Chapter 189
"Swipe la la la."

The moment the black swordsman landed, the magic array that had been set up was activated immediately. Gravity magic, chain magic, devil-eating magic, sealing magic... Countless high-level magic worked together, vowing to immobilize the target.


"Boom!" This is the sound of gravity being broken.

"Zheng!" This is the sound of the sword cutting through the chain.

"Buzz!" This is the sound of the Demon Devouring Magic being bounced off.

"Boom!" That was the sound of the forbidden barrier being destroyed.

Wearing a visor, the swordsman whose armor was dyed with red texture was like a fierce dragon, smashing everything that imprisoned her to pieces, and even directed all the killing intent on his body to the two living people in the room.

"Saber..." Irisviel covered her mouth, unable to believe that this was the noble and holy King of Knights.

"This is the black mud in the Holy Grail." Emiya Kiritsugu stood in front of his wife with a serious expression, and there was no trace of the Command Seal on his hand, "It doesn't matter, since Satsuki used the Command Seal to summon Saber back, then There must be a way to save her."

"Ping!" There was a sharp clear sound, and the seal on his body disappeared again. The black swordsman stared at the former master and the object of protection, his left eye had turned into an indifferent golden color, and the holy blue right eye was full of struggles. and guilt.

The seal Shuo Yue hastily placed was completely broken, and there were three left.

Time passed, two seconds.

In the next second, another seal shattered, and at the same time, a spatial fault that tore apart the heavens and the earth unfolded in the distance, and the storm formed by the terrifying magic power could be clearly felt even in the room far away.

However, Saber was unmoved, and broke free from the seal wholeheartedly, while Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel did not try to escape, but leaned against each other, watching their former servants.

At the same time, he was calling for the arrival of that young man in his heart.


The last barrier was broken, and a cold storm swept across in an instant. The black swordsman held his blade high and swept towards the living creatures in front of him!

"Order it with a curse!"

Before the blade touched the body, before Saber's eyes completely turned into gold, a figure entered the room from the window, raised the Command Seals in his right hand high, one, two, three—all three Command Seals melted at the same time Fuel for Miracles:

"Stop it, Saber!"

Before completely transforming into an Alter, the remaining spiritual foundations belonging to Saber will still be bound by the Command Seals, and the blessing of the three Command Seals is enough to make even Saber lose resistance to the extremely high magic power.

So the arm that brought the evil wind stopped, and the black-stained holy sword stopped falling.

But judging from the trembling arms of the black swordsman, I'm afraid the effect of the Command Seal won't last long.

"What to do, Shuoyue, why did Saber become like this!" Irisviel looked at the swordsman in front of her in great pain, "She like not the real her!"

"It's my fault, she came a step too late, causing her to be polluted by black mud." Shuoyue walked forward quickly while talking, "Fortunately, she hasn't been completely transformed yet, and I still have a way to save her."

"Wait, your body..." When Sakuzuki approached, Emiya Kiritsugu noticed that there were cracks all over his body, like porcelain that was on the verge of breaking.

"It's just a side effect caused by excessive exertion. The situation is urgent and I can't tolerate my temptation, so I used all my strength from the beginning." Shuo Yue stood still in front of Saber, and suddenly stretched out her hands to hold Saber's icy cheeks.

"You two, close your eyes."

Emiya Kiritsugu turned around without saying a word.

"Ah... ah!" Irisviel was a step late, and only realized something when Sakuyue approached Saber, and covered her eyes with her hands in a panic, but the curious crimson color of a deer was revealed between her fingers. eye pupil.

Shuo Yue has no time to worry about Irisviel's petty actions, the current situation must race against time, so——

He held Saber's beautiful face directly, and while the Command Seal was still in effect, he bent down and kissed her.

Yes, in front of Irisviel, the human youth and the heroic spirit girl kissed.

Mrs. Shock 100 Years.jpg
Even Saber didn't expect Shuoyue's behavior. Her eyes widened slightly, but her body was unable to move due to the restraint of the Command Spell——the next moment, a white-golden radiance bloomed from behind Saber.

