My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 236 The Evil Consequences of Being Mediated by Abused Spirits

Chapter 236 The Evil Consequences of Being Mediated by Abused Spirits

Leyline anomaly point J is located in Xindu.

This is what Shuo Yue planned to solve tonight. However, what he did not expect was that although the class card hero spirit in this abnormal point was extremely fragile, due to its own characteristics, the accompanying Kallen suffered heavy losses.

The job description of this servant is Caster, his real name is Mephistopheles, and his source is the book "Faust".

It is not a devil itself, but it is a monster that has contracted an unknown devil and distorted the past and the way of existence.

Naturally, it carries very demonic characteristics.

Even Shuo Yue couldn't guess what class cards could be shaken out of the UP card pool of heroic spirits. What's more, in the long history of mankind, there are very few beings who have been infected with demons and can become heroic spirits. few.

But it happened that Kallen met the 'devil'.

The moment she entered the mirror world, Shuo Yue heard a "crack", which was the tiny sound of muscle splitting.

The smell of blood rushed straight into his nose, and the young man turned his head in shock, only to see the silver-haired girl's face twitching, twisting in pain, and finally curling up unbearably, with blood flowing out of her body like a stream.

——The quality of the abused spirit.

If demons were around her, her body would automatically respond in the form of scars, often painful.

As the daughter of a sinner (whether it is a father or a mother), the only reason she is accepted by the church is because of her stigmata "masochistic spirit medium substance", so she is regarded by the church as an indispensable existence like a demon detector.

As a nun and a demon radar at the same time, her workload is very high, and ordinary people will not be able to stand it even if they work for a month.

Shuoyue took the initiative to call Kallen as a helper at the headquarters, but in fact, she also had the idea of ​​letting this girl who was in a difficult situation even in Xingyue take a break from her busy schedule.

As a result, she suffered such pain just a few days after arriving in Fuyuki City.

This is not a demon in an ordinary person, but a demon incarnated by a servant - both in terms of quality and quantity, it can crush Kallen, who is just an ordinary human.

"Damn it! Kill him, Hell Scythe, Dust Saw!"

This is the fastest projection. Two slashing swords fly out. One blocks the escape route, and the other destroys the body. This is also the most unflattering class card. The person who gets it just throws it into the imaginary number. Space, then picked up the immobile Kallen, hurriedly left the mirror world, and returned directly to the church with the help of displacement magic.

"Duanzo, get the medical kit, as soon as possible!"


Knowing the urgency of the matter, the master and the servant all stepped up to action, and in an instant, they prepared tools, projected a long table and cushions, and placed the fragile girl like a porcelain doll on it.

"You should have treatment data in your records. I'll leave the rest to you. Treat her wounds as soon as possible!"

Shuo Yue pushed the tool to Duan Zang, while she stood at the door of the church, listening to the sound of the tools colliding behind her, and the girl's uncontrollable little cry of pain, she let out a long breath after a long time, with guilt on her face.

He just wanted to be lazy and let Karen write the report for him, but instead he hurt her like this.

Really, a big mistake.

"Master, it has been dealt with, and Miss Karen has fallen asleep."

"Really..." Shuo Yue nodded, "You did a good job."

He walked into the church softly, and Duan Zang had replaced the blood-stained cushion with a spare one. The silver moonlight fell from the church window and sprinkled softly inside the church, illuminating the sleeping girl's cheeks.

Wrapped in the quiet moonlight, watched by the statue of the angel, the nun who was born with stigmata was like a sacrifice, lying quietly in the center of the altar.

No, it should be said that it was originally a sacrifice, a sacrifice that killed oneself in order to find the devil.

Shuo Yue remembered that during the long-term self-abuse, Karen's vision in her right eye had disappeared, and her sense of taste had gradually become thinner. Therefore, if she could taste it, even if it was spicy enough to put people in hell, it would still feel like she was in hell. Heavenly.

