My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 185 The reason for the pursuit of the Holy Grail, the gun that pierces the heart

Chapter 185 The reason for the pursuit of the Holy Grail, the gun that pierces the heart
【Picture record has been updated】

【017: Gilgamesh (Archer)】

[Character Information]: A character based on the world's first legendary epic "The Epic of Gilgamesh" in the ancient Sumerian civilization...

[Hidden Information]: He is often very frank about his own desires, but he seems to have a tsundere-like mentality when it comes to "admitting that he likes humans", and he froze on the spot when he was exposed by Kishinami Hakuno.

[Recording Condition 3/5]:
1. Approved by Gilgamesh (Completed)
2. Kill/defeat Gilgamesh (Completed)

3. Successfully fought against the Noble Phantasm "Heaven and Earth Departure from Pi Zhi Xing" (Completed)
4*. Fight Gilgamesh and win without melee combat (Completed)
5*. Become Gilgamesh's friend (failed)

[Because the completion of the recording conditions exceeds 80%, the hidden information is unlocked. 】

[Record condition 2 has been completed. 】

[Reward: Golden Rule C! 】

[Record condition 3 has been completed. 】

[Reward: The total number of projections of the "Heaven and Earth Departure from the Pizhixing Star" (1/1)! 】

"I never expected that the hidden condition would be this..." Looking at the record that was still not achieved in the end, Shuo Yue couldn't help regretting it, but she couldn't help but sigh.

"Becoming a friend of the King of Heroes, really, no matter how difficult it is, there must be a limit. I'm not Zabizi, so how can I do it?"

In front of him, there were cracks all over the intertwined prison sickle and dust saw, and holes were even eroded by the destructive power. Shuo Yue's whole body came into view through the holes.

In the front, in front of the two swords made by God, the collapsed magic circle, the iron filings that turned into dust and dissipated, the blazing circle that has completely disappeared... Even if there are so many defenses in front of him, the King of Heroes burns The full blow of the spirit base is still invincible, and even the shadow border has been distorted by the mighty power of opening up the world, losing the power to dodge.

If Shuoyue hadn't used the reward obtained from Saber at the end to completely project the sword of the vowed victory to deal with it, I'm afraid he would have really overturned because of Archer's hateful blow.

"I don't hesitate to sacrifice the spirit foundation, but I have to be ruthless, okay, I will write down this grudge, don't let me run into you again, Kim Pika..."

Although I was compensated by the full projection EA, it is still not happy to consume another reward for one reward.

But another reward successfully turned Shuo Yue's mood from cloudy to sunny.

Golden Rule: C
As described on the surface of the skill, the so-called golden rule is the fate of wealth and wealth in one's life. Although it is not very useful for combat, life is not just endless fighting. Apart from ttk, there are also beautiful Life awaits in the future, especially for Shuoyue.

Although not as high as A-level like Gilgamesh, he is already very satisfied.

Under the moonlight, Shuo Yue's white hair shone faintly, and her golden pupils reflected the hair color of the knight in front of her.

Now, Lancer, Berserker, Rider, and Archer have all left the field. Although there are three servants left, Caster and Assassin are loyal to Shuoyue.

Assassins are useless in frontal battles, and Saber's strong anti-magic power also makes it difficult for Miyu to do anything. Not showing up will make Saber more vigilant. After all, my command spell is still on the back of my hand, and I can summon servants at any time.

Even if you put aside these plans...

The scarlet spear pierced the night sky, Shuoyue danced the spear casually, looked at Saber with burning eyes, and did not hide the fighting spirit in her heart.

As a warrior, as a knight of the round table, I also want to face off against the leader of the knights, the invincible King Arthur!
"Come on, Saber!"

Facing Shuoyue's invitation to fight, Saber responded with a heroic smile:
"Accompany you to the end!"

The idea of ​​rest was thrown out of the mind, and the feeling of exhaustion was burned away by the fighting spirit. The two knights who blocked an EA shot by their own means waved their guns and swords, and took another step forward.

"Full projection continuous layer writing (sword barrel full open)!"

"Strike Air!"

