My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 172 Servant vs. Servant, Master vs. Master

Chapter 172 Servant vs. Servant, Master vs. Master

Do you need to abandon Kotomine Kirei and go find Rider's master, Weber Velvet first?
Emiya Kiritsugu advanced rapidly, his spirit was like a frozen lake, turning into a bright mirror to reflect the panorama of the surrounding area.He made himself a sharp probe, the sensitivity surpassed hearing, the clarity surpassed vision, there was no dead spot, any disturbance could be detected immediately, and he walked slowly in the dark.

At the same time, dedicate part of your mind to thinking about the next action.

In normal times, facing Rider's request and the so-called "belief", Emiya Kiritsugu would have scoffed, put aside the mission entrusted to him by Rider, and focused on saving Irisviel and killing Kotomine Kirei Task.

But this time is different, in front of the servants, personal power is too small, for Kiritsugu, what he will face next is not only the dangerous Kotomine Kirei, but also Sakutsuki who is as powerful as the servants .

Emiya Kiritsugu was sure of defeating Kotomine Kirei, but he didn't even have the slightest confidence in facing that Sakutsuki who still couldn't show his full strength, let alone Sakutsuki who had conquered Einzbe a year ago In London City, the seeds of fear have already been planted.

Yes, he admitted the fear in his heart, which is why Sakutsuki didn't show hostility at the beginning of the Holy Grail War, and Emiya Kiritsugu still designed him time and time again.

If he wants to win the Holy Grail, the person named 'Suoyue' must become his last obstacle.

Emiya Kiritsugu believed so deeply, and his intuition had been confirmed. In just a few days, everything around him was taken away, and he himself fell into a precarious situation.

Perhaps all of this was self-inflicted, but Emiya Kiritsugu would never waste time on regretting, but no matter what, Saber had already abandoned him, and no matter what he didn't believe Sakuzuki's nonsense.On this point, he has exactly the same opinion as Shuo Yue.

——It is a fool to believe what the enemy says, but it is worse than a fool to follow the enemy's footsteps.

In order not to irritate Sakuzuki, he would kill Kotomine Kirei, but when it came time to go to Mount Enzo, Emiya Kiritsugu did not intend to follow Sakutsuki's pace.

But resistance requires capital. For this reason, even a magician killer who is used to being alone has to seek help from followers.

And Rider, who took the initiative to find him, was exactly the right-hand man Emiya Kiritsugu was looking for.

Even if they re-sign the contract after rescuing Weber, relying on Emiya Kiritsugu's understanding of them, these two naive guys will definitely return his favor, but...

"Put my hope on other people's trust, what am I thinking..." Emiya Kiritsugu muttered to himself, and then stopped walking.

It's not that I changed my mind, but that I had to stop.

Because in front of him, a man wearing a robe slowly walked out of the shadows, blocking the only way for Emiya Kiritsugu.

The place where the two met was in the aisle, a straight line that was so narrow that it couldn't be blocked.

Across the corridor full of statues, Emiya Kiritsugu saw a figure in a robe,
On the other side reflected by the enamel window, Kotomine Kirei recognized the enemy's black coat.

Just after making a decision, the destined opponent stood in front of Emiya Kiritsugu.

He held shiny black keys in his hand, and his eyes reflected the shiny gun body coated with gun oil.

The killing intent filled naturally, gradually filling the entire corridor.

Amidst the murderous aura, the silver blade flickered.

There are three in the right hand and three in the left. The walker holds a total of six black keys with sword blades, and gallops forward.

The front sight of the gun in the assassin's hand was aimed at the rapidly approaching figure in front of him with a gust of wind.

The duel between the killer and the agent unfolded silently here.


For Rider, this is already the third time he has launched the King's Army.

But for Archer, this was the first time he had seen the Conqueror's army.

The wind with hot sand seemed to respond to the call of the king, blowing away the coldness of the church, and rushed to Archer.