That is the brilliance of the soul, that is the color of miracles.

Using the method of replenishing magic as a channel, the miracle of the third method was passed on to the swordsman who kissed him.

It was as if the heavy rain had washed the sky clean, as if the wind had blown away the dust, and the disgusting black mud had faded under the white-gold light, and the polluted spiritual base had also recovered its original appearance.


Using both arms, Saber broke free from Shuoyue's hands, and took a few steps back. At this time, her armor had returned to normal, her blue eyes were full of embarrassment, and a bright red color appeared on her face.

"Shuo Yueqing! You...I...what's going on!"

"No way, this is the only way to get rid of the black mud on your body." Shuo Yue calmly licked the corner of her mouth, trying to put on a serious expression:

"It's just to save people, Saber, there's nothing between us."

"Yes, is that so..." Artoria muttered in a daze, and Shuoyue couldn't help pursing her lips when she looked blankly.

This time, his actions were finally discovered by Saber.

"Suo! Moon!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Shuo Yue apologized like a bachelor, and then quickly got back to the topic, "Although I attacked with a certain golden big move, I saw that guy make a blocking move just before hitting them. I am afraid that such an attack will not be able to completely defeat him."

"That means the battle isn't over yet?" Speaking of business, Saber also restrained her mind, "Wu Ming said that his purpose is to release all the evil in this world and destroy everything about you——Shuoyue, you Do you remember who you have provoked?"

"No, that's not the 'former' enemy, it should be said to be the opposite." Shuo Yue shook her head and didn't say much, "What we need to focus on now is not the reason, but how we can win."

"The current enemy is Caster. With the help of my body, Berserker, who can be regarded as a special attack on servants, and the unpredictable Wuming. As for us, it is you, me, and Assassin lurking in the dark. "

"Sure enough, you subdued Assassin secretly." Saber was not too surprised, "But Assassin's strength can only deal with the Master, facing the three enemy servants, unless she has mastered a powerful weapon..."

"Mr. Lancelot has left the field. Ordinary hot weapons have no effect on the enemy. However, Kiritsugu has given Assassin the necromancer magic bullets and weapons just now—let's let Assassin deal with Caster."

Obviously mentioned the controlled Meiyou, but Shuoyue's tone did not fluctuate much, and even the previous EA included her in the scope of capture.

Is it really necessary to kill relatives righteously, or... is there nothing to fear?

Withdrawing her thoughts, Saber continued: "Then, I will block Wuming, and Qing Shuoyue will fight 'all the evils of this world'..."

"No." Shuoyue interrupted her words, "Whether it's 'All the Evil in This World' or the Little Holy Grail, it's too dangerous for you, Saber—I'll deal with them, and at the same time, You and Assassin concentrate your firepower and defeat Meiyu as quickly as possible, if I am not mistaken, as long as you lose the ability to fight, the 'Assimilation of Heaven's Voice' on her body may be released."

Sky sound assimilation?Is that the ability to control Meiyu?
Looking at the shocking cracks on Shuo Yue's body, the dull hair on Saber's head twitched slightly, but she finally nodded: "Okay."

"Then, I wish you a prosperous martial arts."

"Similarly, you must come back safely, Shuo Yue."

The King of Knights smiled at her knight, then jumped out of the room and returned to the battlefield again.

There, Muming and Miyu, who were unharmed, and "All the Evils of This World", who had recovered their forms, were all ready to fight.

"Then let's fight!"

 Voice Assimilation: A skill possessed by Karl the Great (Charlemagne) who came as a Ruler.Any character can be assimilated and subordinated, and even Servants can be made to join their own army while maintaining their own personality.

  Because the activation condition is "slightly agree with his actions", it is very difficult for him who acts out of good intentions to completely disagree or agree with his actions.

  However, the difficulty of lifting varies according to different characters.

  It is a servant who appeared in "Fate//EXTELLA LINK", and Xia Lulu (Charlemagne) comes from the same heroic spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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