Chapter 235

A cute loli curled up in the bathtub with her hands on her chest.

Falling to the ground, the white-haired priest pretended to be unconscious.

And floating in the air, posing with a ruby ​​cane.

If Shuoyue hadn't secretly set up a soundproof barrier, God knows what would have happened to Liz and Sera who had heard the sound.

"Hey~ Did you get dodged? I wanted to save some trouble and solve it quickly."

"Eh?" Ilya shrank her head like a quail, with tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes. After waiting for a long time for no response, she heard a strange voice and raised her head in doubt.

Between Shuo Yue and her, there was a strange cane with three pairs of wings and a pentagram in the middle of the ring, talking to himself:

"However, why do you always feel that the brother who fell on the ground is somewhat familiar? Well, but it's okay."

Although it has no eyeballs, it is obvious that the attention of this strange wand has turned back to Illya, and its voice is like the uncle who tricked the little girl into seeing goldfish, and he is obviously enthusiastic:

"First time we meet, I am the wand of love and justice, magical little Ruby! Little girl over there, would you like to try being a magical girl?"

Illya stared at the suspicious creature in front of her, her eyes widened, and she froze in place.

The ruby ​​cane also maintains a "charming" posture, and the two gemstone eyes inlaid on the ring stare at Illya affectionately.


Seeing that Illya didn't respond as if she was down, Ruby Cane chose to continue showing off.

"Are you my partner~ Become a magical girl and join me in defeating the guy I think is evil~"

The overly sweet words finally made Illya show a look of disgust.


Neither the person nor the magic wand who were entangled could be found. The priest who fell on the ground and served as the background board was digging the ground with his fingers frantically, almost digging out the design drawing of the three rooms and one living room.

A police siren sounded in the distance, accompanied by a dog barking somewhere, bringing some vitality to the almost stagnant scene in the bathroom.

Illya maintained a vigilant posture with her hands on her chest, and looked at the ruby ​​wand that was still dangling with vacant eyes.

So the shaft of that wand is bendable?Can this kind of thing really be picked up by hand? !
and also……

"What's going on in this situation?"

"Ah—were you just thinking about [It's so fake]!"

"No..." Looking at the ruby ​​that was getting closer, Illya put her hands in front of it, subconsciously wanting to refute, but finally nodded honestly, "Yes."

"It's really sad. Are there no good girls who look forward to magical girls in modern times?" Ruby's wings drooped, looking very disappointed.

But Shuo Yue no longer paid attention to them.

If you pretend to be dizzy, just pretend to be dizzy. When Illya turns and runs out of the bathroom, she also takes the opportunity to escape from the scene.

Before that, let's continue to think about the previous question, which is the possibility of making the third method into a portable dress.

The third method actually has a formal attire from the beginning—that is, the clothes of heaven.

When Shuo Yue fought Wu Ming, he offered the souls of seven heroic spirits to summon the Heaven's Clothes that connected to the Great Holy Grail. Of course, it was not Aili's version. The Heaven's Clothes could change according to the owner's wishes.

But obviously, the conditions for the appearance of the Clothes of Heaven were too harsh. The souls of the seven heroic spirits alone were extremely difficult to obtain. Shuoyue also sacrificed all the class cards brought out from Endsworth to barely meet the conditions.

After all, he is not the real third magician.

Therefore, a simpler and more effective dress is needed to exert the power of the third method.

This is also the reason why Shuoyue cut off the red/sapphire cane. As a magician, even if the dress of the Demon Marshal cannot be copied, it is definitely of great reference value.

Now is the time to test Shuo Yue's magic skills.

Just as Shuoyue was thinking about the composition of the dress, he suddenly noticed that someone was taking off his clothes.

……Um? !
The dusty memory was awakened again, and Sakuyue suddenly remembered that Ruby once lifted Shirou's bath towel in front of her in order to collect Illya's blood sample!

And I was the one who came in on Shirou's behalf, can't be right?

However, things were just as Shuo Yue thought. After the priest's robe was untied, Ruby's restless rod handle was hooking towards his pants bit by bit!

