My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 195 Wishing the Holy Grail, Texture Name: Emiya Shiro

Chapter 195 Wishing the Holy Grail, Texture Name: Emiya Shiro

"Miyu! No follower can enter there!"

As Saber shouted at the time, the interior of the Great Holy Grail is a forbidden area for servants.

In the final analysis, the so-called servants are human beings with the assistance of the Great Holy Grail, the heroic spirit clones pulled from the seat of heroes. The souls of the servants are the energy of the Great Holy Grail, and the servants who directly enter the Great Holy Grail should have been restored from the beginning. The most primitive 'soul' becomes the source of power to drive the Great Holy Grail.

Under the blessing of Shuoyue's third method, Meiyu was saved from disappearing, but her spiritual core was still irreversibly damaged.

And after that, she released the treasure with all her strength—that was a wish that required her physical strength to release.

Adding injury to injury, Miyu's spirit foundation inevitably collapsed.

"I use Command Seals—" Shuoyue said, raised her arms, but was hugged by Miyu.

"No need, brother. Although you have gone through so many things, you are still my Oni-chan~"

The white-haired young man lowered his eyes: "I'm sorry, I just inherited the fake record of your brother. Even I don't know if the emotions I have towards you are real or stemmed from guilt."

"Hmm~ No." Miyu buried herself in Shuoyue's arms and shook her head, "That is indeed an emotion from the bottom of my heart. As a god child, I will not ignore your feelings."

The real feeling of physical contact gradually dissipated, and what came at the last moment was Miyu's smiling farewell.

"It was a wonderful journey, brother. In that world, we will meet each other eventually."

The beryl-colored magical girl carried beautiful memories like this, gradually dissipating under the silver moonlight.

Shuoyue maintained her embrace, and looked at Wuming whose legs had disappeared after a while: "What about you, I thought you would disappear by yourself in the imaginary space, after all, I don't really like parting without leaving anything blank. "

"Yeah, the farewell should be silent, so as to leave the hope of meeting again." Wuming smiled and nodded. After staying with Shuoyue for a long time, his memory that was so long ago that he was about to forget it was gradually being forgotten. Click Recover.

"However, something out of the ordinary happened, so I had to run out."

White-haired and golden-eyed, but with wind and frost engraved in the depths of his eyes, Wuming raised his hand, and the imaginary shadow in his hand twisted wildly, sometimes turning into an upright goat, sometimes turning into a horned beast, sometimes turning into a multi-faceted beast. The first monster...

"What is this?" Instinctively, Shuo Yue sensed the extreme danger inside.

It's as if his 'Shadow of Imaginary Number' has become a cage, and what's inside is the flood that destroys the world.

Once released, the first person to suffer is definitely himself as the master.

Sensing the unkind eyes, Wuming smiled and passed the shadow of the imaginary number over: "I don't want to, it's just that I didn't have enough strength at the last moment, so I can only do this. I'm the second week goal."

"Er Zhoumu..." Shuoyue stared at him, but still withdrew the shadow of imaginary number, and instantly felt the burden of the soul increased, "Well, with my temperament, I will never consume that freshness, the shadow of imaginary number I'm afraid I have to explore the things in it by myself? 'One week's new moon'?"

"Correct answer, correct answer." Saying this, Wuming's upper body gradually melted away.

"In addition, there is a curse in the things here, and the specific content of the curse... refer to the above."

", hurry up and get the hell out." Shuo Yue was helpless, while Wu Ming, who had only his head left, showed a smug smile.

"It's really interesting to be a riddler and see yourself upset... Then, this time, it's really a farewell."

There is no sadness of parting, let alone the regret of not seeing each other again, the two just said goodnight to each other in a flat way, one returned to the moon, and the other was still walking under the sky full of stars.

In this life, we will never see each other again.


The servant has disappeared, and the opponent no longer exists.

Shuoyue is the only one still staying in Liudong Temple at this moment.

A golden light emerged, and the Great Holy Grail, which had collected the souls of the followers, floated in the air, shining with pure light.

Shuoyue didn't know what Wuming did, and he didn't know that Wuming sealed the Beast after he left to prevent the Great Holy Grail from being polluted again. change.

His body has already been destroyed, and once the state of the Cup of Heaven is over, his soul will be exposed and dissipated.

And he participated in this Holy Grail War in order to extend his life——

"Then let's begin."

Shuo Yue closed her eyes, clasped her hands together, and made a wish:

"Wish I could get a body."

There is no need to say any conditions in the words, let alone any details, the Great Holy Grail will automatically complete it according to his thoughts.

A gentle, miraculous golden light appeared, enveloping the new moon.

As if flowing in a golden river, the warm feeling made Shuo Yue close her eyes and fell into a long-lost sleep.

The light of prayer converged and turned into a pure gold chrysalis floating in the air.

On the ground, there are dark shadows wriggling.


[Warning, key marked objects found]

[Confirm the target target: Beast▉▉▉! 】

[Confirmation: No threat]

[Confirmation: Great threat]

[Warning, special object found]

[Confirmed target target: the person who bears the fate of ▉▉! 】

[Confirmation: Great threat]

[Confirmation: Great threat]

【Issuing a joint request】

[Gaia pass]

[Alayah agrees]

[Begin to exclude individuals]

That is the will of the planet, and that is the construction of human beings. When the two major restraining forces combine, the terrifying force of expulsion surges like a natural and man-made disaster, shaking the golden chrysalis.

Not wanting to kill, but simply seeing a mosquito landing on an arm and wanting to drive it away, or seeing a mammoth elephant charging at them.

While he (they) are still sleeping, quickly expel them from this world line!

In an instant, the two restraining forces reached a consensus, and they used their forces together to try to expel Shuo Yue and his shadow.

However, a strange light rose up, and something vaguely with the outline of a book emerged from the chrysalis, shutting out the rejection of the planet.

At the same time, the Golden Chrysalis, who sensed the rejection, also reacted.

【Aware of world rejection】

[failure to realize wish, rebuilding wish goal...]

[According to Wish Regulation 01: Harmony with the soul, Wish Regulation 03: Need to have extremely high growth, modify the realization method]

[Start to search for information, copy individuals in this world, use them as textures, reshape the body, and transfer the soul]

[Choosing...Selected successfully]

[Individual name: Emiya Shiro]

[Beginning to build the fabric (Texture), wearing it, finishing it]

[Start the soul-body coherence... The coherence is completed, and the change of appearance is within the allowable range]

[Start injecting soul, estimated time: seven hours]


In the golden chrysalis, the outline of a human being is gradually taking shape.

 Regarding the difference between the first moon of the first week and the first moon of the second week, it is like the different endings in the old ring - for example, the new moon of the first week took away Saber's scabbard, and the summoned Saber and him If you fight, you won't get Irisviel's approval, you won't get the fragment of the third method, and you will lose the third method. This is the plot of Wuming.

  However, Shuoyue did not take away Saber's scabbard, but obtained Irisviel's approval, got the fragment of the third method, and comprehended the third method. This is the plot of the second week.

  But this is just an assumption, because different choices made by people at different nodes will affect the future later, as for this kind of thing, different people have different opinions.

  By the way, by the way, there will be no protagonists from other worldlines messing in. If you don't like this kind of plot, you can rest assured.

(End of this chapter)

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