The first round of confrontation came in an instant, and the flowing icy iron blades shredded the wind field, carrying the stormy wind and rushing towards the high sky. screen.

It was the tip of the spear like an extreme shadow.

A vermilion spear blade pierced to pierce the heart.

This is not an attack that humans can dodge.

Since it is the extreme shadow, it cannot be captured by human eyes.

However, the dragging crimson shadow was bounced away by a dazzling light, and the brilliant golden light seemed to condense people's wishes, gently and vastly repelling the stabbing attack.

"Ping pong!"

Accompanied by the crisp sound of steel colliding, the two figures split apart at the touch of a touch, and in an instant they stuck together like honeymoon couples, their movements and conversations were filled with cold murderous intent.

"To be able to keep up with the magic-enhanced attack is worthy of being the King of Knights."

"To each other, my intuition hasn't trembled so much in a long time."

"Why do you want to pursue the Holy Grail? You should have no reason to seek your wish?"

"Do you want to overwhelm me in will? My knight?" Raising your hand and swinging your sword, even such a simple action is extremely pleasing to the eye when Saber performs it. "I have already sworn allegiance to Irisviel. Sfeier is the Little Holy Grail, so I am also the guardian of the Holy Grail—if you want to obtain the Holy Grail, you must first win my approval!"

"How cunning, Saber."

"It's just a test. If you can do it, let it go - but you are the first person to know that there is something wrong with the Holy Grail. If that's the case, why do you go to such lengths to get it?"

"That's because I need it to save my life, Saber."


Surprise and flaws in the battle are synonymous, and Saber, who was in a state of mind shake, was seized by Sakuyue, and swept away the sword of vowed victory with a single shot, and then grabbed the two knives, and rushed into Saber's close body.

"Do you know, Saber, this body I have is just like a Servant, it is just a prop made of pure magic power. Once the magic power inside is exhausted, then my 'life' will come to an end!"

"So the reason you're after the Holy Grail is..."

"Yes, in order to prolong my own life—in a way similar to incarnation." Up to now, Shuoyue was finally able to express her purpose happily, "The black mud filled in the Holy Grail is the original A degraded copy of the sea', but even an inferior existence has been able to fill my vacancy and restore my soul to form."

"But you said that the black mud is the product of being polluted by 'all the evils of this world'!"

"Yes, so I already have a way to deal with it."

The black and white swords swung in a circular arc, cut off Saber's shoulder armor, and loosened her bun. When Saber's hair was scattered, Shuo Yue's eyes lit up with a white-gold light.

"The third method, the materialization of the soul."

The system of the Holy Grail War originally combined the incomplete third method of the Einzbern family, and the black mud born through the Holy Grail system can naturally be purified by the brilliance of the third method.

"Therefore, I have a reason that cannot be backed down, Saber—come down, Hell Scythe, Dust Saw!"

The starlight was dim, and the thick emerald green epee and the huge flaming sword landed crashingly, almost crushing Saber's foothold!

With loose blond hair, a bit less heroic, and a bit more feminine Saber raised her head, a trace of helplessness flashed in her holy blue pupils:

Shouting the name of an unreachable utopia, the blue-gold scabbard that is enough to block all the laws of the world reappeared, blocking the two mighty god-made great swords, but the next moment, Saber's foothold emerged Countless magic patterns run and converge, outlining large magic circles bred with terrifying power.

"Avalon's defense is indeed strong, but the so-called Utopia (Utopia) is always as fragile as a dream, and people who wake up have to face the devastation from reality—as if at this time you release the treasure If you don’t use a tool, you will suffer countless fatal blows.”

Shuoyue who imprisoned Saber in the cage smiled slightly, the smile was full of joy after victory:
"So, I win, Artorie—"


Accompanied by the sound of flesh and blood being pierced, the magic circle around Saber withered piece by piece. However, Saber, who was relieved of the crisis, did not act immediately. She stared blankly at the scene in front of her, as if the things presented in front of her were incomprehensible generally.

Under the moonlight, the blue-green magic girl held a magic spear and pierced the young man's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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