My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 242: Watching from the Massacre

Chapter 242: Watching from the Massacre

As we all know, an airborne boss can always cause dissatisfaction among his subordinates, especially the old man who is closest to this position.

Not to mention Gorin Varus - he was the one who sat well in the commander's position and was kicked down by Shuo Yue.

Even so, he actually didn't have much resentment in his heart, because he stood on the city wall and witnessed the scene when Shuo Yue defeated Qianqi with hundreds of guards.

Although there is always intrigue among people, in the army, famous generals with literary, military and military skills are always respected.

But who asked his butt to sit on this side of the Senate?
When Nero was under siege, the elders of the Senate were ready to replace the puppet emperor. Even if the empress escaped and wanted to enter the city to defend the city, he, Gorin Varus, would deliberately Delay the opening of the door to give the combined forces more opportunities.

Who would have thought that a young man fell from the sky, a famous general who could hit more with less?

As if the god ancestor Romulus wanted to punish him, a man with ulterior motives, not long after Nero welcomed Shuoyue in, he was demoted to one level and became the lieutenant general of this white-haired young man.

You know, in order for him to become the commander-in-chief, the Senate secretly consumed many resources and did many dirty things, but in the end, it fell short because of an inexplicable guy!
After learning the news, the elders were naturally furious and ordered him to find an opportunity to unseat the newly appointed commander. It would be best to cut him into pieces to vent their hatred.

There was no other way, Gorin Varus reluctantly accepted the task, and then immediately geared up, contacted the old department, and waited for an opportunity.

No, it was only the second day that he waited for the opportunity.
A military stronghold guarded by only 500 people and an enemy stronghold guarded by 2000 people. No matter how you look at it, the military stronghold is more valuable and easier to break.

But the new commander-in-chief chose to capture the enemy stronghold!

Of course, Gorin Varus somewhat understood the reason for the young man's choice - if he slightly modified the battle report, the achievement of defeating a group of 2000 people would be much better than that of 500 people, not to mention if the problem could be cleared up so quickly. If so, the value of the general cannot be highlighted.

The power is overwhelming, and the enemy is so stupid that it will be wiped out in just one battle;

After repeated battles and victories, he suppressed the enemy like a god of war, fearing the enemy and not daring to cross the threshold.

Which of these two results of battle is more able to promote the bravery and glory of the commander?
The answer is self-evident, not to mention that the reason why he, Gorin Varus, came to power was also the result of raising a weak tribe back and forth and wiping it out dozens of times.

Ha... In a sense, this young superior of mine is really as wise as a fool.

It's a pity that his legion is not of the same mind as him.

"I know what you are thinking, young man." He stared at the white-haired young man and chuckled, "But as a deputy general, I don't think this is a wise choice."

As if he wanted everyone in the military camp to hear it, Goering emphasized his tone and said:
"Are you going to let thousands of brothers in the Legion bleed and die for your own selfish desires, Your Excellency?"

Rosario's face turned red and he opened his mouth to speak, but Shuo Yue stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"I understand what you think, Lieutenant General." Without knowing the name, she simply replaced it with her title, Shuo Yue replied not particularly carelessly, "But I think it is my duty to remind you that the army of the United Roman Empire is not like you Stupid, only sending 500 people to garrison, of course they have their reasons."

Don't even think about the famous actors who played opposite Nero - his uncle Caligula, Caesar the Conqueror, Romulus the Forefather of Rome... This is a passionate combination performed by ancestors. , Why does this guy think they can't even see this flaw?
However, Gorin Varus was already so angry that Shuo Yue's natural and contemptuous words of "stupid" took away his mind. He stared at Shuo Yue's blood-colored eyes, only feeling that there was undisguised ridicule in the depths of his eyes. .

In the intense emotion, he did not notice the mountains of blood and corpses wrapped around the young man's body, nor did he smell the smell of blood that could not be concealed on his body - no, perhaps it was because such an illusion was too shocking that this man The general who was good at nourishing Qi quickly lost his mind. [Human slaughter: A+]

There have been many famous generals in Chinese history, but there was only one who was called a "human massacre".

The spirit is as hard as iron and cannot be controlled by the mind.

It has great oppressive power on the army. Once it appears, it will cause a serious blow to the enemy's morale, and the morale of our own army will be high - in a sense, it can be regarded as a kind of leadership temperament.

Although people are very forgetful creatures, the Avenger will never forget - he is following the shadow of the beast that destroyed the princes.

It was precisely because Gorin Varus was a general that he could detect a deeper level of fear in this scene.

How many people do you need to kill before the smell of blood and resentment becomes so strong that it won't go away? !

What kind of determination can we have to maintain human sanity in the realm of Shura, where countless people are killed? !

"Damn! Guys who just rely on women to get to the top, don't get carried away!" As if aware of his gaffe, Gorin Valus took a deep breath and said his purpose as calmly as possible.

"In that case, do you dare to have a contest with me?"

"Competition?" Shuo Yue really couldn't help smiling this time.

The idea of ​​digging a hole had just come up in his mind, and this guy had already booked all the coffins.

"It's just what I want, let the horse come here, dear lieutenant general."

A few hours later, the army moved out, and the moment they stepped out of the camp, they were divided into two parties.

The general on one side was a young man with white hair and eyes like blood. Behind him was a line of more than two thousand soldiers.

The general on the other side is naturally the former commander-in-chief, Gorin Varus. Behind him are all the remaining troops of the legion, which is also about 2000 people.

Goering wore scale armor and a red cloak. He proudly pulled his tall horse and shouted loudly:

"The rules of the competition are as follows - each side leads half of the soldiers to conquer an enemy camp. The side with the fastest speed and the best preserved strength wins! May the gods of heaven and earth learn from this contest!"

After the shouting, Golin gave Shuo Yue a demonstrative look, pulled out the ceremonial sword at his waist: "Let's go!"

So the two thousand soldiers began their journey in a mighty manner. Behind them, the commander with blood-red eyes stared at them, as if he was bidding farewell to the dead walking on the road to hell.

"Go all the way, don't send it."

(End of this chapter)

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