My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 180 Ancient Nuclear Warhead

Chapter 180 Ancient Nuclear Warhead


In the ancient Indian myths and legends, the aircraft flying in the sky is recorded in the two Indian epic poems "Ramayana" and "Mahabharata".But few people know that Tianzhou Vimana is not only a vehicle, but also a decisive weapon in the air.Not only is it equipped with various treasure systems, but it also has a secret weapon hidden in it.

Although the secret weapon's lethality is not as good as the Deviant Sword of the hero Wang Zhen'ai, its range of damage is far beyond. It is very suitable to use it to deal with the crowd tactics of the King of Conquerors.

Now this secret weapon is finally about to show its power.

"Rider, the bottom of the airship is open!"

"Well, I have a very bad feeling. Everyone is ready to defend, and the archers are ready for the second round of launching!"

The intuition of conquering Wang Lizhan told him that the next blow would be no small matter, but the large size of the king's army also meant that the action was slow. He was so anxious that he could only speed up the speed of the Shenwei wheel, galloping into the air and directly hitting the hero king:
"Via Expugnatio!"

The impact of the thunder that was brewing flew into the air, because the green-gold ark had been prepared to lift off, and returned to its original position after the thunder swept away, while the King of Heroes sat firmly on the throne, and let out a big laugh that was sure of victory:
"Come on, King of Conquerors, and witness the moment when your dreams end!"

Following the input of the final command, an inconspicuous sphere quietly fell from the gap in the sky boat.

At first, no soldiers took it seriously, because it was so miniature, and it was so inconspicuous in front of the army that almost covered the desert. However, by the time the sphere fell to the ground and released its energy, it was too late .

First, a dazzling light that can blind people's eyes blooms from the center, followed by a terrible loud noise that makes people deaf. A terrifying magic storm that is ten times or a hundred times more terrifying than a thunderbolt explodes, swallowing everything in an instant. .

The bones made of magic power were melted, the flesh and blood evaporated, and the soldier's armor made of multiple layers of linen couldn't even resist at all, so it turned into dust and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

The sky trembled, the earth shattered, and in the storm that gradually returned to nothingness, only the rising mushroom cloud turned into a giant tower that destroyed the world, setting up a monument of despair for the destruction.

This, this is..."

The Shenwei Wheel, which ascended to the sky together with Vimoye, was lucky enough to escape, but seeing the devastation in front of him, even the brave King Conqueror was dumbfounded and shocked.

Although Iskandar firmly believed that the so-called "no more than three things" was just an excuse for the weak, but at this moment, he did feel the mysterious "destiny" brought by the ancient oriental proverb.

How could he, who already knew modern technology, not recognize it?This is exactly the taboo in modern thermal weapons, the incomparably terrifying killer—the nuclear bomb!

He suddenly recalled the question and answer between Gilgamesh and Shuoyue at the king's banquet.

Why did the King of Heroes suddenly question Shuo Yue about the nuclear bomb?
That's because he really has such a destructive weapon in his hand!

After this nuclear bomb fell, everything that the King of Conquerors was proud of was meaningless, and most of his military power was ruined by this destructive weapon.

So the king's army dissipated, and the inherent barrier was originally maintained by the magic power of all the summoned heroes. When the troops were wiped out, the barrier had already broken, and the distorted world law returned to its original appearance.

The Shenwei wheel that the two of them were riding landed under the starry sky again, and behind them was the ancient and silent Yuanzang Mountain, like waking up from a big dream.

The golden hero stood proudly on the other side of the bridge with a sad smile.The positions of the two sides have not changed, and this battle seems to have brought the time back to the beginning.

The only change that can be seen with the eyes is the Skyboat Vimoyeda that released the ancient nuclear warhead under Archer.

There is also an invisible fatal change - Rider's ultimate Noble Phantasm "King's Army Power" disappeared.


The blood on Wei Bo's face lost all color. He looked up at Rider, and the giant man's servant asked him seriously, "I suddenly want to ask you something."


