My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 199 The Stolen Collection, The Nightmare and the Raising Swords in Winter City

Chapter 199 The Stolen Collection, The Nightmare and the Raising Swords in Winter City

While Rin and his mother were talking softly, a commotion not far away caught their attention.

"That is, Uncle Kariya..."

"Kariya, what's going on?"

Hearing the inquiry of the mother and daughter, the man with his back to them turned around slowly, with muscles twisted on his face, he managed to squeeze out a smile:
"No, it's okay, it's just that a friend's child came to me, a little surprised, come, let everyone see! One! Look!"

Accompanied by the strength of his arms, the child with white hair and blond eyes, who made people feel affectionate when he looked at him, was dragged out from behind by Kariya "timidly", and politely greeted Aoi and Rin: "Hi, everyone, Sorry to meet you at this time, please allow me to express my condolences."

"It's okay, Tokiomi will definitely welcome a cute child like you." Even Aoi, who was in a sad mood, couldn't help but look at the boy a few more times, and admired his amazing appearance in his heart.

As for Rin, he set his eyes on Sakura who was suppressing a smile, and then turned back to the two 'uncles and nephews' who seemed to be calm but undercurrents, with doubts revealed in their green eyes.

I always feel...that boy and Uncle Kariya don't look so harmonious?

In fact, only Sakura could see that the reason why Sakuzuki was "dragged" out by Kariya was precisely because before that, he was grabbing Kariya's thigh desperately with his hands to take revenge.

As for whether it hurts or not - just look at Kariya's distorted expression to get a glimpse of it.

It's just bad-hearted, she didn't tell this matter.

"Sorry, Aoi, I have a temporary matter here, and I have to take this little kid to deal with some things."

"It's okay, Kariya, you've helped me so much, I don't even know how to repay you, hurry up, remember to take good care of this child."

"Huh? Uh, I see, Sakura, you can stay here and accompany your sister well."

After explaining a few words, Kariya staggered out of the cemetery, and the child behind him silently followed, seemingly obedient.

The moment he stepped out of the cemetery, Kariya showed his true colors, bared his teeth and tried to grab Shuoyue's face, but the latter deftly dodged it.

"You boy, why did you become like this? It shocked me!"

"It's a long story, so I won't talk about it, but I found that this body is not bad. I have more privileges in the society of primates, hominids, and even grandmas who give me food when I walk on the street. .”

"Wow, as expected of a master magician who is known for his rigor, he is good at cheating and abduction." Kariya applauded without distraction, "So, why are you looking for me, a loser in the Holy Grail War? , to show off?"

"It's just to make some fate." Sensing the astonishing eyes of passers-by looking at her, Shuo Yue showed a smile that met the expectations of the society, but the words she said were extremely poisonous, "Tokiomi died indirectly at my hands, and The murderer Kirei was stabbed by me again, and the talented Rin-chan finally fell into the hands of a third-rate magician like you, and I was more or less responsible for it."

"...I will bear it." Kariya endured the humiliation.

As Sakuzuki said, compared to Tosaka Tokiomi, Kariya's attainments in magic are only half-baked, and he can't teach Tosaka Rin at all; The priest of the Holy Church, once Rin's talent is exposed, it will be difficult for him to protect his mother and daughter.

Shuoyue obviously came today for this purpose, for Rin's life, no matter how much Shuoyue teased him, Kariya was willing to endure it.

"Hey, hey, I'm just telling the truth, don't act like a prostitute, Kariya." Even so, Sakuyue's expression seemed malicious, "Give up the magic way and let Rin behave like a normal person." She can't live with her identity—just kidding, she can't agree to it herself, so there is only one way."

Hearing Shuoyue's words, Kariya raised his head in astonishment.

In the gloomy rain like London, England, the boy said:
"I will support Rider's master, Weber Velvet, to become the lord of the El-Mello faction of the clock tower, and let him protect the precarious Tohsaka family."

This was the last conversation between Matou Kariya and this young man who changed his life.

"By the way, where is the Neon National Museum?"

"...What do you want to do?"


Here is the darkness that no one knows about.

The young man with white hair and golden eyes walked in the silent valley with nothing in his hands.

The next moment, black shadows swept across, and a cold iron light flashed in the boundless darkness.

The sword light flashed.

"Wow!" The young man, no, the immature-faced boy woke up from his sleep and subconsciously touched his neck.

Fortunately, it was not really cut off.

"So it was a dream..." Shuo Yue sighed, and turned on the TV quietly a little bit unbearably.

"Yesterday at 18:12702, the Neon National Museum was invaded by unknown persons, and the museum's collection No. [-] was stolen. It is reported that the collection originated from the early Edo period. Fortunately, there were no casualties..."

"A collection from the early Edo period? It's so strange that this kind of thing is marked in the treasure map?"

The culprit who caused this news was in Germany, more than 9000 kilometers away, playing with an arm 'borrowed' from the Neon Museum, mumbling to himself with some doubts:
"The mechanical structure... Could it be the ninja hand of a certain wolf, or Lianlian's?"

After a brief escape, Shuo Yue put it aside and began to study more important things.

This was his sudden inspiration after having a nightmare.

"Since this body is a creation that fulfills my wishes, it must also be the most suitable carrier for the third law. How could it be possible to stick to only one form..."

On the map placed on the bedside table, a location was marked with an "X" symbol by Shuoyue.

There was his destination—the forest where the Einzbern family hid from the world, and it was also the next location marked on the treasure map.


Emiya Kiritsugu and the others arrived at Einzbern Castle yesterday, because of the threat of Saber, a humanoid self-propelled nuclear bomb, even though Ahadeon was reluctant in every possible way, he still had to open the door and let them go.

However, after Emiya Kiritsugu made a request to take Illya away today, he was completely rejected.

"No, I don't agree!"

Even though Saber, who was busy cooking, had already cast a dangerous look at him, Ahadeon still held his neck and refused to give in: "Since you have failed, then Eliasviel von Einzbe Lun is our last wish! If you want to wash Winter City with blood, come here, the old man will never hand over the Little Holy Grail!"

"How dare you call her the Little Holy Grail..." Emiya Kiritsugu's eyes were gloomy, and he opened the safety on the pistol without hesitation, aiming at Ahadeon's forehead.

After giving up his dream, his relatives are the reason why Emiya Kiritsugu still stays in this world:
"At worst, I'll kill you, I'll find it myself!"

"It's useless to kill the old man alone, you will be enemies of the entire Winter City!"

For Ahadeon, who has pursued the third law all his life, he also has no possibility of retreating. With his order, countless artificial humans with axes and guns swarmed in, and the living room was crowded.

At the same time, several artificial humans quietly withdrew from the crowd and ran towards a certain direction.

"You guys!" Emiya Kiritsugu noticed this behavior, his expression turned cold, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.


(End of this chapter)

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