The sword of Cypruit held high by the overlord is gathering the thoughts of the heroic spirits from the other side of time and space who shared their dreams with the king in the past.

We are united as one, looking at the horizon covered by the mirage, wanting to see the other end of the boundless blue sky wholeheartedly.

The mental imagery of the warriors chasing the battlefield across time and space erodes reality, transforming the churches where the gods pray to the great plains where the whirlwind is raging.

Heroic spirits rushed to the prepared stage one by one, confronting the oldest King of Heroes head-on.

Archer faced the mighty army like a raging tide alone, but he didn't see a trace of embarrassment.He stood in front of the army with poise and poise, his shining golden posture was like a lonely mountain, which was the sense of oppression that only the top heroic spirits possessed.

His bright red eyes stared at the majestic army, full of blood-colored pleasure, only the king who enjoyed all the pleasures in the world would know this abnormal feeling.

In fact, Archer was really happy.

Although he was summoned to the other side of time and space, he repeated the farce in the name of war again and again. He was already tired of this kind of life.Now he has finally found someone who can be regarded as an "enemy".

But now, this feast that was enough to make him gluttonously lacked a crucial condiment—as the core of the army, Rider did not have the murderous aura to declare a decisive battle.

"What do you mean, King Conqueror, this king is not some kind of Baosi from ancient China."

"Don't think too much, King of Heroes, I have no interest in you, and putting on such a posture is nothing more than an apology." Said it was an apology, but Rider's attitude did not mean to apologize at all, "King of Heroes, you Do you still remember what you did at the King's Banquet?"

"I see..." Gilgamesh instantly understood what Iskandar meant, "Are you trying to say that you are not at your peak today?"

"That's right, although the received magic power is more abundant, but the master I entrusted is not around, this king can't give full play to his combat power." Iskandar admitted frankly, and then He rubbed his hands together suddenly, revealing a sly smile.

"Archer, speaking of the manifesto, we should have another agreement during the last banquet."

"Are you referring to the conclusion that the two of us can only decide between life and death?"

"Didn't we agree to finish the rest of the wine before then?"

Rider urged the King of Heroes, the innocent smile on his face did not look like someone who had made an appointment to fight to the death.

"At that time, although I was smashed by some rough people who didn't understand elegance...but there is still some wine left in that bottle, you can't hide it from my eyes."

"As expected of the King of Conquerors, he's staring at other people's property." Archer smiled wryly, took out a whole set of wine vessels again, poured the famous wine from the gods left at the bottom of the bottle into two glasses, and clinked the glasses with Rider.

"King of Babylonia, this is the last question at the banquet."

"Sure, tell me."

Iskandar held a wine glass in his hand, his expression was serious, but his eyes were still childish like a naughty child, and he asked, "For example, if you can use your 'Treasure of the King' to arm my 'Army of the King' , that will definitely create the strongest army. The so-called president of the Western countries must be nothing at all."

"Well, then what?"

"Ask you again, are you willing to form an alliance with me? If the two of us join hands, even the sea of ​​stars will not be able to stop us!"

Hearing this, the King of Heroes laughed heartily, as if hearing some hearty ironic joke.

"You're such an interesting guy. It's been a long time since my lord has been so amused by stupid things other than the clown. Unfortunately, my friend has only been one person since ancient times, and from now on— —Besides, there is no need for two kings in this world.”

Speaking of this, Gilgamesh suddenly narrowed his eyes and said with great interest: "What's more, you don't seem to worry about your master at all? Is there something to rely on? Or is it just simple and cute? "

Counting the time, that kid has already drowned in despair, right?
But in the face of Gilgamesh's hints, Iskandar didn't have too much worry on his face. Instead, he drank the wine in his glass and showed an extremely trusting smile:
"I believe in Weber Velvet, and believe that my master has the wisdom and strength to get out of danger."

Recalling the master who was mediocre but still rose to the future, the king who also conquered the world was filled with unspeakable pride.

"It's like believing in myself."

(End of this chapter)

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