My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 184 The ideal land of eternal isolation

Chapter 184 The ideal land of eternal isolation
From Shuoyue's point of view, Gilgamesh, who came as an Archer, has three states.

The first is the playful state, which is characterized by mindless throwing of treasures, which is the performance of the proud hero king when dealing with bastards; the second is the serious state, that is, when facing difficult guys At the time, select the Noble Phantasm in order to restrain the enemy's weakness or expose the enemy's weakness in the "Sword Change" mode. In the Fifth Holy Grail War, Saber was defeated with a special combination of three weapons.

The third is the state of "Invincible Flash" that truly turns into a top heroic spirit. At that time, the King of Heroes will take out his Deviation Sword and fight with all his strength. When the opponent is busy dealing with the "King's Treasure" weapon, he will take the opportunity to complete the charge of the Deviation Sword. , and finally liberated the Noble Phantasm "Heaven and Earth Leaving Pi Zhi Xing".

At this moment, Gilgamesh, holding the sword of deviation, seems to have entered the third state, which is enough to be called a "big boss" in any Holy Grail War, even the famous King of Knights, at this time It is also completely at a disadvantage, and is about to face the terrorist attack of the EX-rank Noble Phantasm.

To be honest, Saber suffered a disaster for no reason——the reason why Gilgamesh didn't take back his deviant sword after defeating Iskandar was to go all out to fight Shuoyue, and even prepared a one-to-three battle. Prepare.

To want to confront such a King of Heroes with just a sword that promises victory is simply a dream.

Even so, Saber's holy blue eyes remained unmoved. When Archer condensed the storm that broke the world, her holy sword also summoned pure starlight.


"Too slow!" Gilgamesh clenched his Deviant Sword as if about to thrust out, his short blond hair stood up like an angry lion, "It seems that you won't admit defeat without giving you a decisive defeat, Saber!"

The heavens and the earth shook.

When the whimpering wind dissipated, what appeared in front of Saber was the magical light that illuminated the universe.

"Take a good look at it—this is 'Enuma Elish'!"

Galloping in the crimson storm that symbolizes destruction, the starlight gathered on the sword of vowed victory was completely covered, until finally, before Saber had time to release her treasure, she was engulfed by the light.


Waking up in the darkness.

Emiya Kiritsugu only remembered that after he pierced the woman's forehead with a bullet, he fell into the diamond-shaped light curtain.

"—I curse you—" The disheveled female ghost fell into hell, only the voice still echoed around Kiritsugu.

"Emiya Kiritsugu...I curse you...pain...remorse until death...absolutely, never forgive you..."


Before the hatred-filled sludge approached, Emiya Kiritsugu had already turned around, and without hesitation abandoned the vain cup of disaster.

"I don't need an edict, I will bear everything—but before you, there are still many sins waiting for me to pay. Before that, please wait in line honestly."

As the light and shadow flowed, he returned to the original room, but the puppet lying on the ground had lost its shape and turned into a golden cup filled with black mud, firmly imprisoned by countless magic circles.

Beside the Holy Grail, the silver hair fluttered, his wife with crimson eyes smiled sweetly, and Hisau Maiya quietly waited beside him, looking at Emiya Kiritsugu with some emotion flashing away in his eyes.

The long-lost sense of happiness immediately enveloped Emiya Kiritsugu, he opened his arms under the slightly surprised eyes of the two daughters, strode forward, and embraced his most cherished family members with all his strength.

"I'm back, Eri, Maiya."

"Well, welcome back, Kiritsugu."

Aside from the joy of reunion, Irisviel also saw the Holy Grail quietly disappearing in the magic circle, being taken away by someone who had already left.

However, once the Little Holy Grail is fully formed, it means that another follower has donated its soul——

"Don't lose, Saber." Irisviel prayed silently in her heart.

"Because——I have already returned that thing to you."


Light shines in darkness.

Before the heavens and the earth left the fault caused by the Pizhixing, the blue-golden scabbard unfolded.


What was released and opened before Gilgamesh's eyes was the sheath of the unique holy sword.

I don't know how it was made, but the sheath bounced all of Ea's light away.

No, this is no longer the level of defense.

That is occlusion.

The wall of Fairyland that prevents the filth of the outside world from entering, a world that is isolated from this world and cannot be reached.

Saber, protected by the sheath of the holy sword, is isolated from all the laws of this world for only that moment.

The strongest protection in the world.

One of the ultimates that can't even reach the five great magics and can't be violated by anyone.

Therefore, the name of the sheath is "Avalon"

Legend has it that King Arthur arrived after his death, the ideal land that the king dreamed of but could not reach——

It was the holy relic that summoned King Arthur, and it was the embodiment of the knight's oath to protect the princess, and last night, the princess returned it to her knight.

It is inevitable.

Gilgamesh saw behind the barrier of Utopia, the sword of victory, full of starlight.In order to seize the chance of victory, Saber even removed the armor protecting her, and poured that magical power into the sword in her hand.

And he was holding the irreversible sword of the gods, and his body could not move due to excessive output of magic power.

"Are you... so tricky, Saber!"

Amid the exclamations of the King of Heroes, the petite King of Knights finally read out the treasure that brought the end.


The galloping golden stream of light directed the king with the same color to the final end.


When the light of the holy sword dissipated, the two figures still stood in place.

No - only the King of Knights in Tsing Yi stood upright, and the reason why the other one did not fall was only the last courage of the king.

"The legs are useless, the spiritual core is on the verge of breaking, the magic power in the body is running low, and even the vision is gradually blurring..." The King of Heroes with the broken armor turned his back to the King of Knights, and his voice was still arrogant, "So , are you here to laugh at this king's defeat, cook?"

"No, I'm just a warrior preparing to enter the arena." The white-haired young man raised his golden eyes as he walked down the steps, and looked at Gilgamesh, "Of course, there is also a way to help a loser, Don't let him go out with regrets."

"I don't need your pity, this defeat, this king is convinced—"

"King of Heroes, is your magic power reserve enough?" Shuo Yue interrupted Archer's speech, and said calmly, "It's enough to move towards me and release the Enuma Elish again."

"...Oh?" Archer squinted his eyes, and after a while, an unscrupulous smile bloomed.

"As expected of a cook, the fire is just right - then give me a real follow-up, Shuoyue!"

The crimson storm that destroyed the world once again soared into the sky, raging for a long time before dissipating slowly.

The moonlight enters the middle sky, and the silver light leaks to the ground.

In the open space of Liudong Temple, which had been devastated, there were only two figures left.

(End of this chapter)

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