This is also the reason why she inherited the same hobbies from her father. Kotomine Kirei is "a person who feels pleasure from pain", while Kallen is because "if it is not spicy enough, you can't experience the taste at all".

Even among all the ill-fated characters in Xingyue, you are one of the most miserable ones...

Sighing like this, the boy stroked Karen's cheek and ran his fingers through her cold hair, with pity hidden in his condescending golden eyes. "However, since it is my fault, let me take responsibility."

"...There is no need to feel guilty, and don't look at me with such eyes, it makes me sick."

Even though she had her eyes closed, Kallen still spoke in a cold voice, words that would dissuade others from thousands of miles away.

"Woke up by me?" Shuo Yue raised her eyebrows, instead of retreating, she squeezed Kallen's face even more fiercely, "The boss took care of you personally, instead of feeling grateful, you still expressed dissatisfaction with me? Oops Ah, you guys are really..."

"It was all unnecessary on your part." Kallen opened her golden eyes and stared directly at Shuo Yue's restless hands, "This level of injury can be healed by itself as long as I wake up... Hiss! "

"Oh, it turns out you still feel pain. I thought you had become a female version of the Terminator." The young man said with an expressionless face and increased his strength with his fingers, "I am right next to you, and you still plan to solve it on your own? How much do you look down on me?"

Before Kallen could bear it any longer, Shuo Yue finally let go of his hand, but he lowered his body again, staring into Kallen's eyes with an aggressive posture and whispering.

"Since I did something wrong, then I will take responsibility."

"Whether you agree or disagree, please stay with me until your injury completely recovers. Do you understand?"

"..." Kallen and Shuo Yue looked at each other, and after a moment they reluctantly twitched their lips, "I can understand that you care about me? Care about a tool of the church, a prostitute who seduces demons?"

Without waiting for Shuo Yue to reply, Duan Zang took the initiative to speak: "According to the previous treatment, although Miss Kallen is seriously injured, she still retains her chastity."

"Thank you for your explanation, Duan Zang." Shuo Yue looked at Kalian who suddenly turned her eyes away, and raised the corners of her mouth, "It seems that our lovely lady is soft all over, only her mouth is hard."

"Hey, that's long!" For the first time, Kallen felt at a loss and simply closed her eyes, "I'm going to sleep!"

The next moment, she felt light and fell into the boy's arms.

"...What?" Kallen subconsciously wanted to struggle, but she was so weak that she had no strength to resist.

"I told you I would take care of you." Shuo Yue smiled evilly and shook her arm, feeling the petite body that was only 2cm taller than my king and even lighter, and then walked towards the depths of the church.

"What if you catch a cold if you sleep like this? Of course you should go back to your room and sleep."

" don't want to watch me sleep, do you?"

"Ahaha, how come?"

In the end, in order to prevent Karen from sacrificing her wounds and dying with him, Shuoyue ran back to her room obediently (disappointedly) and concentrated on studying the dress of the third method.

Using healing magic, Kallen could actually be cured that night.

However, the latter resolutely refused magic treatment on the grounds that "the church rejects heresy", so Shuoyue had no choice but to give up.

"Dong dong dong."

"Please come in."

The door opened, and a female ninja with long black hair came in: "Master, there is news from the Holy Church headquarters."


"Yes, the content is as follows: The Lord praises your selfless and risky behavior. If you can, please help the priests in other cities. The merciful father will give you the grace of life. Above."

"Hmm, it seems that the goal has been achieved. Karen is resting now. I would like to trouble Danzo to communicate with other churches and ask them to provide information on the abnormal points of the earth's veins."

"As ordered."

The conversation at night ended, and after Duan Zang left, Shuo Yue restarted the production of the third ritual.

As time passed by, a square-shaped slot similar to a mobile phone was slowly taking shape in Shuo Yue's hands.

 I'm going to the hospital tomorrow to accompany my family for a follow-up visit, so please take a leave of absence in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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