My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 237 Everything must be positive

Chapter 237 Everything must be positive

It's very windy today.

The clouds flowed, and the silver arc of the moon leaned against the horizon.

The moonlight shining down on the sky and the earth reflected the girl in red.

The girl stared at me seriously with blue jewel-like pupils.

"Listen, I have something very important to say next."

"Next, you have to become a magical girl and collect [Class Cards]."

She said so in a solemn voice.


Can't make a sound.

I'm a bit overwhelmed because there's so much going on.

But only this matter, I deeply understand.

I seem to be involved in a very troublesome matter.


"I knock!"

"It hurts!" With a scream, Ilya, who was lying on the desk, suddenly woke up, clutching the back of her head and looking up.

"Umm, be careful not to doze off openly during class!" English class teacher Fujimura Taiga, also known as the famous 'Fuyuki no Tiger', was standing in front of Illya with his hands on his hips, full of majesty.

"I'm sorry..." Illya's pitiful apology caused the students to burst into laughter, and the classroom was full of joy.

Seeing Illya apologize obediently, Fuyuki no Torora let her go with satisfaction, and continued to give lectures, while Illya also sat in her seat, restrained her sleepiness, and listened carefully.

In fact, I can’t blame Ilya for dozing off in class. Who made her become a magical girl after being fooled by the ruby ​​wand last night, and then was instilled with a lot of knowledge by sister Rin, the former owner of the ruby?
Because of Shuoyue's forgetting magic and Ruby's (forced) concealment of the insider, Illya didn't know what kind of disaster the bathroom had experienced a few minutes ago. Bind her as the new master.

And just when Illya turned into a magical girl and ran outside 'naked', she was called by Ruby "the magical girl of half-old mistresses", that is, its original owner Tohsaka Rin just followed the magic trajectory , found the door.

After a tense and intense exchange, Tohsaka Rin had to admit the fact that Illya was bound to Ruby, and went back to the bedroom with her to briefly talk about the class card.

[Let's talk about the conclusion first, we came to this city to collect cards according to the clock tower's instructions. 】

【So that means, sister Rin is something like an unknown bomb disposal agency that secretly removes bombs planted in the city? 】

【...It's really a brand new metaphor, but I guess it's pretty close, so I'm a bit unwilling. 】

[Well, that’s pretty much it, and this idiot’s wand is the key item used to clear class cards.But since she now recognizes you as her master, at least until I successfully convince her, you have to help me recover the cards - you have to be prepared. 】

[Ha... eh! ! ! 】

"Ding dong ding dong..." The bell rang for the end of get out of class, successfully making Ilya realize that she was distracted again.

"Oh." She held her head and sighed helplessly.

It is said that a girl has a lot of worries, but her worries are too strange.

Seriously, she just wanted the magic of being in love at first!
When it was time for lunch, Ilya and her good friends put together their desks and took out a bento to eat.

"Illya actually dozed off. It's really rare. Is it because of lack of sleep?"

"Well... I was thinking about something last night."

"Thinking about something?"

"Any trouble?"

"Compared to this kind of thing, play dodge ball after dinner!"

"I really envy you that you have no worries."

"No, I'm not worried about anything, it's just that my thoughts can't keep up with the rhythm of reality...or the reality is more sudden than the animation."

"Ha... Although I don't quite understand it, it's really hard work for you." "Yes." Illya laughed.

A magical girl?

Thinking like this, she couldn't help but recall the cute and girlish outfit she transformed into last night, as well as the strange energy circulating in her body.

I haven't really realized it yet, but it seems that I was really involved in this adventure.

However, I still feel a little excited... I guess.

Amidst the anxiety and anticipation, Ilia finally waited until school was over. While her friends were still playing around, she had already packed her schoolbag and trotted downstairs.

"I can't stand it, is school finally over?" Ruby, who had been lying in her schoolbag all this time, poked her head out, "Staying in my schoolbag all the time is so boring."

