My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 252 Moonlight, swallow my heart

Chapter 252 Moonlight, swallow my heart
The berserker's last way of survival was cut off.

If he could still have the strength to break through the siege of the Blood Demon before, then Caligula, who was seriously injured after being pinned to Tianshan Mountain by Shuo Yue's two arrows, had completely lost the chance of victory. He could only rely on his wild nature after becoming mad to fight against the Blood Demon. The protecting soldiers tore it apart.

This battle started from the sunset falling into the mountains to the dark clouds covering the night sky.

So the first army retreated, the second army advanced; the second army retreated, the third army advanced; the third army retreated...

Oh, the three major armies that went into battle have all finished training.

As expected of you, you are strong enough, Ghost Uncle Sang!Everyone who has used it says it’s great!
Although there are still some soldiers who rush forward greedily, fail to retreat in time, and escape the protective range of the blood evil, and are caught by the berserker and twisted into soldiers like towels, but more soldiers have experienced this high intensity. After the battle, he was no longer afraid of this monster in human skin. He could adjust his position on his own without even needing Shuo Yue's reminder for better defense and counterattack.

And this is exactly what Shuo Yue wants to see.

"Put the quiver away. I don't need to take action next." The white-haired young man put away the Da Qin war bow he made and looked at the battlefield.

After such a long rotation and battle, Caligula, who was already seriously injured, became even more unbearable, and even his movements obviously slowed down.

A Servant, and also a Berserker.

The highest ranking familiar feels tired?
"Hmph..." A slight snort came from her nose, and Shuo Yue immediately issued an order.

"The Third Legion retreated in an orderly manner. It is time for the prisoners spared by our Majesty to show their loyalty."

Military orders cannot be disobeyed. The soldiers guarding the front line looked at each other, and although they showed unwillingness, they all retreated, allowing the prisoners to come forward and seize the fruits of victory that were about to be obtained.

"Sir, is there any reason for doing this?" Although he had only followed Shuo Yue for a short time, Rosario knew the commander's character well. It was already magnanimous for him not to kill all these prisoners, so how could he take the initiative? What about giving them military exploits?
But in view of the relationship between Nero and the commander-in-chief, Rosario had to think more.

Could it be that this is the power of love?
"You're overthinking, Lieutenant General,"

For the army officers who were full of animal desires and had no place to rest, all Shuo Yue could do was to give them a blank look: "This is my army, Nero's hand can't reach here yet."

Miraculously, even though Shuo Yue called the emperor by his name, Rosario remained indifferent and just listened respectfully to the commander's words.

"This is the first time you have encountered such an enemy, but I have seen it many times." The white-haired young man looked at Caligula, who was more like gathering strength than slowing down, and said calmly, "Let them go up. Well, if you want to really kill this kind of enemy, you must offer enough sacrifices."

Rosario was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized something, and his pupils suddenly shrank.


The sky turned dark, and the soldiers who left the battlefield held up torches to disperse the darkness cast by the dark clouds, and the place centered on the berserker became a Colosseum.

The captives considered themselves lucky.

In the war-torn days, they escaped the cold winter and welcomed the spring with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

They only suffered a small punishment for an afternoon, and then the beautiful, great emperor Nero Claudius forgave their crimes, and the white-haired commander who crushed them was actually willing to give the biggest sacrifice to them. The benefits are shared with them - anyone with a discerning eye can see that this mad warrior has fallen into fatigue. At any next moment, he may reveal his flaws and be swarmed by soldiers and defeated in an instant.

At this point, Shuo Yue actually ordered the third legion to retreat and let them go into battle.

If this is not a free gift, then what is it!
With this idea in mind, the prisoners proudly took over the position of the third legion and resisted the attacks of the berserkers on their behalf. Unexpectedly, the blood evil exerted on the shield by Shuoyue became thinner and thinner, and Caligula's offensive became slower and slower. , as if there is some kind of unspoken tacit understanding between the two.

Then at a certain moment, it exploded.

