My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 188 Heaven and earth leave Enuma Elish!

Chapter 188 The Deviation of Heaven and Earth——Enuma Elish!
Can't beat it.

In the face of the manic evil of this world (EMIYA), Saber could only grit her teeth and hold on.

It's not a question of martial arts, the evil in this world who has lost his mind is completely inferior to Saber in terms of combat skills.

It wasn't a matter of will, Saber knew that her knight had already left, and her strikes would not show mercy.

It's just...the compatibility is really bad.

"Zheng!" The black mud swept like a sea tide, and Saber manipulated the Wind King Barrier to strike horizontally, but as the storm scattered, the black mud that had been blown away gathered again and rushed towards Saber.

The almost screaming intuition made Saber retreat quickly, and she didn't dare to let herself be stained with black mud, but the enemy refused to give up, and the liquid curse was further enhanced, almost condensed into a mass, that overwhelming, disgusting Evil thoughts, just looking at it makes people dizzy.

The so-called Servant is the highest-purity 'soul' summoned through the assistance of the Great Holy Grail. Since the black mud can affect the colorless power of the Great Holy Grail, it is also easy to pollute the Servant's spirit base.

All the evil in this world can make countless mistakes, but as long as Saber is hurt, it means defeat-this is an unfair battle.

"Damn..." Saber gritted her teeth, feeling aggrieved and powerless in her heart.

Obviously he is the knight conferred by himself, and he is the inheritance of the round table in this era, but he can't even protect her...

Full of anger, unable to vent, finally prompted Saber to make a wrong decision.


The blocked utopia resurfaced again, standing like a rock on top of the surging black mud. At the same time, Saber held the holy sword in both hands, shouting like the roar of a dragon:


In the bright holy light, Wuming's expression is so intriguing.



Like raindrops falling on dry land, soaking the soil.

The platinum-gold light of the soul fell on the possession, and the puppet composed of countless materials gave birth to a new life.

Click, click.

Standing up and moving his body, the puppet opened his eyes amidst the sound of flesh and blood working, and the white-gold color flashed away.

"Number one... ahem, puppet number one, the activation is complete."

After confirming that the voice returned to normal and that there was no problem with the magic circuit, Shuoyue, who had transferred her soul with the third method, did not immediately fight back and fought Wuming for [-] rounds, but took a step forward and disappeared into the replacement space. When it reappeared, it was already standing in front of Irisviel and the others.

"Sakuzuki..." Looking at the puppet youth who looked the same as before, Emiya Kiritsugu took a deep breath, and asked neatly, "What's the matter?"

After returning from the Black Holy Grail, Emiya Kiritsugu did not leave with his wife and assistants, because he wanted to express his belated apology and gratitude to the young man who had been helping him.

But since Shuoyue appeared in such an unusual way, it meant that this was not a good time to talk, and he would not be so ignorant as to delay Shuoyue's time.

"It's easy to talk to smart people." Sakutsuki slightly nodded at Emiya Kiritsugu, and said in a flat tone, "I need you to hand over Saber's contract to me, Kiritsugu."

"Okay." Without even thinking, Emiya Kiritsugu nodded and agreed to the request.

The light of the Command Spells shone in the room.

"By the way, Kiritsugu, I also need you to do me a few favors..."



It was a weary gasp.

Saber's chest rose and fell slightly, and the sweat-drenched hair stuck to her cheeks, making this British red dragon look a little weaker.

Even with the bonus of Dragon's Heart, the burden of releasing treasures one after another is still too heavy.

In front of Saber, the "all the evils of this world" relying on Shuoyue's body has lost its form and degenerated into the original black mud, tightly entwined by the sacred magic power, which is difficult to recover.

But it was not yet possible to declare Saber's victory.

"The sword of the vowed victory is really as powerful as ever. It is worthy of being the King of Knights."

Sincere admiration sounded, Wuming held the little holy grail in his left hand, stepped on the black mud step by step, and walked towards Saber: "It's just a temporary cripple of a rabid dog, how are you going to deal with me now? Your pair of Avalon on the defensive?"

"Provocation is useless, Wuming." Breathing gradually stabilized, Saber raised her sword, "Qing Shuoyue has already demonstrated the method to crack Avalon, and the mouse hiding in the dark must have a way to deal with it, right?"

"That's really a pity." Wuming who was ridiculed did not move, "I originally wanted you to face the fall in peace, so just struggle as much as you want, Saber."

The unmarked hand disappeared and was swallowed by the rhombus-shaped replacement space.

This method is not good!
Saber's pupils constricted suddenly, and she wanted to dodge sideways, but Lien Zhan's tired body no longer allowed her to exercise so violently, and because of her slightly slow reaction, she lost her last chance to escape.

On top of her head, the palm holding the Great Holy Grail flipped, and the impatient black mud poured out, engulfing the shining petite figure.


Something very bad is coming, something extremely resistive darkness is coming.


Thinking was swept away and thinned; only the body was still conveying a strong feeling of disgust.

There is no room for pursuing the image anymore, the remaining magic power must be used to escape, even if most of the magic power and part of the limbs are lost, he must desperately escape from the black mud——

escape, escape, escape...

The black mud penetrated thoroughly.

Starting from the inside out, the corruption grows.

The feeling of the torso is completely gone, which is something that you cannot resist as long as you are a Servant, let alone a true heroic spirit. The purer the soul, the more unconscious it will be after being contaminated.

It turned out that this was Wuming's purpose——

The increasingly chaotic consciousness suddenly became clear.

The reason why Wuming allowed 'all the evils of this world' to be defeated was to make Saber consume too much, thus losing the strength to break free from the black mud.

An ominous aura radiated from Saber's body, corroding her whole body, spreading to the black mud on her fingertips, and the darkness that could even be swallowed by moonlight had become herself.

"I'm sorry...Shuo Yueqing."

After uttering her last words, the blond girl sank into the dark mud.

"Is it over?" Wuming looked coldly at the endless black mud, where Saber was transforming into another existence.

After transforming into Alter, Saber's actions will be controlled by the Great Holy Grail, and will no longer pose a threat to Wuming.

In this desperate situation, how should you deal with it, Shuo Yue...

Talking to himself, Wuming took back the little holy grail, and the black mud covering Saber's sky came to an end, slowly falling like a curtain surrounding the stage, revealing the new Servant's posture hidden inside ——

Wuming raised his eyebrows, looking at the empty space ahead, finally a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph, it seems that it's not enough to disappoint me."

"Emperor (brother), be careful, something is coming!" Caster suddenly stood in front of Wuming, ready to fight.

Following the perception of danger, Wuming also raised his head, and saw a young man with white hair and golden eyes looking at him on the roof of Liudong Temple.

In the hands of the young man, the sword of creation that opened up the world is running at high speed, narrating the original and tearing the world apart:

"The sky and the earth are deviant——Enuma Elish!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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