My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 191 The soul holding the cup of heaven

Chapter 191 The soul holding the cup of heaven


The back of the sword slapped Miyu hard like a baseball bat, the girl didn't say a word, she passed out as soon as she closed her eyes.

"It's over!" Grabbing the Berserker class card that popped out of Miyu, at the same time, Assassin also took the other class cards tied to her legs and handed them to Saber.

"Huh... have you caught up?" Artoria let out a long breath, her arms trembling slightly.

In order to end the battle as quickly as possible, she had to fight head-on with Miyu who was incarnated as Berserker, sword to sword, facing the incomparably huge ax and sword, even as a Saber, she felt uncomfortable.

"As expected of the great hero Hercules... No, now is not the time to sigh." Saber shook her head, looking towards the direction where Shuoyue and Wuming were fighting fiercely, but her vision was blocked by the existence of the Golden Theater. Hurry up to support, Assassin...Assassin?!"

Beside her, Baimao suddenly squatted on the ground in pain, the submachine gun fell, and thick black air suddenly burst out from her body.

"This is it possible! Why are you polluted by black mud?!"

Arturia, who had almost been transformed into an Alter, recognized Baimao's abnormal state at a glance, and said in shock.

At this moment, with the sound of breaking glass, the Golden Theater gradually disappeared, revealing the four figures inside.

Wuming and Shuoyue stood still, all the evils in this world maintained their piercing posture, and...Assassin appeared in front of Shuoyue and blocked the decisive blow with his body.

"Boom!" The angry third method blasted 'all the evils of this world' away, Shuo Yue stopped and looked at the assassin standing in front of him with a complicated expression.

"Hundred appearances..."

Unlike Saber who was poured with black mud, Assassin was replaced by the black mud that pierced through his heart and touched the spiritual core—that was erosion from the inside out, even if Shuoyue could use the third method to suppress it, it would not be able to eradicate it .

"Don't be sad about this, master." The hood fell down, and the purple-haired Baimao's mouth was bleeding, looking at Shuo Yue with a soft look in his eyes, "Death is the fate of our assassins, and we will eventually return to the first generation of adults under the wings of the

In a trance, the death bell rang, and Baimao knelt on one knee, as if she had sworn allegiance for the first time, bowing her head to the Master (Master) she agreed with from the bottom of her heart.

"Please send me to the side of the first generation of adults, my lord... although I don't know if he still agrees to accept my unworthy descendant."

It is not a simple method to kill Baimao who has been differentiated into dozens of incarnations with Noble Phantasms. Once other Baimao slip through the net, they will start to kill indiscriminately because of the black mud.

For this, Command Spells are required.

"—Order it with a spell." Shuo Yue slowly but firmly raised her arm.

"Goodbye, Assassin."

"Thank you, my lord."

Accepting the last order with his own will, no matter where he was, the assassin in black robe ended his life neatly, and the purple-haired man also destroyed his spiritual core and turned into a spiritual core. Zizi disappeared in front of Shuoyue.

Servant Assassin exits at Ryudo Temple.

Her soul merged into the Holy Grail, making the magic power contained in the golden cup even higher. If it weren't for Wuming and Shuoyue's continuous suppression, it might have opened the hole to the root long ago.

"Are you supporting the enemy?" Wuming raised his eyebrows, indicating that the Holy Grail is in his hands, "I lost the Assassin, and strengthened the little Holy Grail in my hand—do you want to surrender?"

"Surrender?" Shuo Yue still had a sneering smile on her face even though her body was in tatters, "To be honest, when you took away Mei Yu with the 'Assimilation of Heaven's Voice', I panicked——"

The replacement magic display dragged everyone present into another area. Although it was in a deep and large cavity, the ground veins that appeared due to the filling of magic power illuminated the place brightly.

This is the inside of Mount Enzo, where the Great Holy Grail is located.

"It's not because of panic because Meiyou was taken away, but because of another crucial reason."

After forcibly dragging the enemy to transfer, especially after Wuming still held a powerful and mysterious object like the Holy Grail in Wuming's hand, the third doll was also unsustainable, and began to shatter inch by inch from the arm.

This is already the last puppet, and after losing it, Shuo Yue has no one to rely on.

Even so, Shuo youth still calmly said:

"I am a magician who has practiced the third method. I have inherited the memory fragments of Yustissa, the Holy Maiden of Winter. I have also captured the Matou House, and I have read through all the records of Maqili Zorgen so far— —Now I have mastered the rules and operation methods of the entire Holy Grail system."

The white hair dissipates, half of the body goes with the wind,

"This is the reason why I put the battlefield here, Wuming——I, who has mastered the third method, the materialization of the soul, am the real Holy Grail user!"

As the voice fell, the last body belonging to Shuo Yue completely collapsed, and his soul lost its place to live.

Is it really?
All of a sudden, the class card that Miyu got from Meiyu's hand suddenly flew into the air, Rider, Lancer, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker, five full class cards were spinning in the air, exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

"Class card... what do you want to do, Shuoyue?" Wu Ming looked up at these class cards and frowned.

"Drink!" The sword of vowed victory entwined with starlight slashed down. Although Wu Ming was caught off guard, he still turned sideways and avoided the holy sword's slashing blow in a matter of seconds, turning his head to look at the sword holder.

"It's now, Saber!"


Wuming was stunned for a moment, and immediately there was a sharp pain in his left hand, and the little Holy Grail he was holding fell out and fell into the hands of the King of Knights!

"Well done, Miyu!" After obtaining the Holy Grail, Saber quickly retreated, meeting a girl dressed as a swordsman who was also holding a holy sword.

