My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 223 The two lost command spells, stationed on the coastline

Chapter 223 The two lost command spells, stationed on the coastline

She has a beautiful and outgoing appearance, a petite and hot body, a slender waist (personal test), and a protruding front and back. She also wears a translucent skirt designed to reveal underwear, which is very feminine.

Can the king of dumb hair do it.jpg
In all fairness, no one could refuse to bow down to the emperor, even if he couldn't pick off this fiery red rose, but seeing such a pleasing scenery every day, no matter who he was, he would be full of energy.

However, a certain man who advocated freedom more than thinking about the lower body, and even thought about cutting off Nero's hand at the beginning, was obviously not included.

To him, this girl emperor was more like a shackle than a master, more like a hindrance than a partner.

From the beginning, his purpose ran counter to everyone in this world——

"Are you leaving now?" Like a little girl about to be abandoned, Nero grasped the corner of Shuo Yue's clothes, his emerald eyes were full of reluctance.

Although she still doesn't understand the way he appeared, she already felt the connection between herself and this man.

Even if she didn't feel this way, this famous general who fell from the sky and rescued her from prison by himself could not let her go at will.

Today's Rome is in great need of generals who can lead troops to fight.

"I can give you great rewards! Treasures, territories, and even beauties! Well, you only need to follow Yu with all your heart, and I will share the glory of the Roman Empire with you!"

"how about you?"


Shuo Yue looked at the stupefied Nero, with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "You just said that 'beauty' is also one of the rewards, right?"

"Then, can you, who is as beautiful as a rose, be rewarded to me?"

The man couldn't hear the true and false words, making Nero's cheeks flushed, and he turned his face away not daring to look at him:

"Yu...Yu is indeed the flower of Olympia...but Yu is also the emperor of the Roman Empire, yes, Yu is the emperor! How can it be like this, just like this...not now..."

"Really, I understand."

Nero was taken aback by the bland tone. She looked back at Shuo Yue, only to find that the man had already turned his back on her, and walked away as if losing interest:
"You are destined to be a high emperor, but I am not your subject. Make no mistake, Nero Claudius."

"At least here, we are destined to be different."

Seeing that Shuoyue was about to leave, Nero was inexplicably flustered, causing her to shout loudly regardless of her manners:
"Yu orders you, stop for me!"

A line on the back of his hand was bright, and in front of Nero, the man stopped as if he was being imprisoned, and turned his head reluctantly, and saw a girl in a dark red dress striding forward, grabbing his collar:

"Yu Nai is in charge of the glorious imperial power, do you want to disobey Yu's order!"

Before Shuoyue could answer, Nero continued angrily: "In that case, I will exile you to the border of the empire, under the personal supervision of a legion, and you should accept the punishment honestly there!"

"This is an order, no disobedience is allowed!"


Under the emperor's order, more than 6000 soldiers filed out, following the footsteps of a certain man.

The petite and beautiful girl emperor ascended the heights and looked into the distance. The setting sun spread over the skyline and sprinkled on her skirt. The sea breeze from the Mediterranean Sea blew her blond hair, and her whole body was dyed a romantic golden yellow.

Thinking about it now, even she herself was surprised by her reaction at that time. The so-called quick-wittedness was nothing more than an unreasonable trick, just like a child giving a piece of candy and begging others to play with her wrongedly.

And the man actually agreed.

Nero sighed a little.

It is true that the battle lines of the Roman Empire are tight. Even with the help of servants from the mysterious East and the Queen of Britain, the territory of the empire is being swallowed up bit by bit; People will kill the enemy until they are terrified and flee without fighting. Such a general must never let go.

But in the end, did this wish come from the emperor's worries about state affairs, or was it a stalking girl who refused to let Prince Charming escape?

After standing in a daze for a long time, Nero walked down the city wall uninterestedly, and went to the palace to deal with the mountain of government affairs.

In her hand, there was only one remaining Command Seal shining with a faint light.


After using the spirit base's ability to order the soldiers to march quickly, Shuo Yue finally arrived at the destination before the next day.

This place is Pisa located in the north of Rome. The reason why the soldiers from the United Roman Empire were able to break through Nero's blockade was precisely because they gave up their positions to break through the Apennines and the Alps, avoiding confrontation with the Roman army, and found another way to cross the sea. Come.

According to Nero, most of the troops of the Roman Empire are now suppressed by Boudica and other generals in the Gaul area south of the Alps, keeping the United Empire's aggression out like a natural moat, but this also means that There were no troops stationed along the coastline. Originally, the emperor still had the idea of ​​a conquest by the emperor himself, but after the surprise attack, her guards were seriously injured and had to return to the capital to sit in command.

Therefore, the task of guarding the coastline was handed over to Shuoyue half by request and half by force.

He ordered the soldiers to organize their belongings and clear up the camp, while Shuo Yue himself sat in the temporary tent, thinking about his next move.

First of all, here is the second singularity, the Perpetual Madness Empire. The time point should be before the arrival of Chaldea, because Boudica and other servants have been summoned and devoted themselves to Nero, and the United Roman Empire has also invaded When they arrived in Rome, the capital, Nero was forced to march in person.

At that time, when the Chaldean party arrived at this singularity, they happened to encounter the scene of Nero fighting the enemy at the gate of the capital, and the time should be not long after that.

So, what to do next has been confirmed.

"First of all, before the arrival of Chaldea, that is, before Nero realizes the true meaning of the Command Seal on the back of his hand, the Command Seal will be completely consumed."

Thinking in this way, Shuo Yue recalled Nero's two orders just now.

One made Shuoyue stop, and the other ordered him to go to the coastline to garrison - Nero probably didn't realize that Shuoyue's promise was so rash, but the price was the consumption of two Command Seals.

The shackles of power imprisoned on Shuoyue are now only the last one left.

The man with blood in his eyes walked out of the handsome tent, looked at the stars all over the sky, and whispered to himself:

"Don't blame me, Nero, this is just a fleeting Nankeyi dream."

But even in the dewy dream, there is only one treasure worth pursuing for Shuoyue.

"Holy Grail." He said the word firmly, and the new moon, who had fully experienced the mystery of the Holy Grail, did not hide the desire in his eyes at all.

Even if the Holy Grail here is Gaetia's creation, it's just a condensed magic power block, and even Kali himself has more than 40 useless pieces, but its magic value is still beyond imagination.

This is enough magic concentration to create a tiny singularity, no one can refuse such a treasure.

But Shuoyue wants to seek the Holy Grail, which means that he will be against the Roman Empire, Chaldea, the United Roman Empire, the Demon God Pillar, that is, all the camps in this singularity.

Don't say anything stupid about saving the world, there are too many cut-off worlds, what does a world with human principles burnt have anything to do with him?
If you have such idle thoughts, why not think more about what to do with Mei You, the world she lives in is far more dangerous than it appears on the surface.

"Therefore, I absolutely cannot follow Nero. Only when I get out of her sight can I fight around unscrupulously, develop rapidly, and eventually become the third largest force in this singularity."

Whispering the idea of ​​rebelling against the emperor (Master), Shuoyue appeared in the hand of a black black bird flag, and the black flag symbolizing the virtue of water fluttered in the night sky.

"With the help of this spirit foundation, my goal will be achieved soon."

As early as on the march, Shuo Yue learned about the reason for her anomaly through the Destiny Illustration.

His spiritual foundation——was not himself.

 When I was writing this chapter, what I was thinking about was the command spells used by FSN Rishiro in the early stage... Now the situation is reversed, and it is the turn of Nero, who doesn't understand anything, to start messing around (laughs)

(End of this chapter)

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