My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 198 Before leaving, Weber, Tokiomi's funeral

Chapter 198 Before leaving, Weber, Tokiomi's funeral

【Pretty girl with beautiful face: B+】

The nature of a beautiful boy who can attract others.Regardless of whether the target is a man or a woman, the magic effect of charm can be activated, but if the opponent has the willingness to resist, the effect will be reduced, and if the opponent has the ability to resist magic, it can be completely avoided.

Because of the third law, the spirit and the flesh have a tendency to gradually merge, which caused the appearance of Shuoyue to break away from the original body category-it is a higher-level object that depicts the possibility of the future, so the contact object will be different. Consciously attracted to it.

The introduction to the Destiny Illustrated Book is over.

"A beauty is a disaster..." the child-like Shuoyue rested her chin, frowning, "The plus sign is because of the third method, right? It's really troublesome, and it's easier to become the target of public criticism."

Having said that, except for a certain R sister whose values ​​are crooked from the beginning, no one will refuse the benefits of improving appearance, let alone this is a representative skill officially stamped.

"If this skill is a real benefit, then the sudden appearance of another skill is really a big crisis." Shuo Yue continued to rest his chin, most of his worried expression was due to this skill——

【Endless Sad Wish: E~EX】

The inescapable ability, no matter how he manifests in this world, belongs to his predecessor—the Shirou who ended the Holy Grail War overnight, the karma left before his consciousness dissipated—he prayed so hard that this wish It all turned into a curse.

However, under the interference of a certain existence, this skill has changed, and it has begun to move closer to an alternative black wishing machine. When a wish from another world comes, even the holder of the skill cannot control another' Own' show up.

The above is the explanation given by the Destiny Illustrated Book.




So, I can't understand it at all (fall)!

Sitting on the steps of Liudong Temple, Shuo Yue put on a cat face, struggling to recall the perception and experience of solving reading comprehension questions back then.

Ultimately, he gave up.

"As the saying goes, 'practice is the only criterion for testing truth', anyway, when this skill takes effect, I will naturally know what happened."

Shuoyue, completely unaware that she had a much younger mentality, hummed a little tune and walked down the mountain bouncingly.

"Let's go, go find Weber first, no matter what, we always go to the clock tower, it's easier to have an acquaintance."

Not only is a location of the mysterious treasure map pointing to the headquarters of the magicians, but also because——

"Um, you mean, which of the twelve subjects in the clock tower has the knowledge to deal with advanced fantasy materials?" Weber looked at Shuoyue as if he was looking at an idiot.

Isn't it just a golden apple? What's there to beat around the bush? Damn it, I really want it...

"You can go to all basic courses and individual basic courses." Suppressing his inner emotions, Weber introduced, "In addition, there are also ancient documents stored in the archeology department and the plant department, which are worth reading. Of course, you can also go to the library in the clock tower. We can find some superficial narratives, but if we want to truly bring out the effectiveness of those mythical relics, we still need to study further."

"Thank you, you are indeed a good student receiving a scholarship at the Clock Tower. Then, what are you going to do next? Weber." Shuo Yue smiled, stared at Weber who had faded from his greenness, pondered for a moment, and gave the answer:

"I'm going to take a break from school for a while, go on a trip, and see the outside world. Before deciding on the future, I want to learn more about things."

Having said that, Weber couldn't help but cast his eyes on the game console terminal connected to the TV.

A full seven days—living for such a long period of time, no matter what happens in the room, it will naturally reflect the color of the occupants.

Half-filled magazines, pancake wrappers strewn about after eating, empty wine bottles and hardcover Iliads all over the floor.

That guy also happily ordered consoles and game software, and even bought an extra remote control, as if he was looking forward to the moment when the master would lead the army with him.

These are the traces of life left by another person living and eating here before, and they do not belong to Weber's color.

There were two figures in the room bathed in the morning light, but Wei Bo knew that that person would never appear here again.

"Are you still missing the King of Conquerors? Weber." Shuo Yue saw the loss of the young man, put his hands on the back of the chair, and smiled on his immature face:

"If you feel regretful or lonely, let the new color you dye in the future be as clear and vivid as possible, and try to keep the king's color from fading. Only in this way, when you meet him again across the sea of ​​stars, you can hold your head high Hold your chest out and say—"

"I feel very happy about the journey of my life so far."

"Hmm... yes." The young man raised his head slightly, trying not to let his tears stay.

Because this is a journey of constantly chasing the back of the king. In the face of the established beliefs of young people, it seems that the eternal space-time distance is nothing worth mentioning.

"Three command spells are assigned to you. Be careful to hide them and use them carefully. In addition to using them as a reserve of magic power, you can also call me to help in the battle-of course, the premise is that I am still in this world."

"Are you leaving, Shuo Yue?"

"Yes, you have found the way you want to go, and it's time for me to start my own journey again."

Opening the door, the warm sunlight fell on Shuoyue's body, kissing his eyes, making this immature boy disappear from Weber's sight like a dream bubble:
"If there is fate, we will definitely meet again."


in a few days

"I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth." (I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth)
The funeral service took place quietly and quietly in the cold drizzle.

The mourner is a young girl.

The girl didn't show her sadness and anxiety on her face.She has a serious expression on her face, carrying out the work she has been given.Everyone praised her for being brave and strong, but no one pitied her or felt sorry for her.

Only a man and a woman stood behind her, looking at the girl with pride and sadness in their eyes.

"And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes-I, and not another. How my heart years within me...Amen." See God outside, I want to see Him myself, I want to see Him with my own eyes, not like outsiders, my heart is consumed in me.)
The coffin was dedicated to the earth in this way. After the prayer, the priest who performed the ceremony and the attendees began to leave one by one, and finally only the girl and those close to her were left in the silent drizzle.

"Thanks for your hard work, Rin, you performed well, your father Tokiomi will definitely be proud of you." Aoi hugged her daughter and said softly.

Matou Kariya looked at their figures with a complicated expression, and looked away as if he was being burned, subconsciously searching for Sakura's figure.

Then, Matou Kariya's gaze sharpened!

That was the old father's alertness when he saw that his cabbage was about to be raped by pigs!
Because in front of Sakura who covered her mouth and smiled, there was a beautiful young man with white hair and golden eyes, who was annoying at first glance, and was about to grab her hand——

"Let go of Sakura, let me... Bah, who are you!"

(End of this chapter)

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