My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 179 The Battle Between Two Kings

Chapter 179 The Battle Between Two Kings
The day of the seventh day of the Holy Grail War is fleeting like a meteor.

When dusk dyed the sky, the golden king with blood flowing from his body emerged from his spiritual veins, and unceremoniously came to the bottom of Yuanzang Mountain.

"Idiots, are you ready to welcome the king's arrival?"

The confident shout didn't spread far, but for a group of people, they had been waiting here for a long time.

In the thunder that seemed to be able to break through everything, a blue thunder light emerged, competing with the gorgeous golden light.

The burly overlord was driving the chariot, while his thin master and his friend with a firm expression sat side by side with him, and they cast unyielding looks at Archer together.

"Very nice eyes, Rider." Archer nodded in satisfaction, "If you want to challenge me, you have to show the proper attitude."

"Yes, King of Heroes, I have come to challenge your lonely kingly way, let me challenge your unshakable ideals with my army of conquerors." Although it was time for a decisive battle, Rider showed on his face, It was still that calm and fearless smile.

Hearing such an answer, Archer showed a satisfied expression.

"Okay, show yourself to the fullest, King Conqueror. You are a thief worthy of punishment by this king."

The words that should be said have been exhausted, and the best farewell wine has been drunk yesterday. After the two kings looked at each other for the last time, they turned and left without looking back.

"You... actually have a good friendship, right?" Weber couldn't help but sensed the atmosphere of tacit understanding gradually emerging between the two of them.

"It's okay, it's just that we will start killing each other in a while. He may be the last person I will see each other in this life. Of course, I can't treat him too badly."

"...Don't say such stupid things."

Iskandar joked nonchalantly, but Waver retorted in a low voice.

"How could you be killed? I won't allow this to happen. Have you forgotten my Command Seal?"

"That's right... oops, I owe that guy Shuoyue another favor." Rider couldn't help scratching his head.

"I don't think it's necessary. Our bloody fight with Archer is the best reward for him," Weber complained with a blank eye.

The Command Spell—that should have been owned by Waver, but has been lost.The first command spell was used to maintain the king's army, and the last two command spells prevented Rider from being beaten to death by the heroic spirit of the staff card. Logically speaking, Weber could no longer use the command spell.

However, for Shuoyue who took over the legacy of the old priest, there are many such things as command spells.

"That's the King of Heroes. If you meet him with bruises all over your body, you will definitely be ridiculed mercilessly by that golden bling, right? As an audience, it's understandable for me to want to watch a wonderful performance. Take it, just treat it as I've got my ticket."

While talking, the young man gave him a Command Seal without hesitation, but it left Weber in a daze for a long time.

And now is the time to use it.

The cold night air was murderous, but Weber didn't feel afraid, because a calm aura was guarding him, dispelling all anxiety and fear.

There has never been such a man in the history of mankind.

While sighing in his heart, Weber has already raised his arm:
"My king, Weber Velvet bestows upon him the Command Seal——Rider, you must win the final victory!"

The command spell was released, releasing miraculous magic power into Rider's body. Facing the master's expectation, the servant smiled back with a sharp smile, and pulled out the sharp sword at his waist.

"My fellow citizens, come here! Tonight, let us brand our heroic figure in the strongest legend!"

So the heroic spirits who shared the same journey echoed the call of the king and gathered again on the stage of the final decisive battle.


For Weber, this is the third time he has seen the magnificent military appearance of the "King's Army".Although he was no longer surprised, but now he understood the true meaning behind this treasure that embodies Iskandar's royal way, and the sense of awe in his heart was stronger than the previous two times when he saw it, deeply shaking him.

Brilliant elite cavalry——The fetters of monarchs and subjects they made with the King of Conquerors even crossed the barrier between the world and the underworld.

This group of sublimated eternal warriors doesn't care where the battlefield appears-as long as the conqueror shows his dominance again, the courtiers will immediately rush to the monarch's side, no matter the ends of the world.

This is the pride of being with the king.

This is the joy of fighting side by side with the king, which makes people's blood boil.

"The enemy is the invincible King of Heroes—the perfect opponent for us! Men! Let's show our dominance to the original heroic spirits!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

The ranks of sergeants echoed Iskandar's roar with a loud shout.

Archer faced the mighty army like a raging sea alone on his own, but he didn't see a trace of embarrassment.He stood in front of the army with poise and poise, and his shining golden posture was like a lonely mountain. Only the heroic spirit of the demigod possessed such a transcendent sense of majesty and oppression.

"Come here, Lord of the Overlord. You will understand what a true king looks like..."

The King of Heroes said coldly, under the leadership of Shenwei Wheel, the heroic army began to rush towards the King of Heroes in a wedge formation.

Rider, who was leading the horse, let out a long howl, and the cavalry also shouted in response to his howl.In this burst of charging sounds that resounded through the sky, Wei Bo also opened his thin voice, and shouted as loudly as possible——


Thousands of troops and horses from the "King's Army" raised the rolling yellow sand, shaking the earth and rushing forward——

Even facing the thrilling scene in front of him, the hero king Gilgamesh remained unmoved.

This is the second time he has been in a situation of fighting alone. The King of Conquerors has shown his trump card boldly in front of him. If he is not sure of winning, he, the King of Heroes, will not have the face to stand here.

Do you use the sword of deviation that opened up the world?
Even though the army was bullying him, there was still a self-deprecating smile on the corner of the hero king's mouth.

This idea was discarded by him as early as last night - because of that damned Kotomine Kirei, he is just a rootless duck now, and any behavior that consumes a lot of mana must be saved for the last.

But this does not prevent the King of Heroes from paying homage to the opponent he recognizes.

"Dreams are lofty, and your ambition is to dominate. This king appreciates your ambition. But soldiers, do you understand that the so-called dream will wake up one day."

The king's treasury opened, and the green-gold flying boat carried the king soaring into the sky and into the clouds.

But how could Alexander the Great's army lack the means to control the air?Accompanied by the order of the seven servants, many soldiers with strong physical strength bent their bows and set arrows. With the blessing of heroic spirits, the arrows hit Tianzhou Vimoye from bottom to top like meteors, accumulating a lot of power Even the original codes of all the aircraft wailed.

However, the King of Heroes sitting on the throne was unmoved. After dodging and carrying through a round of volleys, he opened his bloody snake eyes and smiled coldly:
"Too many treasures is also an annoyance. Fortunately, this king has a good memory—then, it's my turn. Prepare to drink the bitter bar of defeat and conquer the king."

After Gilgamesh put his hands on the operation panel for the first time to operate, a gap quietly opened under the sky boat.

(End of this chapter)

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