My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 187 EMIYA's Evil

Chapter 187 EMIYA's Evil
Let's start with a name.

[Sin and the viciousness of this world are constantly circulating, increasing, converging, transforming, and turning into a vortex. 】

In this world, he (EMIYA) abandoned justice; in that world, he (EMIYA) turned his back on human beings; in another world, he (EMIYA) sacrificed himself.

[Gluttony, lust, greed, depression, anger, laziness, hypocrisy, arrogance, jealousy, and constant rotation, rotation, infringement, occupation, and profanity, forming countless eddies. 】

And in a certain world, the fate brought by the name dissipated, and a new fate came in, accepting everything that remained of him (EMIYA).

[Rebellion, stolen goods, intimidation, adultery, sabotage, coercion, theft, escape, false accusation, arson, insult, disrespect, arbitrary conviction, kidnapping, bribery, abortion, suicide, related crimes, gambling, killing, killing, killing, killing, killing, killing, killing, killing Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill]

It is not just a legacy of a person, Heroes, which transcends time and space, is selfless, and it imposes all 'EMIYA' on that man; Heroes, which is essentially an arsenal, is selfish, and all gifts (Fate) have already marked the price tag.

[The right arm was chopped off and completely destroyed from the waist down, the spine was shattered, the skull was frozen, the left chest was blown away, the left hand was cut off, the command spell was cut off, the spine was pierced, the spine was paralyzed, he sucked blood, he fell to death, fell to the ground and was seriously injured, his body was broken, his soul was melted by the blood barrier The baby's legs were cut off and brought back to the castle, where he was slashed to death with a sword, plotted against and died in the black mud...]

Cruel wars do not only lead to success. Countless EMIYAs have experienced countless failures and suffered countless deaths. It is precisely because of this that the resentment accumulated so far is so deep and difficult to eradicate.

【Don't forget, I made an appointment with her to take her to the beach...】

What always reverberates is the last wish of the man who is the carrier.

He prayed so hard that the wish itself turned into a curse.

——It is the best breeding ground and the best food for all the evils in this world.

Then, amidst the gurgling sound, the body of the white-haired youth was dissolved.

Thus, amidst the sound of growth, vicious tattoos outlined the body, and the black mud filled the body.

Accompanied by the teeth-stinging sound of bones rubbing against each other, the lower body exuding the aura of 'evil' was still growing, while the upper body stood up weirdly like plasticine, and the head bent back as if without support, the pitch-black The black hole's pupils stared straight at Saber, making her scalp tingle.

However, this newly born creature didn't seem to be very interested in her - after the lower body was fully grown, he stood up unsteadily like a newborn baby, the connection between the head and neck was finally restored, and the unknown creature stared at her Wuming in front of him tilted his head after a while.

"You..." Wuming frowned, "What's the matter, Angora Mainuu?"

Angora Mainyu, a young man sacrificed as a symbol of all the evils in the world and carrying all the evils of the world on his back, Einzbern replaced Berserker in the third Holy Grail War as the illegal call of Avenger Come out, after the soul is recycled into the Great Holy Grail, the colorless power of the Great Holy Grail is polluted into black mud by the Avenger shaped by evil wishes.

In other words - he is the source of the deterioration of the Holy Grail War, and he is also the "all evil in this world" that has always been dormant inside the Great Holy Grail.

"Angra Mainu?" The unknown creature frowned at him, and said slowly as if he was not used to speaking, "Who is that? My name is 'Emiya Shiro'."

"Huh?" Wuming heard the words, and subconsciously looked up at the sky, "It's the night, that's right... No, after all, there is no gem sword here, the second method has never lost control, and Bazzett has not been killed by Kotomine Kirei. Sneak attack is right—could it be, Shuoyue!"

A spear as pure as moonlight suddenly appeared in Wuming's hand, and at the same time, data-like streamers flowed from his eyes.

At this moment, he saw through the 'soul' hidden in this body, and found that there was a seal woven with white-gold light inside, which firmly bound the consciousness of 'Angola Mainyu'.

Wuming knew that it was the product that Shuoyue used to imprison the soul fragments of the giant warrior Emiya after realizing that there were impurities in the soul. new prisoner.Obviously, this was an arrangement made by Shuoyue before her death, to prevent her body from being taken over by others, and it may also have a meaning against Wuming.

That is to say, at this moment, it is the remnant soul of the 'Guardian Emeritus' that replaced 'Angola Mainyu', and the platinum seal is the embodiment of the third method, and only the third method that touches the soul can trap it. Live in Angola Mainyu, which bears the evil of the world.

Inexplicably, Wuming recalled what Karen Ordesia said.

"Shirou Emiya is a kind person who kills his own desires and does not allow the world to be unreasonable."

"On the contrary, he is a villain who allows his own desires and ignores the injustice of the world."

"Since they are standing on the front and back sides, there are naturally many things in common."

"Hmph... It's like a demon looking at two mirrors."

And there are many so-called common points, one of which is that it is absolutely impossible to attack Saber, and——

Yes, the existence of 'Wu Ming' itself is the most serious Bad Ending for Emiya Juxia.

So it's only natural to show hostility...

Sensing that malice began to flow, Wuming gently pushed away Miyu who stood in front of him, sighing helplessly.

"Ah, I originally wanted to leave this last power to Saber, if that's the case, then you can take it for me, Emiya Shirou."

Facing the incarnation of hostility, Wu Ming seemed to be unaware of the danger, he took a step forward and said flatly:
"Bend your knees and shed tears of gratitude."

It seems that the burly figure with white hair overlapped with Wuming, making his voice into an unknown duo again.

"I am salvation, I am end."

"It is the embodiment of the will of the world!"

When Wuming made such an announcement, Saber could feel that the disgusting aura on him was getting stronger, while the familiar aura was getting weaker and weaker—but it was the opposite for the remnant soul of Wei Gongjuxia.

The remnant souls that have evaporated like rationality can't think. Their instincts are only polarized, either hostile or friendly. The so-called neutrality is a delayed answer given after thinking and weighing.

For Wu Ming, as long as 'Emiya Shiro' agrees, it is enough.

A dark blue glow rose.

That's the universal light, that's the radiance of the Holy Spirit.

Infiltrated by the brilliance, 'All the Evil of This World' narrowed his eyes like a tamed beast, then turned around following Wu Ming's order, and rushed towards Saber ferociously.

"Since the hand against Saber has already been played ahead of time, let's just dye her black with black mud and get rid of her, EMIYA!"

 If you don't understand, I will be very happy (slip)~~
(End of this chapter)

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