My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 190 The collapsed doll, the tragic battle

Chapter 190 The collapsed doll, the tragic battle

"With such a body, what can you do?"

"Then what price did you pay for blocking EA?"

Wuming and Shuoyue stood opposite each other with two brotherly faces, one holding a moonlight spear and the other holding a vermilion magic spear.

Behind Wuming, the evil of this world let out a low growl impatiently. The roar was like the firing of a starting gun, prompting the two figures to gallop, collide, and rub off fierce sparks.


Spear point to spear point, black eyes to golden eyes, white hair to white hair, the two seem to be the most immortal enemies, every move and every style contains a biting murderous intent.

Stab, tease, poke, pick.

Tie, circle, tart, criticize.

It was a heart-pounding martial arts contest. The martial arts of the two had already touched the threshold of God's Domain, and what was presented under the evenly matched battle was the intense and pleasing battlefield.

The 'evil in this world' who was left idle was not fascinated by this scene, he was agitated, and cast his chaotic eyes on Saber and Assassin in the distance.

Even if he only had the instinct of a beast, he understood that Caster might not last long under the siege of the two servants, so he subconsciously wanted to go to support.

"Get out of here!"

The rhombus-shaped space opened, and a figure jumped out of it, clenched the 'Demon-breaking Red Rose' with both hands, aiming at the head of the evil in this world, it was a domineering sweep!


A blow that should not be underestimated hit the arms of the "evil in this world" blocking, and sent Shuo Yue's former body flying, but this also angered the "evil in this world" who only had instincts left. Amid the human-like anger, the humanoid creature with vicious tattoos on its body spread its arms, and countless black mud replaced its limbs. Its anger rushed towards Shuoyue!

The pure light of white gold shines, it is not the simple colorless power in the Holy Grail, it conceives human desire, the third magic of human consciousness removes the black mud like an eraser, and smashes it into this world with undiminished power. The severe pain on Zhi'e's body distorted the face of this world's evil, convulsing like an electric shock, and he lost his combat ability in a short time.

Just as Saber, as a heroic spirit, was restrained by the unmarked little Holy Grail and the black mud of evil in this world, the third law, the origin of the Holy Grail system, also firmly suppressed the black mud, a fallen creature of colorless power.

Shuoyue's backhand in ambush played a miraculous effect at this moment - if it was the real Angola Mainyu, he would never be tough with Shuoyue who possessed the third method, but would be even more difficult to deal with.

However, Angola Mainyu was banned, and only the instinctive beasts would only understand what a threat was if they felt pain.

"But even so, how long can your tattered body last?" Wu Ming saw through Shuo Yue's predicament at a glance, "Even if I don't use the Holy Grail and just use spear skills to deal with you, the first to fall will definitely not me."

"Wu Ming, hum, let's call it Wu Ming, so that we can be distinguished." Shuo Yue snorted coldly, "Even if my situation is not good, how can you be better? Saber and Assassin will soon be able to defeat Caster, and then the 'Sound Assimilation' will be lifted, and you will face a combined attack from three servants—don't deny that my third method is incomplete, but I can still judge that this kind of thing can be done of."

"Oh, is that so? So you thought that in Xingyue, just the number of people can produce suppression?" The man without a name showed sarcasm, "In the face of absolute strength, everything is false."

"Xingyue..." Shuoyue licked his lips, his eyes glowed with excitement, he slowly lowered his body, ready to go like a cheetah about to prey, "Speaking of which, I've wanted to ask for a long time, you Where did this spear come from, on that moon cell?"

"You'll know about this kind of thing soon." Wuming shook his spear, and a scorching and azure blue light suddenly appeared on his body.

"Including what is meant by 'absolute strength'."


"Our mission has three objectives: one is to regain the Holy Grail, the other is to purify 'all the evils of this world', and the third is to retrieve Miyu. I will try my best to complete the first two points, and I will leave the last one to you."

Even though the battle was about to come, Shuoyue still joked lightly: "If the child is disobedient, just give him a good beating."

"What about you? Give us the simple job, and deal with the two most powerful enemies by yourself? Is your body... able to hold it?"

"A man can't say no, Saber, let alone I have more than just this body."

The memory ended here, Saber's holy sword was slanted, and the starlight turned into an arc of sword energy and let go, and the bullet was forced into the air.

As one of the highest magic dresses of the church, sapphire can provide users with an A-level magic barrier, and because of this, Saber doesn't have to worry about causing fatal injuries to Meiyu.

"Sorry Caster, we are also racing against time, next I will knock you out with the back of my sword, it will hurt a little but hold it back!"

Surging magic power was released, and Saber, who was strengthened by Shuoyue with the command spell, smashed the floor of Liudong Temple with one foot, and was fired like a cannonball. Behind her, several Assassins held submachine guns, aimed at Miyu and pulled the trigger. Saber provides suppression firepower.

In front of Saber, Miyu who was blown away by the sword energy stood up expressionlessly, the sapphire cane in her hand had turned into an ax and sword the size of her body at some point.

Class card Berserker.

Shuoyue didn't have time to take back her job card because she didn't expect Meiyou's betrayal.

And this is also the reason why he asked Saber to bring Meiyou back.

"Awaken!" shouted loudly, Saber swung her sword to meet the controlled Caster!


