory!" Gilgamesh responded with a burst of heroic laughter, "Of course I--I wasn't ready! After all, the Master was abducted by you!"

"Then you still!"

"However, King of Heroes, it's not a bad idea to invite you to take a look at the army under this king's command. How about it, please accept it—Ionian Hetairoi!"

The inherent barrier opened, pulling the two servants away from the battlefield, and in the church, a man dressed in black shuttled through it like a ghost, looking for his target; the priest in the robe took out the black key and stood by; The imprisoned little Master stretched out his palm and finally touched the sole of his shoe.

Mysteries beyond common sense have been ruled out, and in this church, the battle belonging to humans has just begun.

 TIP: The edge corridor is the platform of the middle and outer corridors of Japanese-style houses. It is used to bask in the sun outside the house and watch the rainy scene when it rains. Emiya Kiritsugu and Shirou often enjoy the moon here. In "Fantasy Carnival" It's also where Shirou was stunned and then fought over by the three girls.

(End of this chapter)

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