My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 196 The Changing New Moon, Command Spell Reappears!

Chapter 196 The Changing New Moon, Command Spell Reappears!

"Last night, a meteorite fell from the sky above Fuyuki City, and the landing point was in Liudong Temple. Fortunately, all the personnel in Liudong Temple have been transferred, and there are no casualties. According to eyewitnesses, the house felt a vibration and heard a roar. Car alarms went off near the temple. Another witness said there was an explosion, but there were no signs of it inside Ryudong Temple."

"The meteorite finally fell into the Liudong Temple on the top of Yuanzang Mountain. You can clearly see the traces of the meteorite hitting the ground at the scene. Please follow the reporter..."

"Meteorite, this is the first time I've seen such news after living here for so many years."

"Yes, yes, but it's really lucky that everyone in Liudong Temple happened to go out together, and no one was injured."

At the dining table in the McKenzie family, Gulan and Martha were chattering away, while Webb drank milk and did not speak.

As a participant in the Holy Grail War, no one knows the truth of this incident better than him.

Recalling the brave appearance of that king, Weber felt a pain in his heart, and immediately there was a surge of heat, healing the wound in his heart.

Weber deeply realized what a precious miracle it was that he was still alive, and at the same time, he was grateful for this war from the bottom of his heart. Under the guidance of that king, he had walked out of the frivolous and ignorant youth and stepped into his own youth.

"Weber, Weber—"

Mrs. Martha's calling interrupted Weber's thoughts.

"Has Mr. Alex returned home safely?"

Alex is the pseudonym of Iskandar. The burly man who has been staying at this house for the past few days returned home yesterday because of an urgent matter. Weber will replace him to thank the two couples for their hospitality these days. Express your apology for leaving without saying goodbye.

"He rang from Heathrow in the wee hours of the morning. The guy was so rude and had no idea about jet lag."

The improvised lie didn't shake his heart. He didn't expect that he had developed such a thick skin, and even Weber himself was surprised.

"Is there a phone? I didn't even notice. But it's his style, isn't it?" The lady nodded with a chuckle, then turned her eyes back to the TV screen.

The news about Liudong Temple is over, it is just a little adjustment for the citizens after dinner, and only a few people will always know about the war hidden under the night.

And Weber also made a certain decision because of the news switch.

"...Grandpa, grandma. I have something I want to talk to you about, can I?"

Hearing Wei Bo's voice slightly different from usual, the old couple put down the coffee they were drinking.

"what happened?"

"Well, actually..."

"Ding Dong~" The sound of the doorbell interrupted Weber's speech.

"Who could it be so early in the morning?" Muttering like this, the old man slowly left his seat and opened the door.

In front of the line of sight, there is no one.

"Next, please lower your head."


The old man McKenzie lowered his head in doubt, and then exclaimed: "Wow, who's child is this, so cute!"

But Weber behind him sensed something, and stood up with a big face change:
"Wait, grandpa, that's magic...ahem!"

Amidst the violent coughing, Weber couldn't believe his eyes.

White hair, golden eyes, such features can only be possessed by one person.

But, but...

Seeing that 'Suo Yue' who was not as tall as him and had a playful smile on his immature face, Weber wailed inwardly.

Why did this guy turn into a child!
"I'll explain to you when I have time, Weber, a friend from the past is here, won't you invite me to sit down?"

"Who is your friend—"

"Ah, so it's Weber's friend. Come on in, good boy, let your grandparents take a good look at you..." The McKenzie couple didn't realize why the 'little boy' became friends with their grandson at all, As if being charmed, Shuo Yue was welcomed in.

"Well, thank you, grandpa and grandma!" The sweet thank you sound made the two old people smile, and before Shuoyue could make another mess, Weber grabbed his arm and dragged him into his room.


"So...what's the matter with your appearance?"

In the bedroom, Wei Bo looked at the young boy sitting on the table with dangling legs, his arms folded around his shoulders, and he was out of breath.

"I made a wish to the Great Holy Grail to obtain a body, and the result is as you can see—this is what it looks like." Shuo Yue spread her hands and said in his crisp voice.

"If Miyu hadn't returned to the Seat of Heroes, I'm afraid that my elder brother would leave an unforgettable black history."

Yes, the one sitting in front of Weber is a well-known detective who has a smaller body but still has a flexible mind and knows everything... Cough cough, do it all over again.

Sitting in front of Weber was a young girl with short white hair, golden eyes like jewels, and a young but still handsome face!fart!child!

Although the platinum woven clothes are extremely noble, it must be because he has no clothes to wear, right?Absolutely!

Wei Bo resisted the desire to complain and looked around, somewhat seeing some clues:
"Because we want to maintain the concept of 'growth', so we simply chose the most growth stage? At the same time, the appearance also changed, and the reaction speed of the magic particles around me increased significantly. According to the book "On the Great Source" of the Inheritance Department ) and Xiaoyuan (Od) Segmentation and Connection", which means that the world—”

Aware of the taboo, Weber tightly shut his mouth, and at the same time distanced himself from Shuoyue.

The wish granted through the Great Holy Grail actually triggered the rejection and adaptation of the world - Weber knew in his heart that this was not the area he should touch.

"As expected of you, this talent is the reason why you stand out from the crowd." Shuo Yue smiled and applauded, before Wei Bo fled the door and said, "I came here for two things, one is to confirm a certain location, and the other is to It is to fulfill the agreement with the King of Conquerors."


After hearing the last sentence, Weber froze in place as if he had been immobilized, and sighed resignedly after a long while.

"Confirm what location?"

"That's it. I can only roughly determine that the location is inside the clock tower, but you need to confirm the exact location." The imaginary pocket opened, and Shuoyue took out an old treasure-hunting map from it and handed it to Weber. his other hand.

"Hey you!"

"Don't make noise, it's the first time I've done this kind of thing." Shuo Yue said, with seriousness on her immature face, "I also have things to do, I can't follow you all the time like a male mother, I want to put you in danger come up in time, there's only one way—"

In the sudden red light, Weber's pupils shrank violently.

A moment later, Wei Bo stood at the door, watched the child-like Shuo Yue leave, and silently hid his right hand in his pocket.

On the back of his hand, three imprints shone like blood.

 Today I went to pick up my grandma who was hospitalized in other places. She came back late and was rushing to QAQ... The next chapter will come out after a while. Friends who stay up late don’t have to wait, you can read it after waking up.

(End of this chapter)

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