My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 225 The Land of Steel, UO and the Magicians

Chapter 225 The Land of Steel, UO and the Magicians

Kishua Zelrich Thubein Ogu.

In the secular world, fame is not obvious, but in the mysterious world, everyone knows everyone.

The name itself represents a legend. People in the world either admire, or fear, or for various purposes, have given him various titles, the second magician, the highest magician, and the magician. Marshal, Gem Weng, the fourth seat of the 27 ancestors of the Dead Apostles, he is truly a man standing at the top of the mysterious side.

And in FGO's concept dress, he is also a veritable T0-level card, and whoever uses it will know the joy of putting the treasure directly at the beginning.

You are the only card I want.jpg
"The axis is wrong."

The old man slid his right finger in the air, causing the celestial bodies reflected on the surrounding walls to rotate.

"Is this polarized light also completely extinguished?"

"Oh, this cut is pretty good."

Afterwards, the pages of the book floating in front of the old man flipped up in response to his movements, recording various "information" in real time.

The title page of the book is painted with strange patterns, as if there are countless concentric circles layered on top of each other, and dense lines radiate outward from the center of the circle.

Some of these lines extend to the outermost circle and continue to diverge outwards, while others stop at one layer.

The thickness of the book is about the level of an ordinary encyclopedia dictionary.

It is obviously so huge, but every time the old man slides his finger, thousands or tens of thousands of pages will be produced and then disappeared.

The old man continued this work for a while, until the figure in front of him became clear, and finally opened his golden pupils.

Needless to say, both of them understood each other's identities.

"Second Magician."

"Hello, qualified third magician."

In the room that reflected the heaven and earth, the inexplicable sense of oppression made Shuoyue feel a little solemn. As the white-gold light shone, Shota's figure gradually transformed into a tall and handsome young man, and he sat down while the chair was projected.

"The third method? It's such a long-lost glory." The wrinkles on the old man's face rarely relaxed, revealing a smile.

"Then, what did Marshal Dangtang Mo Dao cut me off alone to tell me?" The youth version of Shuo Yue leaned on the back of the chair, seemingly relaxed, but in fact he was ready to fight.

After all, his soul does not belong to the world of Xingyue, and he is still a little weak in front of the top bosses of Xingyue.

"Don't be nervous, young magician." The gemstone man obviously knew something, and said calmly, "No matter where you come from and where you will return to, I, an old man, have never interfered with your thoughts. My eyes are only on the continuation of magic. , and how to reverse that common end.”

Having said this, the old man's deep eyes fell on the young man whose expression changed slightly.

"It seems that you already know what I want to say."

Hearing this, Shuo Yue pursed her lips, nodded and said the ending that had been written from the beginning:

"A Land of Steel."

Just by saying this word, the aura of despair and apocalypse came to my face.

A city lingering on the wreckage of the UO.

The UOs that kept coming, Yali struggled to survive, the blood of the enemies and herself filled the sky and blocked the sun...

It is not an official name, but a common name commonly used among "people" living on the dead land, and it is intended to refer to the dying star, the complete end of the generation.

In a sense, the planet is also a kind of life. Although it is extremely long compared with the short-lived human beings, it will usher in death one day.

The earth is dying, and "Gaia" as a restraining force also disappears with it.Before disappearing, it called its compatriots, that is, the UO of other planets in the solar system, to wipe out all life on the planet.

UO, the abbreviation of Ultimate·ONE (Original One), the strongest life species on each planet (Note 1).It does not have the concept of a name, but is named by the surviving humans, just like the "Earth of Steel".

Compared to the destruction of UO, the so-called "telling of the origin" of the shining golden treasure Guili Sword is really insignificant.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely bad ending.

Moreover, it is the ending that all parallel worlds are bound to usher in - "Jewel Weng" and "Night of Wallachia" and other moon bosses have foreseen this ending.

"Nights of Wallachia" kept calculating in order to avoid this ending, and tried every means but could not get the answer. In the end, he placed his hope in the legendary "Sixth Magic" and became a vampire.

