My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 192 Victory belongs to Wuming's story

Chapter 192 Victory belongs to Wuming's story
Once upon a time, there was such a young man, a young man from some other world, who participated in the Fourth Holy Grail War.

With the favor of fate and his powerful strength, he summoned equally powerful servants.

This victory will definitely be ours!

On a certain night, the young man smiled and announced to his followers.

Thinking about it now, that was a naive to arrogant declaration.

In the Holy Grail War, the more powerful you are, the harder it is to walk on thin ice—unless you have the power to subvert everything in your hands.

After the overly powerful youth and servants eliminated the Caster group, killed the Assassin group, and defeated the Rider group, they naturally encountered hostility from the remaining masters.

This is not the five battles of the Holy Grail. The participants in the fourth war have bet on their will and beliefs and seriously participated in this round of Russian roulette.

So the Archer team, the Berserker team, and the Lancer team united, supplemented by despicable tricks and correct means, and finally at the cost of Berserker's exit, Lancer successfully sent the young servant back to the Seat of Heroes.

After Archer was severely injured by the young man and saved his life with the command spell, he completely abandoned his arrogance, fought the young man with the attitude of a top servant, and finally won the victory.


The aurora tearing apart the sky and the earth turned the wheels of the future to another inflection point.

The body was destroyed by the treasure, and the soul was taken away by the restraining force (Alayah). The servants of the name merged into one and started to roam again.

Then, after spending a hundred years, it returned to the original point.


"Yes, this is your story, and it is also my story."

The battle armor turned into style, and the light of the sword turned into rain. Inside the Great Holy Grail, a gust of wind and rain rushed towards us!

The young man in the dress of the sky held the cup of the sky in his hand, chanting in a low voice, guiding the free imaginary numbers, summoning the sharpness of the sky, the projected soldiers' fronts and the familiar demons replaced by the imaginary numbers surrounded the only king, crusading the only enemy.

The heavy wind and rain were cut to pieces by two stunning sword lights, and the mythical hero blended into the wind, and was close at hand in an instant, and the black and white double swords in his hands were aimed at Shuo Yue's face and fell.

Steel collides, white sword meets black sword, black sword meets white sword.

Sparks flew, illuminating two identical faces!

Yes, for 'Wu Ming', the appearance of Emiya with white hair and black pupils is the disguise, which belongs to his original appearance—it is exactly the same as Shuoyue's golden eyes and white hair!

The reason why the Heroic Spirit called himself 'No Ming' was precisely because he was an unknown hero, an empty Heroic Spirit. Although the origin of this Heroic Spirit did exist, when he was sacrificed as a hero, the name of that human being was changed from Everyone's memory, history is forgotten.

As an empty shell, under normal circumstances, it is natural to use the character of the original character, but once the new consciousness takes over, he will not have any resistance.

Therefore, this 'Wu Ming' who is confronting Shuo Yue is exactly——

"Yes, in the Fourth Holy Grail War, the one who summoned Saber, defeated countless powerful enemies, and fell short in the end, was me and you, Sakuzuki!"

It is no longer clear who is who, only the attire that symbolizes the different past can prove the difference between the two enemies.

The non-existent wind whizzed, the arms covered with black gold and iron tightly clenched the two knives, passed through the corroded river full of imaginary particles, and went upstream, behind her was a girl burning like a rose, holding the original fire in her hand, and swung a bright red sword gas!
Before the arc-shaped sword flash could reach Shuoyue's body, it was smashed by the heavy hammer shining with platinum cold light. Shuoyue raised her eyes, floated on a high place and looked down at 'Wu Ming', and a rain of imaginary flames sprang up It roared out and poured it down on its head.

This feeling--

'Wu Ming' grinned, and a certain memory from the past became vivid at this moment. The feeling of being alone by his side not only failed to depress him, but made him grin the corners of his mouth, his whole body tensed up as if he was going to burn with passion, ready to go :

"Based on the current you, you are far from reaching the realm of the crown (Grand), let alone a beast (Beast)!"

The black-golden streamer rose into the sky, shattering the weapon, and the speed exploded again, as if it wanted to tear off the untainted star in the sky and fall into the same quagmire with him.

The platinum light covered all of 'Wu Ming''s field of vision, and the double impact of body and soul erupted suddenly, causing him to let out a tragic growl, and the veins in his arms bulged. He only had time to throw the double blades in his hands, and they fell off like broken wings. down.

The double blades were bounced off without any accident, Shuo Yue still held the sky high, and there was not a trace of filth on the elegant and noble dress of the sky.