"Haha, I'm sorry." Ilya jumped down from the stairs, held on to her hat, and ran downstairs without stopping.

"Say, Ruby, tell me how to use magic."

"Well, yes. But why are you asking such a question suddenly, Illya? She was so resistant last night."

"It's rare to have this opportunity, so I want to enjoy it. Sure enough, everything must be positive."

Saying so, Illya opened the shoe cabinet.


"Ah, sure enough, everything must be positive."

In the room with the number plate of the health care room, the white-haired and golden-eyed Zhengtai was watching the scene in the magic projection with great interest.

At this time, he no longer wore the boring priest's uniform, but put on a white coat. The loose robe was worn on him, which made him feel like a little ghost: "In the end, I still can't escape the law of true fragrance, Yi Liya sauce."

"Children are really energetic." Kallen, who also changed into a white coat with a lace jabot embroidered on her chest, that is, a ruffled lace collar, said casually while sitting on a chair.

Because Satsuki had already reported Illya's acquisition of the wand to the church, the target of the supervisor was naturally transferred from Tohsaka Rin to Illya, and the base was also moved to the health room.

"A primary school student who has lived an ordinary life until now, suddenly got a magic wand full of fantasy style, and has the possibility of becoming a magical girl. How can I not be excited about such a thing?"

"It sounds like you are a little envious?
"Yes, I do feel envious, but it's not because of the magical girl, but because of the joy that arises when a child encounters something new - I also had such a memory, but my feelings are no longer the same. Respond to me again.”

Watching Yi Liya's running figure, Shuo Yue leaned back in the chair, and the corners of her lips curled up helplessly.

“I still remember that I would be pleasantly surprised because the wedding candy box was filled with chocolates, feel comfortable because of the good songs played at the wedding, and experience joy because the sun shone on the mountains in front of me... But now, these precious My feelings are as boring as records written on A4 paper."

"Perhaps the longer a person lives, the more mature they become, and the better they are at not expressing their emotions...but it's bad if they rot. If they rot, they will only attract bugs and flies. It's impossible to have anything more."

"Is that why you maintain this posture? Kallen glanced at the child-like Shuoyue, implying, "Trying to examine something in the past? "

"No... no, maybe I do have such an idea subconsciously, but it's more because this form has higher growth potential. Hehe, maybe every teenager who shouts about bondage, love, etc. will change. Become a boring guy who likes to care about gains and losses."

"Ding!" The health pot next to it was steaming, and the rich aroma of porridge washed away the smell of disinfectant in the health care room.

"Oh, the porridge is ready." Shuoyue hooked her fingers, Kato Duanzang appeared like a ghost, picked up the health pot, poured out the medicinal food that Shuoyue carefully cooked, and handed the bowl to Kalian.

"Drink it, don't worry, considering someone's taste, I put quite a lot of brown sugar."

"Tsk." Expressed dissatisfaction openly, but Karen still frowned, and obediently drank the porridge.

It's not a question of whether it tastes good or not, it's just that Karen instinctively feels uncomfortable facing Shuo Yue's care, and even has a feeling of wanting to escape.

In her life, no one had ever done this to her before, and this strange feeling made Kallen almost at a loss.

But she couldn't resist Shuo Yue, who had made up her mind. Duan Zang was watching quietly from the side.

But at this moment, Shuoyue looked at Ilya who was holding the excitement on the magic screen, reaching for the envelope in the shoe cabinet with trembling hands, looking at her steaming cheeks, couldn't help but "puchi" Laugh out loud.

"I'm really looking forward to her expression after finding out that this is Rin's threatening letter. Oh, no matter what happens, you have to be positive, Illya~~"

 I don’t know whether it was intentional or not, when Tohsaka Rin pointed to Illya and said, "Next you will become a magical girl", the positions and composition of Ilya and Tohsaka Rin were exactly the same as when Emiya Shirou summoned Saber.

(End of this chapter)

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