My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 181 The End of the King of Conquerors

Chapter 181 The End of the King of Conquerors
"The last doll has been prepared and sent to the designated place by magic. The transaction between us is completely over."

In the light curtain for communication, a female white-collar worker with red hair puffed up lay on the table, yawned sleepily, and pointed at Shuoyue.

"Arrange work for me again and I'll kill you."

"I thought you would say 'don't stop' or something..." Shuoyue nodded subtly, "Understood, the five dolls including the two artificial dolls have been accepted, the relationship between us The fate is temporarily over, so sleep peacefully, Miss Chengzi, tomorrow I will give you an extra set of mythological dress... as long as I can survive."

"Then bless you to die the day after tomorrow... That's it, goodbye." The magic light curtain was closed, and Aoqi Chengzi, who had been in a state of liver explosion for several days, yawned, and as soon as he closed his eyes, he went to fight with Qingzi in his dream.

Chengzi, who was preoccupied with sleep, didn't realize that what Shuoyue said was 'fate is temporarily over', as if she was confused and forgot to remind Shuoyue of some things about the doll.

Although according to Shuoyue's request, Chengzi used more advanced materials to make up for the limitation of the doll's output, but there was still an upper limit. Once squeezed by too strong force, it would be unable to support and shatter.

Of course, if you want to destroy my masterpiece, you must be a high-level magician or even a crowned person to do it, otherwise you are a fantasy species... Haha, what a joke, how could a person who is qualified for the third law encounter it? This kind of crisis.

It was precisely because of this thought that Chengzi forgot to remind Shuoyue.

In a sense, both of them cheated each other severely, and let each other experience the pain of "how many floors a bag of rice has to carry" in a certain period of time in the future.

Of course, this is a story.

Right now, let's go back to the foot of Mount Enzang, the battlefield of the two top servants.


Could that sword really be called a "sword"?

The appearance of this weapon is very strange.There is a hilt and a tsuba, and the length is about the same as a long sword.But the part equivalent to the "blade" is too different from the shape of the sword.It was a three-section connected cylinder, and the tip of the sword was twisted into a helical blunt blade.The three-section cylinder is like a rolling mortar, which has been slowly rotating alternately.

That's right, that weapon is no longer a "sword".This weapon, which existed before the concept of a "sword", was of course a different shape from existing swords.This is an item created by the gods before the appearance of human beings, which specifically shows the ingenious workmanship of the gods at the time of creation.The three-segment cylinder shaped like a mortar cooperates with the movement of celestial bodies, and each rotates with frictional weight and energy equivalent to the change of the earth's crust.The huge magical power that surged out has long been beyond the scope of calculation.

And it was this sword of the gods that pierced the overlord's strong chest and punctured the spiritual core of his incarnation.

In the distance, Weber's eyes widened, trying not to blur his vision with tears, and stared at the moment when the legend ended.

The body of the sword is slowly turning in the chest of the King of Conquerors. The sword of Cyprus is only an inch away from the forehead of the King of Heroes. Behind the two kings, the body is pierced by countless treasures. child dissipated.

"Have you woken up from your dream? The King of Conquerors." Feeling the numbness of the scalp, the golden hero said quietly.

"Ah, um, yes..." Iskandar, who was bound all over his body, squinted his eyes blinded by the blood mist, and muttered contentedly, "This expedition also... makes me... very happy ..."

Not only the hearty fight to the death, but also the courtiers who had bonded with him made the King of Conquerors deeply feel the luck of this coming.

Although he lost at the last moment, the trip was worthwhile.

Gilgamesh looked at his satisfied expression, nodded solemnly and said, "You can challenge as many times as you want, King of Conquerors."

Even though the whole body was pierced by the rain of the treasured treasure and the treasure was destroyed, the opponent still didn't stop until he was finally blocked by the sky lock.For such a heroic opponent, the King of Heroes gave him the greatest reward—the most sincere appreciation.

"Until the end of time and space, this whole world is my garden. So I assure you, this garden will never let you get bored."

"Oh...that's...not bad..."

After finally answering with such a meek answer, the cavalry servant quietly disappeared.

From the perspective of time, this should be a very short battle.It should be over in just a few seconds before Rider rushes to Archer desperately.