"It turns out that there is still a class card in your hand, Miyu Edelfelt." Wuming covered his injured left hand, and looked at the angry girl, "I didn't expect you to wake up so soon, And pretending to be Saber to attract my attention, well done."

"I don't need your compliments!" After the 'Tiansheng Assimilation' was lifted, Miyu had already understood the cause and effect, so she was full of hostility towards this man.

"Calm down, Miyu." Saber reminded, "Sakuyue is still waiting for us."

"...You're right." Miyu took a deep breath, canceled the dream summoning, and threw the class card with the Saber (swordsman) posture printed on it into the sky. The seven class cards were completely gathered, and then suddenly burned Light up the blue flame!
"This is... the spirit energy similar to that of the followers after they dissipated!" Wu Ming instantly realized Shuoyue's purpose, "Do you want to use them to replace the souls of the followers, Shuoyue!"

So far, Saber and Caster have not died, but the souls of the two cavalry servants were replaced by Shuoyue with six class cards, which also means that the Holy Grail has the weight of seven cavalry servants, and the small Holy Grail is completely full. The conditions for the activation of the Great Holy Grail have been met!

"Exactly, Wuming! This is my home field!"

The platinum light, just like the salvation and hope that people prayed for, illuminated the dark void.

It is the light that guides the possibilities of the future, the light that can touch the end of the soul with both hands.

The centuries-old wish and pursuit of the Einzbern family took shape here. Although the beautiful flowers have not yet been seen, the seeds of life have sprouted.

The little holy grail in Saber's hand floated by itself, and was hugged by a figure shrouded in hazy light. At the same time, a golden color suddenly appeared on the ground.

This is the place where the Maiden of Winter dedicated her life, and the idea of ​​dismantling her magic circuits and magically replacing her human body—this idea is the Great Holy Grail.

Under the call of the magic of the same source, the Great Holy Grail accepted the existence of the young man and obeyed his instructions.

The golden light rises from bottom to top like a fluid, converging on the figure, weaving a gorgeous and noble 'cloak of heaven' embroidered with gold patterns, as white as snow.

Infused with almost endless magic power, the young man with white hair and blond eyes appeared in front of everyone with a brand new attitude, wearing the clothes of the sky and holding the Great Holy Grail in his arms.

"Even if I lose my body, but with the existence of the third law, I can still defeat you with a soul posture, Wuming!"

"Brother..." Meiyou raised her head, staring at Shuoyue who looked like a god in a daze, "So handsome..."

Saber on the side remained silent. Although she still maintained the reservedness of a king, in fact, she was indeed deeply amazed by Shuo Yue's posture.

It wasn't just a change in appearance. After being combined with the Great Holy Grail, the essence of Shuoyue has transcended human beings and become a more complete inhuman thing.

Although it is only temporary, it is shocking enough.

"The third method, the Cup of Heaven?" Wuming raised his head, also looking at Shuoyue, who was even stronger than before, "That's right, after all, the 'evil of this world' has left, and the black mud in the Great Holy Grail It can be purified, the third method...huh."

Complexity flashed in his eyes.

If he had also mastered this magic back then...

When Wuming fell into reminiscence, Shuoyue did not attack him, but hugged the Holy Grail and cast a cold glance at the "all the evils of this world" who shrank aside.

"First, purify your residue."

Shuo Yue remembered the revenge of Assassin's death due to his surprise attack.

The white-gold light reappeared. This time, there was no room for 'all the evils of this world' to survive. He, who had just robbed a head from the beginning to the end, was completely purified by the third method and completely disappeared in this world.

The combination of the Great Holy Grail, which has absorbed the magic power of 60 years of leylines, and the magician who has mastered the third method, will probably make everyone tremble.

But among them, Wuming is not included.

"Do you think you are the only one who has the gift bonus?" Looking at the menacing Shuoyue, Wuming raised his lightning-like eyebrows and said with a half-smile, "Now that things have happened, you should have guessed my origin, right? Then, Guess again - have I experienced the battle on the back of the moon?"

"BeastⅢ/R, Kiara Sesseiin... that is to say!" Shuoyue suddenly realized something, and suddenly raised the small Holy Grail, creating a passage leading to the inside of the Great Holy Grail in mid-air!

At the same time, the moonlight spear in Wuming's hand disintegrated and gradually transformed into a black-gold armor. The mythical dress that once defeated the evil of mankind covered him again. The young man appeared behind Wu Ming and kicked him violently into the hole.

"If you want to fight, just go in and fight, Wuming!"

"Wait for me, brother!"

"Miyu! Servants are not allowed to enter there!" Saber wanted to stop it, but it was too late, and she could only watch helplessly as the beryl-colored girl followed her into the big room with Shuoyue and Wuming. The depths of the Holy Grail.

"...Be sure to come back safely, Sakuzuki, Miyu." Looking at the hole that was about to disappear, Saber murmured.

However, she didn't notice that at the place where "all the evil in this world" dissipated, a black shadow emerged, and it also got into the slowly closing passage and disappeared.

TIP: A total of more than 6000 words, which is equivalent to the contribution of two chapters of the previous three chapters, it should be considered as an addition and compensation at the request of book friends!

 Clothes of Heaven: Because it is a dress used to control the Great Holy Grail, therefore, the person who appears as the holder of the Holy Grail will naturally wear this dress (it is not a transformation CG like a magical girl!)

  Mythic dress: In the later stage of "Fate/EXTRA CCC", in order to obtain the same level of combat power as the BB that became the Mooncell system itself, the most primitive power obtained by sneaking into Archer's heroic core as a heroic spirit is the mythical dress.

(End of this chapter)

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