Caligula suddenly stopped attacking, looked up at the sky, and let out a heart-rending roar.

The dark clouds dispersed, and the full moon hung in the sky, spreading soft moonlight to the ground.

But when it fell on the former Roman emperor, who was wearing gorgeous clothes, the silver-white light burned him like a flame.

"Retreat." It was a very casual and abrupt command.

The captives who had not sworn allegiance and were not affected by Shuoyue Lingji did not have time to react. The legions behind them, including the blood demons who were assisting them, receded like the tide.

Finally, someone realized the crisis, but it was too late. "Ahhhhhhhhh-!"

Just like the golden werewolf who screams at the moon, Caligula's hands were arched into claws, and the pupils of his red eyes could not even be seen. The silver-white flames on his body suddenly exploded, with ripples and stones flying.

"Moon, moon...curse me!"

In the voice that was distorted into words, with Caligula as the center, the surrounding soldiers were burned by silver-white flames. The severe pain made them no longer able to hold the weapons in their hands, and they all knelt down and covered their hands. My head screamed.

The sharp silver light almost tore the air apart, carrying layers of ripples of moonlight, and rushed in all directions. Wherever it passed, all living creatures could only kneel down and scream in agony, gradually turning into skeletal sacrifices.

This is exactly the anti-army weapon that Caligula, as a servant, possesses——

"Eat my heart, Flucticulus Diana!"

The captives at the rear want to escape, but once captured by the silver light, they will fall into the same madness as Caligula, besieged by the curse of the goddess Diana, and eventually their fragile lives will inevitably return to the eternal moon. middle.

The prisoners who were forgiven by Nero were all killed by Shuo Yue by killing with borrowed knives.

The cold wind whistled, and the redness turned into blood. The white-haired young man stood tall and straight, and the cloak he wore seemed to be alive.

Separated by a thousand meters distance, the two red robes who jointly killed the soldiers looked at each other in the air, one was crazy, the other was cold and cruel.

Indifferently ignoring the miserable situation of the prisoners, Shuo Yue waved the battle flag in his hand:
"The shield soldiers of the first, second and third legions pressed forward, the spear throwers who had replenished their weapons stepped forward, and the archers prepared to start the encirclement and suppression."

Under the command of the commander, the legion, including the soldiers in the legion, recovered from the shock and joy, charged forward with unprecedented loyalty and cohesion, and surrounded Caligula.

But this time, the berserker who had released his precious phantom was no longer able to resist. His injuries were getting worse and worse from the blood-drenched bows and arrows, and in the end he could only kneel down on one knee with a spear inserted into his shoulder. He was shooting arrows and throwing spears, and there were blood stains on his face after being hit by stones.

"It makes me seem like a bad person."

With such a whisper, Shuo Yue never let down his guard, and even stared at Caligula, not daring to relax at all.

command spell.

Just like the shackles on the back of Nero's hands, after Caligula was summoned, he was also burdened with a double-edged sword of forced restraints.

In times of rebellion, it is a sharp sword that stabs oneself; in times of crisis, it is the last life-saving straw.

I don't know when, the white-haired young man has bent his bow and arrows again, and the front end of the bunch of arrows is condensed with unprecedented bloody sharpness.

The moment the command spell takes effect, this sharp arrow will pierce Caligula's spiritual core.

All we have to do now is wait...

"Stop it, Governor."

Someone behind him grabbed his shoulder, and Shuo Yue's concentration was interrupted. He subconsciously looked behind him, then turned around realizing something was wrong.

But in the encirclement, where is the trace of Caligula?

The white-haired young man pursed his lips, closed his eyes helplessly, and sighed softly: "Your Majesty..."

Warm fragrant nephrite is close.

The blond girl with blue eyes stood behind her, hugged Shuo Yue, and grabbed the young man's arm with both hands gently and irresistibly, her eyes showing complexity and helplessness.

After escaping from the camp, she only recognized who their enemy was at a glance.

"Please let uncle least not in front of me."

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(End of this chapter)

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