My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 243 An ax breaks the camp

Chapter 243 Breaking the camp with one axe

Magical March: A+
Blitzkrieg, circling around, quickly interspersing, cutting, encircling, merging, advancing in waves... Only one person is needed to lead the battle of destroying the country alone.

You have no jokes, soldiers are expensive and fast.Just like marching in an army, you should hold the mountains, rivers, and key points in your own hands, and you should firmly control the most important link, so that you can respond to all changes with the same.

Mr. Wu An never fights a battle without victory.

"That's why you roll up your armor and rush towards it, stay out day and night, travel multiple routes at the same time, fight for profit for hundreds of miles, and capture three generals."

Shuo Yue rode on horseback and read this sentence thoughtfully.

"Governor, is this the word from the eastern country?" Rosario asked.

"Ah, this is a statement from "Sun Tzu's Art of War." Once he started to lead the army, Shuoyue would be influenced by the spirit base, and he would unconsciously say mouth cravings that he didn't even realize. Boling’s bamboo slips. This sentence means that if you gather your armor and rods, push your army forward in a hurry, do not stop day and night, double your journey, run hundreds of miles, and compete with the enemy for profit, then the leaders of the three armies will be captured at the same time.”

"Therefore, when marching and fighting, remember to be exhausted, and don't move the army too hastily."

"So, what do we do, Governor?"

"Governor... hum, pass the order and ask all legion commanders and centurions to come to see me."


It didn't take long before the report sounded, no matter what kind of officers they were, they all rushed over and lined up in front of Shuo Yue.

"Everyone, let's start laying out the battle plan. Please take it seriously."

The white-haired commander kept moving forward at an unhurried pace, speaking smoothly about the plan he had already planned. The eyes of the officers following him changed from doubt to shock to admiration, and finally they all saluted and left. Shouts sounded from all sections of the army.

When the main road ended and entered the forest path, the army of a thousand people separated. The officers led the divided teams, smiled at each other, and then disappeared from each other's sight without making a sound.

After the army was broken up into pieces and dispersed, there were only a few dozens of people staying by Shuo Yue's side.

"Governor, 33 soldiers of the former Guards, one centurion of the current army, and 32 cavalry, offer their loyalty to you!" Rosario, as a scout and centurion, saluted Shuo Yue with a face full of enthusiasm. .

"Well, they are all great young men in their prime." Shuo Yue nodded with satisfaction and glanced at the subordinates who had accepted his command and were extremely loyal. "It seems that there is no need to say more - everyone , march on, we will sound the horn of annihilation!"


A uniform response sounded, and everyone rode their horses and whipped their whips. Then they were extremely surprised to find that the horses' feet seemed to be riding on the wind, leading them to rush towards the enemy's stronghold quickly.

After a while, the small village Rosario discovered came into view.

No, it can no longer be called a small village.


Shuo Yue raised her hand, and the Qingqi behind him stopped instantly. They each hid in the forest, looking solemnly at the location of the enemy army that already had a barracks in front of them.

The battalion commander's orders could be heard clearly even here. Under the command of the commander, the soldiers set up tents one by one, adjusted the length, width and depth of the barriers and trenches, and uniformly transported the logistics and equipment to a safe place.

"As expected, it seems that Rosario is very lucky. If we delay one more step, we will face a troublesome offensive and defensive battle." The white-haired general glanced at the important facilities of the military camp and said with a relaxed expression.

Apart from some worries about the No. [-] camp, which is where Goering was going to crusade, there was actually another reason why Shuoyue finally chose to attack here—that was when Rosario found the No. [-] camp. , what he saw was the small village where the enemy troops were stationed, and the patrol team that he did not dare to approach.

Such a tight patrol means that the enemy intends to stay permanently and is definitely not a temporary stop. So why did Rosario see an ordinary village?The answer is very clear - that is, the enemy army has just arrived here and has not had time to set up camp.

Since there is no time, then don't give them a chance at all. Unformed tumors are always easier to clean up than abscesses.

As for Camp No. [-], which seemed to be quite easy to conquer, even though Shuo Yue used the spiritual foundation from China, he still wanted to say "Amen" with pity.

There is no need for discordant voices in his army. As for half of the troops taken away by that idiot...

I'm sorry, but this is a necessary sacrifice.

With the ability of this servant, Shuo Yue never had to worry about the issue of troops. Using two thousand soldiers and horses as a bargaining chip to bury a former commander who jumped into a werewolf, at least Shuo Yue felt it was worth it.

"Governor, what should we do next? The longer it takes, the worse it will be for us."

At Rosario's reminder, Shuo Yue came back to her senses: "Have you received the signal?"

"Yes, there are already three birdsong on the hillside," Rosario replied.

From Shuo Yue's point of view, the terrain of this village is quite clever - within a few hundred meters of the village is a vast flat land, and in the distance are mountains that are so steep that it is difficult to climb. Only a path in front extends straight into the woods. Among the small mounds, the dense woods are like a natural barrier, isolating this small village.

The exit and entrance are the same, and there is only one place. This is a strategically located place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

If Rosario hadn't happened to see the enemy's food transport team, he probably wouldn't have expected that the United Empire had put a secret move here.

If Shuo Yue were to guard this place, he would only need to send heavy troops to guard the only entrance and exit, and he could build this place into a fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, similar to Hot Spring Pass.

Obviously the enemy generals thought so too. Although most of the manpower was deployed to build the camp, there were still hundreds of teams wandering near the path, building defensive facilities and guarding against enemies that might appear at any time.

Shuo Yue and his soldiers were currently using the cover of the woods, only a few dozen meters away from the small team. Once they walked out of the forest, they would be discovered immediately.

And the next thing they have to do is to lure the army out of the camp.

"Apply fire grease, mount your horse, and charge with me!" After giving the order, Shuo Yue took the lead in pulling out the bronze sword and rushed out of the forest. Naturally, the men behind him would not fall behind. They shouted loudly and rushed towards the enemy.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" The patrol immediately noticed the sudden appearance of Shuo Yue and others, and immediately shouted a warning, and at the same time allocated half of their troops to encircle and suppress this strange soldier. However, under the influence of the 'wonderful marching method', Shuo Yue's speed was far beyond imagination. Even if the patrol intercepted from the side, they would only eat a mouth full of sand and dust and watch the enemy fly away.

The journey of nearly a thousand meters arrived suddenly.

The white-haired general who was best at blitzkrieg calmly raised his hand, and a powerful bloody aura suddenly emerged from behind him.

“Then—let’s greet you with this blow!”

The bloody aura rose up, forming a giant three-meter-high battle axe, and even the runes engraved on it were clearly visible.

Under the desperate eyes of the people in the military camp, the young man standing at the front slowly clenched his hands.


Then the air shattered, the heaven and the earth wailed, and among the flying building debris, the bloody giant ax was fiercely embedded in the entrance of the camp, as if it had chopped into the hearts of all the enemies!

The barracks is broken!
(End of this chapter)

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