My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 251 Siege of Caligula

Chapter 251 Siege of Caligula

On the plains, the second battle has begun.

On one side is the deceased who does not belong to this era, the former Roman emperor who was assassinated; and on the other side is the governor who was personally canonized by Augustus today, and more than a thousand troops under his command.

Judging from the numbers, Caligula, who came alone, was at an absolute disadvantage.

But obviously, the so-called combat power cannot be judged by the number of people, especially when the person standing in front of the soldiers is a berserker with A+ strength.

With his muscular strength reaching this level, he could easily slay dragons, tigers, lions, Xiaoqiang, sharks, and monsters. Caligula was now a tyrant who stirred up a storm on the battlefield.

Therefore, after discovering the soldiers of the First Legion, the berserker with cloudy eyes not only did not retreat, but instead roared in a low voice and rushed forward with an extremely ferocious attitude, turning his hands into claws and tearing at the soldiers in the front row.

"Put up a shield!" Shuo Yue mobilized his spiritual energy, and even from a distance, his order could be instantly transmitted to the hearts of the soldiers on the front line.

Then shields stood up instantly, and the flat surface of the pipa barrel made of wood was covered with animal skins, and the reinforced narrow metal strips shone with an icy cold light.

The defense line seemed impregnable, but when the soldiers standing at the forefront with their shields raised looked at the violent ancestor emperor, they still couldn't help but feel frightened.

That is the suppression of ordinary humans by Servants, monsters in human skin.

Not to mention that there were soldiers among them who had personally experienced Goering's death. Even their hands could not help shaking.

Can we win against such an enemy?
At this moment, Caligula roared and struck, tearing at the protective gear with his claws.


Between the electric light and flint, blood filled the air.

The berserker retreated like an electric shock. The soldiers in the front row who were resisting the attack groaned and involuntarily slid back a few meters. The comrades behind him took a step forward and immediately climbed up, forming a new line of defense across Kaligu. In front of ramen.

The opponent's number is too small - only a dozen people can completely surround it. How many shield soldiers are there in a legion?Even if there were no meritorious deeds that could be inscribed on the Throne of Heroes, the gathering of so many people into a tower was enough to withstand the onslaught of berserker warriors.

Of course, the one who made the greatest contribution was the white-haired commander standing at the top of the high platform.

[Unknown kill: EX]

This is the reason why we did not move the position but chose the battlefield here.After experiencing a big battle, this is the best home court to exert the power of Blood Fiend.

The moment Caligula touched the shield, the endless blood evil rose up and turned into an extremely hard substance, clashing head-on with the berserker.

"Blocked..." A soldier looked at his almost intact armor in disbelief.

He clearly felt a force that could knock him away, but the force weakened a lot after the flash of blood.

Looking at the man in front of him who was roaring like a beast, the soldier suddenly felt that he was not so scary anymore.

"The third echelon comes forward, the first echelon prepares!"

The centurion's cry awakened the soldiers, his eyes became firm, and he moved forward without fear.

come on!

After briefly relieving the pain in their arms, the first echelon of shield soldiers moved forward again, filling the vacancy created by Caligula in the blink of an eye. The berserkers were also in pain due to the counterattack of the blood evil and could not move forward.

At this moment, new orders came.

"Get ready to throw your gun, everyone take a step back." "Boom!"

Under the influence of the spirit base, the spear-throwers who were ready to go stepped backwards in unison. A thousand footsteps converged into one sound, and the sound of boots hitting the ground sounded like a drum.

The berserker's attack was in vain, and before he could react, the spear-thrower hiding behind the legion threw the sharp weapon in his hand. The moment it was released, bloody lines clung to it.

Bloody evil!
Needless to say, with Shuo Yue's spiritual power, the spear fell around Caligula like a river. As the tip of the spear landed on the berserker's raised arms, the sticky blood lingered on it. Then it burst out, carrying the pain and hatred of the deceased and spreading forward.

In an instant, countless bone-deep gaps were torn from Caligula's solid arms, and tragic desolation spread wherever he went. The spirits screamed, were wrapped in blood and annihilated, and ceased to exist.

Caligula roared and ran wildly, trying to escape the cage that imprisoned the trapped beast, but the iron shield glowed with blood again, and he was easily stopped.

"The Second Army inserted into the flank of the First Army in a cutting manner. The shield soldiers of the First Army retreated directly after being hit. Be careful not to advance rashly."

Under the command of Shuo Yue, the legion of thousands of people was like building blocks with arms and fingers. Unknowingly, the soldiers who had experienced the battle of servants retreated quietly and disappeared into the darkness, also wearing heavy armor. , the anxious-looking Second Legion took their place and participated in the battle.

As the highest-ranking familiar with a high degree of madness, Berserker was like a hunted lion when facing the army protected by Shuoyue. He could only use his claws and teeth to sharpen the enemy's will. Use your own roar to strengthen the enemy's courage and lead you step by step towards the end of defeat.

Rosario, who was also standing on the high platform watching the battle, finally understood Shuo Yue's thoughts at this moment. He looked at the white-haired general standing on the high platform in shock, his eyes full of admiration.

Are you actually using this kind of evil enemy in this world as a soldier's whetstone?

Suddenly, there was some commotion on the front line. Rosario looked subconsciously and saw that it was Caligula who was resisting the counter-shock force of the blood evil. Regardless of the bloody arm, he just tore it open in the horrified eyes of the soldiers. He took off his shield, grabbed him out, used both hands to tear him into pieces!
Blood splashed in the sky, and radiating drops of blood fell on the ground. The soldiers could not even scream, and they were cut into pieces.

Such a tragic death immediately caused panic among the people around him. Looking at the man who was bathed in blood and looked like a ghost, the soldiers' whole bodies were filled with chills, and they once again recalled the fear of being dominated by the berserker.

"Don't panic, this is war, soldiers!" Shuo Yue's voice sounded at the right time, alleviating the soldiers' panic and waking them up at the same time.

Yes, even if there is only one person on the other side, it is still a war.

How can there be no dead in war?
All he has to do is try not to make any mistakes, and trust his comrades and commander.

"The next time you encounter such a crisis, remember to abandon your shield in time and retreat. Your comrades will fill the gap for you." The commander's voice was as calm as ever, "Remember, you must not let the enemy break through the encirclement. If you give in out of fear, If you do, it will only cause your comrades to be torn apart by monsters along with you."

"The musketeers, attack!"

The blood-smeared attack fell from the sky again, and this time, Caligula no longer tried to intercept, but rolled sideways agilely, dodging the attack while quickly approaching the shield formation, trying to prevent the enemy's attack in this way. .

The arrow pierced the air.

No one caught the meteor-like trajectory, but only saw the flash of blood. The enemy fell back as if he had been severely injured. The arrow feathers on his chest were still trembling, and the arrow had already penetrated three inches of flesh and blood.

In the distance, a white-haired young man wearing a bronze battle armor and holding a long bow looked calmly, and took out another feather arrow from his subordinate who knelt on one knee and held up the quiver.

Bend the bow and set the arrow, blood clings to it.

[Great Qin Combat Skill: B+]

Let go and shoot!

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(End of this chapter)

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