"Weber Velvet, do you want to serve me as a subject?"

The passionate emotions made Wei Bo tremble all over, and tears poured down like a bank burst.

This is a question that he knows is impossible, but has been looking forward to.There is no need to hesitate at all, the answer has already been prepared, hidden deep in his heart like a priceless treasure.

"Only you are—"

The young man who was called by his name for the first time did not wipe away tears, raised his head and chest, and said in a firm tone: "—Only you are my king. I am willing to serve you and sacrifice for you. Please guide me , let me see the same dream as you."

This oath made the overbearing king smile.For the courtiers, his smile is the reward beyond all rewards.

"Well, that's fine."

Just when Weber felt so excited that he was about to fly into the sky——he suddenly landed from midair.


The king grabbed the boy's short body from the chariot and gently placed it on the ground.

"Revealing dreams is my duty as a king. As a subject, your duty is to see clearly the dreams displayed by the king and pass them on to future generations."

The king issued the imperial edict with a firm tone while smiling brightly from the car.

"Live, Weber. Witness it all, and then live to tell it all. Tell the world how happy your king is, and tell the world how brave Iskandar's Mercedes is."

The Flying Hoofed Thunder Cow kicked its iron hooves and mooed like an encouragement—is it mooing for the king who is about to die, or for the courtiers who have a difficult mission?

Weber lowered his head and never raised it again.Iskandar took this gesture as a nod.No need for any words to express, from now until the end of time, the figure of the king will always guide the courtiers, and the courtiers will always be loyal to this memory.Before the oath, parting will lose its meaning, because under Iskandar's command, the bond between the king and his subjects is eternal and eternal beyond time and space.

"Okay, let's go!"

The King of Conquerors kicked his mount in the flank and began a final gallop.With a mighty growl, he charged at the foe who was waiting for him.

He is a strategist, and he knows that the battle is doomed.But "that thing" and "this thing" are two completely different things.The Conqueror King Iskandar had no choice but to charge towards that golden heroic spirit.

In his heart, there is no giving up or despair, only the excitement that almost popped out of his chest.

Great, that guy is really great.This hero can even take out such a weapon, he is definitely the strongest enemy in the world.

That man was his last enemy.

That is the last difficulty in this world, higher than the Hindu Kush, hotter than the hot sand of the Markland Desert, how can the King of Conquerors not challenge it?

"Glory is in the distance", it is because it is out of reach that we are going to challenge.In order to watch the courtiers behind him, he must sing and show the way of the overlord.

The King of Heroes sitting on top of Vimoye looked at the challenger leisurely, and at the same time released the collection from the treasury.Twenty, forty, eighty—a group of shining treasures unfolded in the sky like a sky full of stars.The light of the Noble Phantasm reminded the King of Conquerors of the starry sky he looked up at in the east long ago.


The joy that shook his heart made him open his mouth and howl, and he drove his chariot with the bull.

The rain of stars rushed forward with a heavy howling sound, waves of uninterrupted impacts ruthlessly ravaged his whole body.But compared with the pleasure of running, this level of pain is nothing at all.

The "end" that he has been longing for is now standing in front of him.After crossing countless mountains and ridges and crossing many Yangtze Rivers, he finally found his goal.

He must go beyond the past.

Step over the enemy in front of you.

Step by step, he kept repeating the same movements.No matter how far away that figure is, as long as the footsteps are accumulated little by little, the tip of the sword can definitely be handed over to that person.

The golden-yellow old enemy showed an expression of knowing everything, and seemed to be saying something helplessly.But he couldn't hear it, not even the sound of the wind flashing past his ears.

He could only hear the sound of waves.

The coast at the far end is empty, the waves lapping to and fro.This is the sound of the waves of the ultimate sea of ​​this world.

Ah, so it is.With joy in his heart, he finally understood.

Why didn't I notice it at all before——the excitement in my heart was the sound of the waves of the sea at the end.


(End of this chapter)

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