Chapter 217

"How to obtain the magic eye of death?"

Ryoichi, who was stained with blood on the dagger but spotless on his kimono, smiled and looked at the seriously injured boy standing in front of him.

"Hehe... Mr. Shuoyue is really direct, we are enemies, huh?"

"It's just a different stand, Miss Two Rites." Shuoyue endured the numbness in her abdomen, left arm, left leg and right calf, and barely maintained her standing posture—it was organ necrosis caused by being cut to death by the two ceremonies.

"So far, you have cut twenty knives. Even if I have no intention of hurting you, if you want to break through my defense line, this body is already on the verge of limit, right?"

As Shuo Yue said, although the two ceremonies were performed calmly, her violently heaving chest and trembling limbs all proved that her physical strength was exhausted.

"Miss, you don't want [Shi] to lose his body so early, do you?" The boy whispered like a demon.

After a moment of silence, the two rituals put away their short knives, folded their hands, and still had a faint smile on their faces: "As expected of Lord Shuoyue, this moment has already been counted. Then, the two rituals' crusade against the shadow of disaster , thus ending.”

"It's said to be a crusade against my shadow, but except for one hit, everything else fell on me, right?" Muttering like this, Shuo Yue also relaxed her guard, only to hear the two rituals continue:

"Leaving aside the task, I appreciate the fact that you are fighting death for what you entrust. If that's the case, let me tell you about the 'Evil Eye of Death'."

Turning around, the two ceremonies gradually disappeared from Shuo Yue's sight like morning dew, only the voice came slowly.

"Those who guard the treasure mountain without knowing it, go back to the dream at night."

"Although I don't know what you have experienced before to make the test look like this, but this is not a game. If this continues, the old man may stop the test for you?"


The night, the test, the old man, the magic eye of death.

With the superposition of the four elements, no matter how slow Shuo Yue's brain is, she should be able to react.

"I'm afraid, it was at that time..."

Muttering like this, Shuoyue called out the Destiny Illustrated Book and began to read the system log.

When he turned to the reward given for defeating Assassin, the content that was once a mess was finally revealed before Shuo Yue's eyes:
[Record condition 2 has been completed, and the reward: "The first generation of the valley test"! 】

The first generation of Hassan, the old man in the mountain, crowned Assassin.

Only he who has ascended to the crown has the possibility of interfering with the records of the Destiny Illustrated Book. However, now that the Destiny Illustrated Book has integrated Mooncell, his disguise has finally been removed, revealing the true face of rewards.

What Shuo Yue dreamed every night was not just a dream, but the test of the first assassin!

Shuo Yue stared at this record, lost in thought...

"Ah, ah, what did I do before!"

The screams resounded through the sky,
Recalling his attitude towards this test in the past - no sense of responsibility for the test at all, at first it was to vent the desire to fight, after being educated by the three brothers of Cao Cong, he began to look for evil ways to speed through the level...

Old soul players belong to yes.

"I'm so thankful that Wang Hassan didn't come here with a big sword..." A certain scum was wiping off the cold sweat from his brow, "Okay, it's decided, I will seriously participate in the test tonight!"

After making a decision like this, Shuoyue turned her head to look at the closed door of Cangqi Orange, sighed, and smiled again:

"Although this may be the last time we meet, saying goodbye should be clean and tidy, so be it."

The attribute of the Aozaki family is the wind. Whether it is an older sister or a younger sister, when parting, they always "disappear when the wind blows."

Saying goodbye to 'feng' or something, it sounds silly.

The white-haired and golden-eyed Zhengtai turned around and disappeared into the night.

"Then, goodbye, Aozaki Touko."


Misaki City

— A haunted house was built on the hill.

That is an ancient legend that has been circulated in Misaki Town since long ago.

Then, as if to cater to the modernization of the town, Gossip was quietly revised.

For example, an abandoned house that has decayed many years ago will be lit when it gets dark.

Another example is that countless crows keep gathering on the hills and disappearing.

Also, when the fog was heavy, some children got lost there and disappeared.

Also, the strange screams that came out there in the middle of the night even disturbed the residential area... This article damages the reputation of a certain magician and must be corrected.

There are more and more versions of gossip.

In this way, the bungalows on the hill, which should have been in decline for a long time, began to slowly regain their vitality a few years ago.

In the middle of the hill that people don't go near, the ruins hidden in the forest that still can't see the light during the day,

The residue of magic that has been eliminated by the times that will appear in the fairy tale world.

That is--

Like a mummy, Shuoyue stopped and stared at this ancient and quiet house.

The main building can accommodate about three ordinary houses, and there is a courtyard surrounding it outside. The iron fences at the four corners of the courtyard stand tall, and there are plants and vines that look like thorns hanging neatly on it.

Kuonji Mansion.

Everyone in Misaki town is known as the witch's house on the hill.

"It's much bigger than I expected... As expected of the 20th century."

Whispering as if afraid of waking him up, Shuoyue put his hands on the entrance. Although the double door didn't have a keyhole, the vigilant magic had already started to attack him.


The door opened, Shuo Yue shook her numb hands, and walked into the mansion known as the haunted house.

Quiet, empty front hall, there is no electric light at the entrance, the only light source here is the moonlight shining in through the high skylight.

On a night with only the moon and stars, this is the most comfortable garden.

"Huh..." Taking a deep breath, the cold and dry air poured into the nasal cavity and diffused in the injured lungs, creating a refreshing feeling from the inside out.

He couldn't hear anything except his breathing, but he was always playing some songs that were about to be forgotten in his heart, so he couldn't help the rhythm of his fingertips.

Only those who have played "Night of the Magician" will understand how excited and calm Shuoyue is standing in this fairytale mansion at this time.

At some point, a girl appeared in the stairwell leading to the second floor.

Under the dim light, Shuo Yue couldn't see her face clearly, but could only see her solemn black dress like a nun's uniform.

It's not as heavy as Kotomine Kirei, not as depressing as Arae Soren, just like black tulips quietly blooming, swaying with a mysterious and cold fragrance.

"..." In silence, a certain uninvited guest smiled and nodded slightly towards the girl on the stairs.

"..." In silence, the girl was stunned for a moment as if she hadn't expected it, then turned around and walked away.

Behind her, the dark white monster with bandages, a terrifying enemy with a strong fantasy atmosphere and an unconcealable bloody smell, stepped forward, quietly chasing the unarmed her, and seemed to be unable to bear it after a while shouted like:

"Hey, don't go, stop for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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