My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 218 Evening Bell and Breakfast

Chapter 218 Evening Bell and Breakfast

When I opened my eyes, a bell rang in the distance.

Obviously it is the bell that can be heard at night recently, but only by listening to it with your heart can you understand the mighty sound of the bell and the grandness of the dead silence.

There is no life (sound) without death, and life (sound) only with death.

This is not the land of the living, but the valley and the abyss, the dark death.

"Trial in the valley..." Shuoyue, who had turned into a black shadow, sighed in a low voice, and in her hand was no longer a long spear built with the cost of souls, but a rusty short knife that had been by her side since she woke up.

Although it is not too blunt, but if the technique is not good enough, you will have to roll the blade if you cut two or three people.

So - before you lose your weapon, be sure to improve.

After being reminded by the two ceremonies, Shuo Yue no longer faced this trial with a recreational attitude, but walked steadily towards the first enemy at the door, the heavy armored cavalry on horses. go.

If he had a long spear in his hand, with Diarmuid's superb spear skills, Shuo Yue could have pierced him through a short fight with the heavy cavalry.

But now, he took the initiative to seal the 'foreign object', turned to see with his eyes, and answered with a short knife.

This is the true meaning of the trial - in the valley where the boundary between life and death is blurred, to borrow the countless lives to find the possibility of killing with one blow.

The wind was blowing in the silent valley, and the wind broke into the evening bell hanging in the bell tower. The ancient inscriptions buzzed, and even the air trembled.

Hear, for whom the bell tolls.



Yuju Mansion, a certain room
The door opened silently, there was no light, not even a figure, only a pair of clear black eyes glowed with a slight magical light, allowing a certain girl to move freely in the darkness.

Seeing 'Zhengtai' sitting in the middle of the unfurnished room with bandages on his body and his eyes closed tightly, the girl who was integrated into black frowned deeply.

Regarding Kuonji Yuju, there are three points that this witch lady can't bear.

One is to hate humans, super, invincible, hate humans (Qingzi:?).

The second is that she hates the habit of Asians taking off their shoes when they enter the door. Whether they are wearing slippers or bare feet, she can't bear the sound of dragging on the carpet.

The third is that she hates other people messing with her things, especially the mansion left by her mother, which is definitely her biggest minefield.

As for Mr. Shuoyue, who revealed his identity as a human being, dragged his untied bandages on the ground and made similar noises, and broke into a private house in the middle of the night, there is no doubt that it would not be too much to say that he was dancing in Miss Youzhu's minefield.

There is only one reason why he didn't directly destroy his humanity——

Not an opponent.

Although the 'diddle diddle' was thrown before being caught up, and a suitable venue was arranged for the battle, but the 'long-winded twins' (Twindledee & Twindledum) were pierced by thousands of swords as soon as they appeared; The object selected by the words (Scratch Dumpty) became himself in the next moment; before the magic eye could be activated, he was grabbed to the side of the magician who looked like a child, and lost his ability to fight.

"Give me a place to live, Miss Youzhu." Said the bandage man who looked more like an old monster than a child:

"For the defeated side, this condition is already very easy, I hope you will not let each other down."

Even though Youzhu arranged for him an empty room with nothing on purpose, the uninvited guest still readily agreed, and even fell into a deep sleep without even locking the door like now.

Kuonji Yuju raised his finger calmly, and the witch's pure magic power condensed on the fingertips.

With the magic engravings all over her body, the power of the Gandr (curse bullet) condensed is comparable to that of a large-caliber bullet. As long as it hits the head, even the most powerful magician will lose the ability to move for a period of time. At that time, there is a chance to Give this strange guy to...

A drop of cold sweat slipped from the temples.

Her fairy-tale monsters (PLOY) were frantically sounding alarms, and even without them, Miss Yuzu, a witch, felt a sudden sense of oppression.

It was like stepping into the dragon's lair suddenly.

It was like a hungry beast staring at its prey.

It was as if suddenly being watched by an endless abyss.

——And she, too, was staring into the abyss.

His brain was running fast because of fear, his eyes were fixed on the 'enemy' in front of him, and his limbs were immobile as if they had been filled with lead.

The person in front of her didn't wake up, so what made her shudder?

Preset magic?Triggered magic dress?Or... the familiar hiding in the room?
The magic power from the fingertips dissipated, and the black witch slowly backed away, as if she had never been here before, and disappeared into the room.

It wasn't until the sound of stumbling footsteps disappeared in the corridor that the darkness in the room flowed again.

The 'beast' that enveloped the entire room with its shadow stretched, lay down, and continued to doze off.


The time is 06:30 in the morning.

Even though she didn't get a good night's sleep, Youzhu still woke up from light sleep on time.

Even in the worst mornings for ordinary people, she can move precisely and quietly like a self-disciplined puppet.

It's just that once she remembered what happened last night, her originally calm mood was filled with boredom.

It doesn't matter if you are defeated, even if you try to assassinate at night, you will be scared away...

So now, the dog-skin plaster that I can't beat and drive away is still stuck in my house...

Full of displeasure, Youzhu became full of resistance even when she pushed the door open, as if the outside of the safe house was not her mansion, but the end of the world.

I walked to the living room a few minutes later than usual, intending to have a cup of tea to calm down, but found that the living room was already occupied by someone—no bandages wrapped around her body, the white-haired wife was sitting on the sofa quietly reading a book in a black windbreaker , Follow the sound and look up:

"Good morning, Miss Youzhu."

"..." Miss Youzhu's eyes looked as if she was dead, but Shuoyue continued to say with a smile:

"Breakfast has been prepared and placed in the sun room. I'm really sorry for the hasty interruption last night. At least I can have breakfast to express my apology."



please leave.

Subconsciously wanted to speak, but the boy's smile was like sunlight, dispelling the negative emotions in Youzhu's heart.

A beautiful boy with a beautiful face, passively triggered.

Judgment big success!
Even if Youzhu is a witch, Shuoyue's good looks are also a manifestation of 'beauty'.And appreciating beautiful things can always make people's hearts peaceful.

Therefore, Miss Youzhu didn't say much, turned around and walked towards the sunroom, and made up her mind in her heart that if she was not satisfied with the breakfast, even if there was another battle or foreign aid, she would drive this guy out of the house Mansion.

As a result, as soon as she stepped into the sun room, Miss Witch opened her mouth slightly and let out a silent exclamation.


What an exquisite breakfast this is.

The skin is crispy, the sausage pierced with a fork is shiny, the juicy shallots, the appetizing baked beans, the fried bacon, the golden toast, the single-sided fried egg like a bull's eye, and Half-finger-thick, brightly colored fried salted tomatoes.

It is just a plate, but it gives people a different kind of satisfaction and richness, and subtly caters to the girl's psychology of not wanting to eat too much. Obviously, the chef is quite understanding.

Adhering to individualism, the previous breakfast was euphemistically simple-to be honest, there was only one hard-looking toast that didn't take two seconds to prepare. For Youzhu, such a breakfast has not been seen for a long time.

Picking up the knife and fork, Youzhu suddenly understood why Qingzi liked to say "I'm going to start" and other pre-dinner etiquette.

"I, I started..."

 TIP1: In Italian, the appearance of a single-sided fried egg is 'uova all'occhio di bue'', which means the eyes of a cow.
  TIP2: Because I don’t know why the chapters are automatically published (I didn’t set a timer), so I have to take the time code on the day I ask for leave, and the saved manuscripts are exhausted... The leave time is changed to tomorrow, please trouble everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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