And the "gem man" who is facing Shuoyue at this moment is also pursuing the answer.

"That ending can definitely be avoided." The old magician looked at the young magician and said in a deep voice, "Among the nine planets in the solar system (currently 1999), the earth is not the oldest, obviously it did not die naturally. , since this is the case, there is a possibility of evasion."

"I'm on the hunt for that."

The old man ended with simple words, but Shuo Yue remained silent, looking at him with eyes full of respect.

Because in this room, all the books, all the materials, everything are the results left by this senior.

Use the second magic "Parallel World Interference" to continuously shuttle the world line and conduct various experiments.Countless failures, countless summaries, and countless overthrows and restarts, the accumulated data and experimental reports can fill an entire library.

After tens of thousands of experiments, Marie Curie finally extracted one-tenth of a gram of radium chloride and became the most outstanding and famous woman in the world.

The marshal of the Demonic Way, who was supposed to enjoy supreme power, has been locked in the cracks of time and space since the end of the war with Zhu Yue in 300 AD. He has been repeating the process of achieving nothing for thousands of years, with an unswerving determination.

This is the second magician, the disciple of Solomon, the king of magic, and the pioneer dedicated to opening up the future.

Those who hold salaries for everyone should not be frozen to death in the wind and snow; those who open the way for freedom should not be trapped in thorns.

Shuo Yue straightened her back and looked at this senior with burning eyes.

"Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

This is to show his position. Although he doesn't know why the fifth magician, Aozaki Aoko, didn't show up, Shuoyue is undoubtedly declaring that he will stand on the same position as Gemstone.

"I have nothing to ask of you." The old man looked at the heroic young man and squeezed out a wizened smile. "I am old and have lost the right to grow, but you are different. You can continue to go on. Human identity.”

After a pause, he continued: "I have given up on the world you are going to, and the Ainsworth family is a pawn that I dropped casually. I don't care about the ending, but since you have bonds in that world, I Just say a few more words."

"First of all, that world is hopeless, the source of the earth has been exhausted, and the experiment of simulating the 'Steel Earth' will only make human beings fall into the abyss."

"But if it's you, there is still hope. If you use the Holy Grail to fill the hole in the world, you can still make a living for a long time."

"Don't you need me to try to reverse this ending?" Shuoyue smiled, "That world is a Hakogari imitating the land of steel, so it's not good to just abandon it like this?"

"Even if you were dying, you didn't summon UO, which means that the depletion of the great source is not the cause of the land of steel. For me, this is enough." The old man said calmly, "It's okay if you insist on being the savior, I will take the necessary The identity and information are handed over to you, and the world is up to you."

During the conversation, the fate of a world line was decided.

"It's almost time, qualified person for the third magician." The old man waved his hand, and the boundaries around him suddenly became blurred, and the original space-time trajectory pulled the youth who did not belong here.

"I will continue to be trapped here and capture that miracle. As for you, just carry on your sins and continue walking——"

Shuo Yue felt that she was breaking away from this space-time gap, the old man's voice became more and more indistinct, but it was like a brand imprinted deep in his heart.

"As the Marshal of Demon Dao, the second magician, and the savior of the world, I declare:"

"You are allowed to destroy the world."

"You are allowed to destroy the stars."

"You are allowed to trample on hope."

"You are allowed to betray humanity."

"All sins will be borne by me."

"Everything we do is for hope."

 Ultimate ONE.The strongest species of planets in other celestial bodies in the solar system.For example, the Type:Moon (the origin of the type moon) Zhu Yue killed by Gem Weng when he was young, which is the prototype of Princess Arquite, is the UO of the moon; in addition, the big spider ORT that appeared in the 2.7 lore belt is not From Mercury, but from the Oort cloud (that is, the collection of all comets in the solar system), because it preyed on Type: Mercury (Mercury UO), it was summoned by the earth instead of the latter, but landed in contemporary South America at the wrong time.

(End of this chapter)

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