If you do it now, Illya will find out, I will bear it, I will bear it...

Bear with your head!

Shocked and angry, Shuo Yue's right hand struck out like lightning, and hit the ruby ​​with anger, slapping it hard on the floor!


The tragic sound exploded, and the whole house seemed to shake.

"Oh!" Ruby screamed and lay in the radiating cracks. Ilya was so frightened that she fell into the bathtub, looking at the formerly amiable but now coldly shining golden pupils in a panic.

"Just let you go, you're crazy, Ruby?"

"You, you are that guy...!"

"Correct solution, then die without any regrets, Miscellaneous Cultivator!"

Under the strong physique of the dragon species, every blow of Shuo Yue was like a pile driver. With the continuous roar, the cracks in the bathroom floor became more and more dangerous, and Illya's hair was blown to pieces by the strong wind, especially because The shock bounced up involuntarily, and he fell heavily into the bathtub. His little butt hurt terribly.

"Wait... wait, Brother Shuoyue!"

"Ola, Ola, Ola, Ola!" After venting his anger, Shuo Yue released his fists, looked at Ruby, who was lying limply in a pit of nearly one meter, and had no sound, and slowly exhaled.


Turning around, Ilya didn't care about whether she was wearing clothes or not, she just looked at the messy bathroom, and Shuoyue whose pupils were obviously not like ordinary people, her mouth was slightly opened, she was at a loss.

"Here, what the hell is going on..."

"It's okay, it's just a dream." Saying this, Shuoyue drew out the forgotten rune, "Go to sleep, the story will run as usual after waking up."

He was not venting his temper. Since he dared to do this, he naturally had the confidence to clean up the mess.

Under the influence of the magic, Ilya, who is still an ordinary person, quickly fell asleep, and Shuoyue also ignored the flat figure of little Lolita, turned around and twisted the half-dead ruby ​​with two fingers, with a tone of voice Full of disgust.

"Don't pretend to be dead. If there is no special ritual, your consciousness will not dissipate at all."

"Ruby-chan will never give in!" Even though she suffered a brutal attack, the Ruby Cane still said harshly, "No matter what your request is, I will never agree to it."

"No, you will agree." Shuo Yue showed a gloomy smile, "Unless you want to be soaked in a cesspool by me."


"It seems you agreed, haha... so happy to cooperate."

After a while, the bathroom returned to its original appearance. Illya woke up from the bathroom, but the person lying on the ground had long disappeared.

The well-dressed priest with bright eyes drove the sword in the stone and galloped in the quiet night.

Regarding the matter of magical girls, he didn't plan to intervene too much. Whether it was Ruby and Illya, or Sapphire and Miyu, they would form a deep bond, and he didn't need to intervene too much.

However, the question about the class card has always made Shuoyue doubtful.

Different from the eight class cards in the original work, in this world, in addition to the class cards that came with Miyu, the Ainsworth family seems to have taken the initiative to place many dangerous cards.

But what do they want to do?Can this be used as an anchor point to build a passage between the two worlds?
The knowledge inherited from the Ainsworth family has already given the answer, but her intuition tells Shuoyue that Ainsworth's ambition is more than just that.

This is a crisis that only Shuo Yue is aware of, and it is also a responsibility he must shoulder.

"So—" The Sword in the Stone stopped at the door of the church. Under the moonlight, the silver-haired nun stood quietly, her golden and golden pupils looking at each other.

"Let's go, follow me to the next anomalous point of the ley line."


The two drove and quickly disappeared into the night.

However, after a few hours, Shuoyue in juvenile form stepped out of the replacement space in one step, and walked towards the church with a gloomy expression.

"Duanzo, get the medical kit, as soon as possible!"

In Shuoyue's arms, Kallen was curled up with her eyes closed, covered in blood, breathing hard.

 Bond Story II
  One night, when Ilya was about to take a bath to give benefits to the audience, a magic wand suddenly struck from the night sky.Tricked and fooled by this wriggling and chattering MAX wand, today's magical girl Prisma☆Illya was born.Of course, it’s kept a secret from everyone in the class☆

(End of this chapter)

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