My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 224 Avenger New Moon

Chapter 224 Avenger Shuoyue
[Fate Illustrated Book has been updated]

[Special record information has been opened]

【Ability parameters】

Muscle strength: B
Durability: EX
Agility: C
magic :D
lucky :D
Noble Phantasm: A++
【Job Skills】

Wu Temple Ten Sages: A
Rentu: A
Unity of body and soul: B
【Inherent skills】

Great Qin Combat Skills: B+
Magic March: A
Killing unknown: EX
【Noble Phantasm】


——Looking around, none of them are Shuoyue's skills.

In such a special situation, in Shuo Yue's view, there is only one possibility.

"It is a pseudo-servant that uses human beings as containers and allows heroic spirits to possess the containers." The man leaned down and used the stream to reflect his white hair and golden-red pupils that looked like blood.

"However, what's interesting is that the heroic spirits generally dominate the pseudo-servants, and the possessed humans are usually in a deep sleep state, but this heroic spirit generously handed over the dominance to me, and fell into a deep sleep. "

This is also why Shuoyue came with her own consciousness, but she was unable to perform magic. Compared with the meager magic power, the original owner of this body seemed to be better at wielding knives and guns, and dispatching troops.

Although the servant who fused with Shuoyue concealed his real name, with the rare records in the records and the black black bird flag he subconsciously summoned during the battle, Shuoyue has already judged the identity of this heroic spirit.

"It's just, why did such a great man appear in this place...?" Shuo Yue was a little confused about this alone.

But soon he abandoned the unanswerable questions and turned his attention back to the current situation.

His main task in this singularity has been determined - that is to obtain the Holy Grail.

In order to obtain the Holy Grail, he must stand on the gambling table, and to stand on the gambling table, he must have enough chips.

In a war between nations, his bargaining chip is the number of soldiers on hand, and...

Servants who can reverse occupation and resemble humanoid nuclear warheads.

The blood in the man's eyes flickered, and then he called the herald beside him:
"Notify, order the scouts to start operations immediately tomorrow morning, with Pisa as the center, to collect intelligence."

"Yes!" The herald saluted and left.

Shuo Yue looked at the respectful figure of the herald, but knew in her heart that this loyalty was not dedicated to him, but to Rome.

Thinking like this, the Spirit Base felt dissatisfied.

"However, let's go dormant before the time comes, stop killing with killing, stop fighting with war-our legend has just begun."

"Go back, Destiny Illustrated Book."

【Received, transfer started】

A sense of weightlessness came, and Shuo Yue's soul was lifted up infinitely again, and thrown into the thousands of universes.

[Successfully returned to the original world line, please re-enter the singularity within five days! 】


Three days later, Kuuanji Yuju's residence

In the cold air, the doll-like girl woke up on time.

Change clothes, wash up, go to the restaurant.

The light pouring from the skylight shone on the hem of her clothes. She walked between the independent stages between black and white. On a clear day, her pupils reflected the light of the world soaked in silence.

When passing through the hall, the white-haired and blond-eyed lady sat upright on the chair, and the obscure tome on the table was replaced by another one.

Sensing the landlord's arrival, Zhengtai raised her head and nodded with a smile. Youzhu seemed a little reluctant, but she nodded her chin and walked into the sunroom amidst the aroma of black tea.

And in the sun room, wearing a kimono, with long black hair tied into a single ponytail, and a ninja of the same sanwu was waiting at the table, where a delicious breakfast was already set.

The sunlight poured in, coating Kuonji's beady eyes with a golden color, making him look as if he and Kato Danzo were twin sisters.

"Please, Miss Youzhu."


Outside the restaurant, Shuo Yue closed the last page of the book, and after confirming that she had stuffed the last bit of knowledge into her mind, she stood up and moved her limbs.

It has been three days since he came back from the second singularity, and his injuries have basically healed.

The beautiful and quiet vacation is over and it's time to leave.

"Miss Yuzu, I think it's time to say goodbye to you."

Jiuyuanji Youzhu's hand holding the knife and fork froze slightly, raised his head, and stared at Shuoyue at the door with black pearl-like pupils:

"Yes, after all, I've been bothering you for a long time." Shuoyue joked, "Wouldn't it be possible to silence me or seal my memory like Jingxi Sojuro?"

It was obviously just a joke, but Youzhu frowned and asked an unexpected question "

"Shizuki Sojuro... who is it?"

Saying goodbye to the solitary witch lady, Sakuzuki and Kato Danzo walked down the mountain slowly, like a pair of siblings in Qiuyou.

It's just that the elder sister is expressionless, and the younger brother is thoughtful.

"It's a strange phenomenon. I only appeared after the night of the magician. It stands to reason that the previous story will not be affected by me as a butterfly."

"According to Kuonji Yuzu, at that time Chengzi wanted to seize the territory of Misaki City, but she and Aozaki Aoko fought back... Where did Sojuro go? Where is Chengzi's golden wolf Beo?"

"Do you need me to investigate, Master?" Kato Duanzo asked.

"No, let's leave now." Shuo Yue refused. He took out his cell phone and quickly sent a message to Weber.

Afterwards, Sakuyue grabbed Kato Danzo's hand and said silently in her heart:

"Fate Illustrated Book, start transferring."

[Privilege activated, locking the world line... The lock was successful. 】

【Start transfer】

Sensing the familiar energy enveloping her, Shuoyue took a deep breath and entered the state of combat readiness.

The three-year agreement has come, welcome to the Dragon King... Ahem, I have strung together words.

The Ainsworth family, are you ready for my arrival?
The light flashed, and the two figures completely disappeared from this world.

If the journey to the second singularity was an accident, then there would definitely be no problem with the rewards personally given by the Destiny Illustrated Book and the authority to return to the original world...


But Shuoyue didn't know that if he left later, he would receive an automatic reply on his phone, which said:

"Hi, dear sir/madam, I'm sorry to inform you that El Mello II is currently refusing all communications for some reason..."


This space is a completed world.

Darkness and dots of light.

In the center of the wide spherical room where the night sky was blackened, a wooden chair was floating.

Although the shape alone is enough to call it luxurious, the faded appearance of the wood is quite charming, and it does not give people a disgusting sense of luxury.On the contrary, just by existing here, the surrounding atmosphere can be transformed into a more solemn one.

At first glance, it looks like a special seat for a certain prince or nobleman.But if this is the case, this chair should not exude such a strong sense of presence, so strong that even if a head of state sits on this chair, he will be regarded as an accessory of the chair, not the owner of the chair.If ordinary people sit on this chair, they will be swallowed up by the presence of the chair in an instant.

This is a chair that makes one think so.

This space is prepared to praise this chair.

The current situation makes people have to accept this kind of evaluation even if they hear it, but——

The man wrapped in a more solemn atmosphere than the chair was making the back of the chair creak loudly.


If this room is a miniature of the universe, then the man sitting on the chair in the center of the room is surrounded by an atmosphere that can be said to be commensurate with the identity of the owner.

This is an elderly man, about 50 to 60 years old in appearance. Although his beard and hair are white, his waist is straight, and his strong figure is more oppressive than a middle-aged man in his prime. Wrinkles add a touch of vicissitudes accumulated over a long period of time to the elderly, but they do not have the twilight that the elderly should have.

The most impressive thing is the eyes of the old man. It has nothing to do with the color of the pupils, nor any special features. It is just deep and deep, like the starry sky around the old man. You can't see the end at a glance, as if there are countless treasures in these eyes. the mystery.

The old man's name was Kishua Zellich Schubinaug.

And in front of him, a figure with white hair and golden eyes was slowly emerging.

(End of this chapter)

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