My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 194 Beast Intermission, Farewell to Miyu and Muming

Chapter 194 Beast Intermission, Farewell to Miyu and Muming

Just like the intermissions or fragments in every story, there are additional stories in the past that belongs to "No Ming".

Humans are evil, Beast.

I don't know when it appeared, I don't know why it happened, and I don't know why I got entangled with the abnormal and boring follower 'Wu Ming', but no matter what, the world where Wu Ming lives is all because of her, the only master Zabizi squatted next to Wuming every day, like a Pokémon master waiting by the grass with a master ball in his hand; a certain girl swordsman from Rose and Cheers even carried the original fire, and almost got rid of it in order to get it out. Destroy the Rome I built.

Only Wuming knows that this beast is not only malicious, and maliciousness is just a temporary thing, which will only become weaker and weaker as it is used. Its peeping eyes hidden in the shadows-flowing emotions that Wuming does not know.

If you insist on describing it, it's like observing a fruit that is about to ripen, appreciating the prosperity of this world, and staring at the decline of this world with hunger.

Ah, yes, Beast, the human evil that makes countless people fear and fear, is hidden in the shadow of Wu Ming, hidden in the world of imaginary numbers that cannot be touched in this world.

Now, it also followed Wuming and left Mooncell, casting a greedy gaze towards this new world line.

"The demise of Mooncell is a foregone conclusion, so I didn't expose you." Wearing a mythical dress, Wuming smashed the black giant shadow with two knives, "But it's different here. The expectations of the whole world!"

The eyes were sharp, and the two knives slashed down.

"Therefore, we must not let you destroy it!"

Ascending to the top of the crown, a mighty force like killing a god descends, which is a height that Shuoyue can't reach even holding the Cup of Heaven. The reason why Wuming didn't use his full strength in the battle with Shuoyue is because he already Saw Beast coming!
"The sealed Angora Mainyu has already been swallowed by you. That harmless 'all the evils of this world' is just a cover. When Shuoyue and I decide the outcome and leave, you will be in charge of the Great Holy Grail." , using this as a base, by abducting the souls of the people of Fuyuki City, to awaken and construct the Beast’s body—yes, just like what Aika Sajo did!”

The black shadow squirmed, even though it had no face, there was still a strong sense of ridicule coming from it.

Yes, that's what I'm for.

But what can you do, kill me?
Can you kill me!

The black mud swayed, laughed, and cast an overwhelming shadow on the mythical hero.

The body of the hero is slowly dissipating, which is the price for entrusting the future to another person. As the anchor point connecting the past and the future, if he does not disappear, the possibility of "collapse" will always exist .

Only by realizing that the person from the past has completely disappeared can the gears of fate turn again.

"Indeed, I don't have the power to kill you now." Wu Ming admitted, but immediately lifted something from his hand.

That was what he asked Shuoyue to leave behind, the familiar from the imaginary number.

"But—" Grinning towards the restless black mud, Wuming put away the shadow of imaginary numbers and charged with a knife.

"I will build you into the shadow!"


The slender gun body, its fine shape can be called an art, the dark blue flow clusters cling to it, and when it encounters light, it will reflect the crystal blue brilliance.

Shuoyue played with this gem-like spear, and after the ownership was transferred by Wuming, he also somewhat understood the horror of this weapon.

This gun is based on a whole mooncell (moon spirit crystal) and is a mythical creation that incorporates the power of many heroic spirits. This is why Wuming can use the abilities of different heroic spirits to fight against the enemy like King Chonghuang Shiwang.

With it, there is the power of all the spirits in the mooncell.

[An important prop named Mooncell has been detected, should it be absorbed? 】

[An important prop named Mooncell has been detected, should it be absorbed? 】


"Yes, yes, yes!" Shuo Yue held her forehead, feeling that her head was about to be overthrown by the Destiny Illustrated Book.

However, judging from the continuous prompts from the Destiny Illustrated Book, the importance of the Mooncell component can be seen.

[Instructions have been received and Mooncell absorption has begun. It is expected to take 24 hours and will enter the upgrade state soon.]


The Destiny Illustrated Book lost its voice, and the Moon Spirit spear disappeared inch by inch, as if it had never appeared in this world.

"Next... it's time to deal with the follow-up matters." Sakuyue looked up, the blond knight king was slowly walking towards him, followed by Emiya Kiritsugu, Irisviel and Weber Velvet .

They are the people who survived the Holy Grail War.

Seven masters, seven heroic spirits, counting the assistants, there are a total of 24 members——

In the quiet temple, there are only seven shadows reflected by the flowing moonlight...

"Hold on."

The imaginary space opened up, and some disgraced Wuming fell out of it, and said angrily, "You bastard, you really didn't wait for me."

Replacing Kariya who was far away in Chancheng's house, the eighth figure stood side by side with the crowd who were facing a great enemy.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just a slime on the side of the road now."


"...To sum up, Wuming has surrendered, and this Holy Grail War is completely over."

"Is it over...?" Even after listening to Shuoyue's narration, Saber still felt a sense of unreality.

Seeing Wuming sitting with Shuoyue like a brother, her expression was extremely strange.

You were the ones who beat life and death a few minutes ago, and now you are the ones who are sitting together as brothers and sisters...Will you play me?

"In short, after such and such things happened, it became what it is now." Shuo Yue looked at the people who hadn't adjusted, raised her eyebrows, and said bluntly, "What are you doing? The Holy Grail War is over. Each family finds its own mother, no one wants to pursue the Great Holy Grail, right?"

How could it be possible to pursue that kind of thing?
Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel looked at each other and shook their heads resolutely.

I have harvested the most precious treasure.

Wei Bo held his beating heart, his eyes were firm.

The other groups had already left the stage halfway, so under Shuo Yue's half-smiling gaze, everyone bid farewell to them and left here.

Needless to say, the next actions of the Saber group, those who did not win the Great Holy Grail will be expelled or even hunted down by Ahadeon. In order to prevent Illya from being murdered, they must rush back to Winter City as quickly as possible. Rescue the last member of their family.

With Saber around, there is absolutely no problem.

As for Weber, after bidding farewell to the old man who has been staying overnight, he will definitely return to the clock tower and walk towards his destiny.

Kariya has already settled down at Chancheng's house completely, judging by his reluctance to leave (he didn't reply for a few days), it seems that this old virgin will have everything he needs sooner or later, and the Caster group left behind in the end——

"I'm leaving, brother/Shuo Yue." X2
As if they had made an appointment, Wuming and Meiyu spoke at the same time, and at the same time, the two of them released the suppression.

The golden light that symbolizes parting rises on their bodies.

 The slime on the side of the road is an old meme, so I won't mention it any more. As for Beast's identity... eh?
(End of this chapter)

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