"The Kingdom of Heaven and Hell, build Yu Zhishen, and show the supreme light here, come and devour everything!"

In the gradually spreading golden theater, swordsmen with roses and applause held the primordial fire and proudly proclaimed:

"Accept, the glorious emperor (Laus Saint Claudius) sung by virgins!"

With the scorching flames slashing down, the surrounding world suddenly turned into a flamboyant golden theater. Shuoyue set up the projected iron shield, and controlled the two giant swords hanging in the sky to fall, turning into a solid The barrier, however, was still defeated by the powerful blow of the Liberation Noble Phantasm, and the body flew out involuntarily, shattered in mid-air, and collapsed!

"This is the first puppet!" Wuming holding the small holy grail doesn't have to worry about the consumption of magic power. He maintains the golden theater wantonly, but the figure of the rose swordsman standing beside him fades away. A fox witch in a blue magic suit.

"Let her defeat your second puppet next, come out quickly, Shuoyue!"

"As you wish!" The diamond-shaped space tore open the theater, stepped on the doll's corpse, the newly appeared Shuoyue was holding Mo Xie, the general, and ferocious iron clusters like dragon scales condensed on the black and white double blades!
"Three Crane Wings!"

Throwing two rounds of double knives quickly, when Wuming blocked with the moonlight spear, Shuo Yue flew up, condensing magic power and releasing a sharp slash!
"Curse Aspect: Yan Tian!"

The yin-yang talisman circulated, spraying hot flames and attacking the moon, but only devoured an afterimage.

Suddenly appearing in front of and behind Caster Tamamo, Shuoyue in white robe and red clothes swung her two knives and performed the final blow of the 'Three Reapers of Crane Wings'!
Swing the sword to cut through the water, reach the heaven, and be sworn to death!

Amidst the screams, the figure in front of Yuzao faded away.

Shuo Yue yelled violently, discarded the double blades in her hands, condensed the destructive Yellow Rose in her left hand, aimed at Wu Ming's back and stabbed straight!

That was the sound of a spear piercing through flesh and blood.

Wuming turned around slowly, looked at Shuoyue who was pierced by Gae·Bolg, and said as if counting down: "This is the second one."

"Queen of the Demon Realm, Scatha..." Looking at a certain BBA phantom with purple hair and red pupils, a bumpy figure, exuding a magical charm, the young man pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled with difficulty, "As expected, As a godslayer who has mastered the skills of God's Domain, I will not be wronged if I lose."

Only the last doll remains.

Wuming stared at the young man's eyes, but he didn't see any despair in them.

Only the last doll remains.

Shuo Yue endured the severe pain of the puncture, and calmly calculated the time and possibility.

Up to now, he has understood Wuming's ability - to summon the heroic spirits related to the Holy Grail War of the Moon, or borrow their abilities, or directly let their phantoms descend, and with the Little Holy Grail in hand, Shuo Yue didn't need to think about whether Wuming's magic power would be exhausted.

The evils of this world can be eliminated, but with the performance of these puppets, it is impossible to fight against Wu Ming, a bug who has countless heroic abilities, let alone win.

So, please, Saber!

His thoughts stopped running, and the godslayer's spear flew the corpse into pieces, smashing it into pieces. In the rain of blood, even the golden theater that sang love was stained with an ominous bright red.

After scrapping Shuoyue's second body, Wuming was not idle. Heroic spirit Nero Claudius appeared behind him again, and the Golden Theater began to expand, trying to accommodate both Saber and Assassin in the magic hall. middle.

The reason why Shuo Yue's two bodies were blown up so easily is because the Noble Phantasm 'Virgin's Glorious Emperor' has created a battlefield that is beneficial to Wu Ming.

Once Saber and Assassin are dragged into the theater, the victorious party will belong to Wuming!
Apparently Shuoyue is also very aware of this point, the replacement space unfolds again, and Shuoyue's last puppet steps onto the Golden Theater, entrusting all victory or defeat to the weapon in his hand.

"Arrow of Imaginary Numbers Curtain of Night!"

This time it was not for the purpose of defense, the imaginary number particles surged at the front of the arrow, and did not expand and open the curtain, but kept compressing, compressing, compressing until it collapsed!
Then, in the Golden Theater, a deep black hole suddenly appeared!

The non-existing matter collapses, and because of this, it must absorb the surrounding matter to prove its 'existence', until everything is swallowed up!

Amidst the overwhelmed sound of the treasure, the magnificent golden theater shattered. Shuoyue maintained the posture of bow and arrow, but due to excessive exertion, she became temporarily stiff, and even her body showed cracks after overloading.

In any case, it is impossible for a hastily made doll to accept such a fierce battle.

It is impossible for Wu Ming to let go of this opportunity—although he is also in the pause of phantom shattering, but besides them, there is another pawn on the battlefield.

"Kill him, all the evil in this world!"

The long-prepared evil of this world appeared like a ghost, and with the right hand that condensed the black mud into a blade, it stabbed fiercely towards Shuo Yue's heart!

A dull voice sounded, and what caught Shuo Yue's eyes was the silent black robe.

 Only now did I realize that Irisviel is the Lesser Holy Grail, and what I copied and pasted before was always the Great Holy Grail... Speechless, it has been revised.

(End of this chapter)

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