But Weber didn't even blink his eyes, imprinting all the process in his mind.For him, this battle is as long and heavy as a lifetime.

He will never forget this memory, even if his heart is sealed off, it is absolutely impossible to forget it.The scene he saw in the past few seconds has become a part of his soul, which can no longer be separated from him.

Waver just stood motionlessly where Rider put him down.Although he knew that he had to move quickly, it felt as if any movement of his footsteps might cause him to fall limply to his knees.

Now he can't take his knees, absolutely not.

The golden king stared at Weber with blood-red eyes showing a cruel and fierce light, and walked over slowly.

"Boy, are you Rider's Master?"

Weber originally thought that his throat was stiff from fear, and he couldn't make any sound.But when Archer asked about his relationship with "him", the stiff throat relaxed for a moment.

He shook his head, and replied in a hoarse voice: "No, I am——his courtier."


Archer narrowed his eyes and looked Waver up and down.He finally discovered that the Command Seal could not be felt anywhere on the young man.

"Really? Then boy, if you are a true loyal minister, you should be obliged to avenge the late king, right?"

For the second question, Weber was still able to continue answering with an unbelievably calm state of mind.

"If I challenge you, I will die."

"Of course."

"So I couldn't do it, I was ordered to 'live'."

Weber raised his head, and stared at the kingslayer in front of him with tearful and resolute eyes.

That’s right—absolutely not to die.He has already engraved the words of the king's final entrustment in his heart.

Although the enemy servants are right in front of him, he has no way to protect himself, and the situation is almost in a desperate situation—but he must not give up, and he must not trample on that oath in this way.

This may be a crueler torture than accepting death calmly.

Gilgamesh looked down at this short figure, nodded slightly after a while, and the pendant on his body gave out a pleasant voice of appreciation:
"Your loyalty is commendable! Never waver in your resolve at this moment."

The opponent is neither the master nor the traitor, there is no need to attack, this is the king's decision.

Wei Bo looked at the golden hero holding the sword of deviation in his hand without saying a word, and walked away from him, climbing up the stairs.When the cold night wind blows around him, the boy realizes that he is left alone under the night sky, and only then does he know that everything is over.

His knees finally started shaking.

Until the second before Archer changed his mind, his murderous intent was silently threatening Weber.In fact, if Weber's eyes moved a little, his feet limp and fell to the ground, or he hesitated a little while answering, he would already be dead on the spot by now.

Some people laughed at him as a coward begging for mercy, just because he didn't know the ruthlessness of the King of Heroes. As a former enemy, standing in front of the ancient king, just resisting fear and saving one's life is a kind of battle, a kind of battle. Victorious.

This is a victory that Weber Velvet successfully won in a solo challenge.

It was a lowly and petty battle, not at all heroic or magnificent.He's just escaping a desperate situation alive.

Even so, Weber still felt happy and proud.Only he himself understood how rare it was to achieve this impossible outcome under the circumstances at that time.This sense of honor only exists in his heart, no matter how low it looks in the eyes of others, he will not be ashamed of it.

He obeyed the king's order, witnessed everything, and survived.

Wish he had complimented himself.He praised himself with his broad palms and rough voice. This time, he didn't need to hide his feelings. Weber would definitely be able to puff up his chest and show off his achievements to that person.

But—in the quiet night, Weber was completely alone, with no company around him.Just like eleven days ago, Weber was once again thrown into a corner of this ruthless and indifferent world.

No one knew that he had won a battle that was his alone, and no one praised him for his victory.

Was it a cruel blow?
--the answer is negative.

Words of praise he had just gotten a lot.The greatest king in the world agreed with him, and the man told Weber to let him join his courtiers.

It's just that the order is reversed.

It's just a matter of reversing the order of things.He has already received the rewards from the distant future, as long as he spends the rest of his life to achieve meritorious service commensurate with the rewards.

That's right.As long as there are those words at that time, he will no longer be alone.

The moment he realized this, Waver's boyhood was over.

For the first time, he knew that such things as tears sometimes flowed for reasons that had nothing to do with regret or humiliation.

At this moment, Weber Velvet sat slumped on the ground, letting his tears flow freely.

Those were the tears of a man.

 This chapter is considered compensation... It was coded in the waiting room
(End of this chapter)

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