This is the interior of the Great Holy Grail. Now that "all the evils of this world" have left, this is the absolute home of Shuoyue.

This is also the reason why Shuoyue wanted to put 'Wu Ming' here before he unfolded the mythical dress. No one knew better than him how threatening the mythical dress was.

In "Fate/EXTRA CCC", the servants wearing the mythical costumes can not only defeat the BB who has devoured the power of countless servants, but also kill the Kiara who is transformed into a Beast larva - even if the big The Holy Grail has absorbed magic power for 60 years. As long as Shuoyue has not become the third magician, he has absolutely no reason to defeat 'Wu Ming'.

But—just like Shuoyue has flaws, Wuming also has flaws.

The so-called servants are those who rely on the master to exert their power, but there is no one around Wuming.

But Shuoyue is not fighting alone.

Feeling the reassuring feeling from her back, Shuo Yue's face softened.

The blue-green magical girl who looked like the incarnation of the moon was standing back to back with him, praying with all her heart.

"Ten billions of tiny lights, please don't forget that momentary brilliance - make a wish to the stars, I hope your feelings can be conveyed"

Miyu knew what mistakes she had made, and being controlled and involuntary were all excuses. After all, she did betray her Master with the magic spear, which made Shuoyue lose in the contest with Wuming from the very beginning. .

If you make a mistake, you must atone for it.

Even a little bit of help is fine, as long as my brother (Master) can win!
Even if he's not your brother?

There seems to be such a voice in my heart asking, this is a question that Meiyou has been avoiding all along, and it is also the reason why she will be controlled by Wuming.

However, these are not important anymore.

If you can't find the correct answer, then decide what to protect and what to defeat according to your own will.

Didn't she already see the star twinkling in the night sky?
It was the determination to overthrow all the preparations for her and start over, it was the tenderness to prepare three meals a day for her no matter how tired she was...

So, is that something worth guarding?


Am I willing to defeat all enemies and overcome all difficulties for him?

Just like on a moonless night, twinkling stars will decorate the sky... The world is made up of small wishes.

Another precious star was born in my night sky, a star that shines brighter than the moon!
Opening her eyes that turned golden red at some point, Miyu floated like the moon in the sky, exhausting all her strength, praying for the person she swore to protect:

"The new moon of the earth that shines on the stars!"

Starlight and moonlight, the third method of white gold, a small beryl-colored moon... The young man who accepted all this opened his eyes and looked at Wuming with burning eyes:
"It's over, I will completely abandon the possibility of you, so as to move towards a better future-I declare here!"

Those are confident words, that is a proud oath, and that is the lofty ambition possessed by those who walk on their own path and are confident that they can break through all obstacles.

"I, exist here!"

The cup of heaven blooms, and the picture scroll of pure heart unfolds. The golden sun rises on the beautiful snow field covered with silver, and the field shining with diamonds shines like a dream.

Clean ice crystals and snowflakes fell, 'Wu Ming' stared blankly at the scene, finally put down his weapon, and sighed in relief:
"As expected of me..."

TIP: These paragraphs will involve some settings in "Fate/Extra", "Fate/Extra CCC", "Fate/EXTELLA", and "Fate/EXTELLA LINK". I will give an explanation in the writer's words here , try not to confuse you, and will introduce the stories there in detail in the future, so that book friends who don't know these stories can understand them.

Another: If you want to play Galgame, you can play "Fate/Extra CCC". In addition, I strongly recommend the game "Fate/EXTELLA".If you want the resources of "Fate/EXTELLA" and "Fate/EXTELLA LINK", there are them on Steam, and the author also has them on hand. You can ask the author in the group, hehehe (Van Gogh face)...

 Alright——here, let me talk about the knowledge points in advance, which will be tested in the next chapter.

  1. Mooncell: Moon Spirit Crystal·Autonomous Calculator, the calculation scale of a supercomputer the size of the moon can rival the universal computer of a solar system.Many stories of the Holy Grail War of the Moon took place here.

  2. Predator Wilpa: A comet that appears in the Milky Way with a period of 4000 years. The starship it launches contains starship soldiers (Attila is one of them), and civilizations will be destroyed wherever it passes .

  3. Wilpa 02: The starship on which King Attila rides.

  4. Attila: In fact, she is Cephalu, the vanguard sent by Yuxing, that is, the white giant 4000 years ago—yes, it is the legend that caused many strange belts, and her story happened In the moon spirit crystal.In addition, almost every important character in Weird Belt has used her BGM~
(End of this chapter)

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