My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 183 Hei Aili and Serious Flash

Chapter 183 Hei Aili and Serious Flash

He keeps killing people.

With guns, with blades, with poison, with bombs.

To kill, to cut, to burn, to sink, to press.

He never doubted the meaning of this behavior, carefully considered the value of killing, and killed in order to save the one side of the scale and clear the other side.Keep repeating killing over and over again.

Yep, that's correct.Accept sacrifices in order to save the majority.If there are more protected happiness than increased unhappiness, doesn't that mean the world is a little closer to redemption?
Even if there are rivers of blood at the feet and mountains of corpses.

If some lives are saved because of sacrifice, then the precious ones should be those lives saved.

"—Yes, Kiritsugu. You are correct."

When the woman beside him said so, Emiya Kiritsugu knew in his heart that this was not the real Irisviel, but he didn't immediately expose it.

"where is this place?"

"This is where your wishes come true. The...inside of the Holy Grail you've been seeking."

'Alice Viel' replied with a cheerful smile, while Kiritsugu was speechless and looked around.

The black sludge is like a pulsating ocean.

There are hills of rotting corpses everywhere, slowly sinking into the sea of ​​black mud.

The sky was red, as red as blood.In the black mud rain, the dark sun supports the sky.

The wind that blows in the air is the sound of cursing and moaning.

If you want to use words to describe it, here—isn’t it hell?
"You say this... is the Holy Grail?"

"Yes. But you don't have to be afraid, because this is like an illusory dream that has no entity yet, and is still waiting for the moment of birth."

The woman pointed to the sky, signaling to Kiritsugu.In the center of the world revolving in the sky, Kiritsugu mistakenly thought that the black thing was the sun, which was actually a "hole" in the sky. The hole was filled with endless deep darkness, and the huge mass seemed to crush everything. broken.

"That is the Holy Grail. Although it has not yet formed, after the container is full, all you need to do is to say your wish. No matter what kind of wish you receive, it will choose a suitable form that can fulfill your wish. In this way It can go "outside" only after it has acquired the physicality of this world."


"Come on, please hurry up and give it a "body". Although you haven't waited for that person, you are also qualified to give it an idea, Kiritsugu. Tell the Holy Grail your wish."

Kiritsugu didn't say a word, looking at that terrifying "hole".

He suddenly wanted to cry, but his tear glands had already dried up, and there was only a hollow wind blowing from the bottom of his heart.

"Really, this is... the Holy Grail."

The last glimmer of hope was also extinguished. After abandoning the obsession with using the Holy Grail, Emiya Kiritsugu found that the previous self-deception was so ridiculous.

The desire to 'save the world' is poured into the so-called Holy Grail. This kind of thing itself reveals indescribable irony——

He suddenly recalled the Hyatt Hotel, the names written on the list and imprinted deep in his heart.

He suddenly recalled the arguing with Sakuyue in the abandoned factory, the man who vowed to "end the vicious circle that cannot be ended, only the Holy Grail can do this" was so ridiculous.

Ah, that youth.

Only then did Emiya Kiritsugu realize that any behavior that hit the weak point in his heart was initiated by that young man.

That's how it was——Kiritsugu suddenly wanted to laugh out loud, using a mockery that could tear his throat and squeeze his lungs, to scold himself for the wrong things he had committed so far.

It turned out that he was so hostile to that young man because he poked at the weakest pain in his heart.

It turned out that the young man was not indecisive, but just tolerant many times in order to allow him to be redeemed.

It turned out that the young man had been reminding him, reminding him of the little happiness that he almost lost.

After completely severing thoughts, Emiya Kiritsugu finally felt guilty, as well as a strong longing to put aside the image of the arbiter of 'Scales' and become a human being.

I want to go back and apologize to that young man.

I want to go back and hug my beloved wife,
Wanting to go back, make an oath to protect them——

For this, he can abandon his lofty and unattainable ideals.


Just like he sealed the isolated Utopia (Avalon) within Irisviel's body---

He has already dedicated his ideals to the one he loves.

Under the expectant eyes of the woman, the man beside her showed a relieved and ominous smile for the first time:
"My dream was to save the world - but that was a long time ago."

He raised his pistol and aimed it at the woman's forehead.

"From now on, the man named 'Emiya Kiritsugu' will only live for the one he loves. No matter whether it is redemption or punishment that greets me in the future, I will gladly accept it."

"Wait..." The woman in Irisviel's shell seemed to want to say something, but Emiya Kiritsugu had already pulled the trigger without hesitation.




Sparks exploded, and the King of Gold backed away before an imposing combo.

"Drink ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The momentum is like cracking silk, and the sword shadow is like a shooting star.

Chasing close to the enemy, Saber swung her sword dance like falling leaves and wind, fiercely chasing the retreating Archer.

The golden holy sword collided with the deviant sword dyed with red divine patterns, and the friction created a holy and intertwined strong wind, which scratched the open space of Liudong Temple deeply.

Facing Archer's ferocious smile, Saber took a step to the left, tilted the holy sword with a better posture, and slashed towards the golden armor of the King of Heroes in a stunning arc.

With Archer's crude martial skills alone, she is not her opponent——

Sensing a warning from her intuition, Saber suddenly raised her head, and what she saw were countless strange weapons!

It was easy for her to flick these weapons away, but not to fight them head-on.

Archer's weapon hides unknown abilities, and rushing forward without knowing it is suicide.

Subconsciously flipped the blade over, knocked down three treasures, and then released the magic power, stepped back quickly, and countless treasures followed her steps, piercing the path she walked a few milliseconds ago.

When forced to retreat several tens of meters away, Saber finally realized something was wrong.

Behind the golden king, golden ripples revealed the murder weapon——

Yes, although Gilgamesh is not as good as her in martial arts, but as the King of Heroes, he has never been famous for his personal bravery!

The overwhelming rain of treasures poured down, and the King of Knights was like a lone boat in a storm, struggling to hold on, looking for an opportunity to escape.

But—no chance!
Saber was stunned, and couldn't help but look at the opponent in front again. At this time, Gilgamesh's face no longer had a frivolous smile, but only slightly squinted eyes, and the gleam of calculation in those eyes .

No matter how absurd his actions are and how bad his character is, he is the king after all. He once commanded Uruk, the wedge of heaven that bid farewell to the gods.

When he finally cast aside his arrogance and took the battle seriously - such a King of Heroes will make all the enemies tremble.

"Because there is the factor of the British red dragon in the blood, so such a graceful body can burst out with such strange power?" Whispering, Gilgamesh raised his hand slightly, and the weapon that appeared in the treasure house behind him was completely new, giving Saber has a strong sense of crisis.

"Then use the dragon-slaying weapon to ravage you."

The next moment, the treasure was shot out again, and a certain concept in those weapons made Saber's hairs stand on end, and she quickly set up the holy sword to block.

While Saber struggled to deal with the special attacking dragon weapon, Gilgamesh did not appreciate her struggling posture, but slowly raised the spinning sword of primordial after sighing regretfully.

"It's a pity, but my real opponent is not you, Saber."

Saying so, the eccentric sword in Gilgamesh's hand slowly increased its speed of rotation, turning faster and faster, and turning faster and faster...

Under the gaze of Saber's constricted pupils, the hurricane between heaven and earth made a loud rumbling sound, and a huge amount of magic power burst out from Archer's sword hilt.

"Awaken, 'Ea' (Enuma Elish). The stage is ready for your performance!"

(End of this chapter)

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