My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 266 Warm wine and kill the enemy

Chapter 266 Warm wine and kill the enemy

"First of all... By the way, let's hold a banquet before resting! Think of it as celebrating the arrival of the princes!"

The emperor has spoken, how can there be any reason not to obey?
So the lights were lit in the palace at night, and plates of delicious food were served on the dining table. The beautiful emperor, wearing a rose-like bright red dress, smiled and raised the wine glass in his hand:
"Come on, everyone, this is the best wine sent from the East!"

Facing the emperor's warm invitation, the white-haired general smiled slightly and drank the wine in one gulp. The black-haired young man next to him had a troubled look on his face. He barely drank a little and stuck out his tongue.

"It seems Fujimaru you are not very good at drinking."

"I can't help it. After all, I'm not old enough to drink."

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled helplessly, her eyes clear.

Just like no one thought that the protagonist in the legend of King Arthur and the tyrants of the Roman Empire were all girls, how many people knew that the Master who restored humanity and saved the world was still just a minor?

"Speaking of which, Mr. Shuo Yue, at that time, you revealed our identities in one sentence, right?"

While Nero ran to comfort the soldiers, Fujimaru Ritsuka went straight to the point, awakening Sakutsu who was in deep thought.

After briefly introducing themselves on the street, they were dragged to the banquet by the enthusiastic Nero. Now that the emperor was away, Fujimaru Ritsuka finally had the opportunity to express his doubts:

"Since you call me the most... well, visitor of the observatory, it means that, Mr. Shuoyue, do you know the existence of Chaldea?"

After coming back to her senses, Shuo Yue looked at Gudafu with deep meaning. To be precise, it was the bracelet tied to his hand.

"Well, I have more important things to ask you than this."

Staring at the confused young man, Shuo Yue said in a deep voice:

"Matthew—where is she?"


That was Shuo Yue's unexpected reaction.

When he heard this name, Fujimaru Ritsuka, no doubt Fujimaru Ritsuka from Chaldea, tilted his head as if hearing a completely unfamiliar word.

"who is she?"

At this time, even Shuo Yue was speechless. He stared at the black-haired young man. After confirming that he was not lying, he finally looked away with a sense of oppression.

"Ask the magician in your bracelet, the girl whose full name is Mash Kyrielet. No matter what, she is the premise of our conversation."

In the stories he described in his previous life, even if different Chaldea had different destinies, and even some paintings turned into abstract two-headed bodies, no matter what they looked like, the sub-servant named "Mashu" , the protagonist’s soulmate (wife) and descendant cannot disappear...!
Just like Kirito who lost Asuna, Sora who lost Shiro... Sakatsuki simply can't imagine what Ritsuka Fujimaru would be like during the journey without Mash!
Sensing the seriousness of the matter from his tone, the black-haired young man frowned and communicated with the person on the other end of the bracelet in a low voice. After a long time, he raised his head:
"Confirmed, Mash Kirilet, this name does not exist in Chaldea's archives. May I ask Mr. Shuo Yue...Mr. Shuo Yue?!"

Amid the exclamation, the white-haired general grimaced, blood boiled, and he easily took off the young man's bracelet and said coldly:

"Hey, over there, Chaldea's Experiment No. 2, the heroic spirit is trying to be possessed by No. [-] - even if I say so, you still can't find anything?"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, let me look for it..." There was a frantic operation sound from the other end of the bracelet, and a gentle voice sounded after a moment, "I'm sorry, Mr. Shuo Yue, although I don't know where you got it. There is no news, but this person does not exist in Chaldea, and the name of the Heroic Spirit's second number is not this, uh... is this considered a secret?"

"I understand." This time, Sakuzuki completely gave up his doubts. He apologized and handed the bracelet back to Fujimaru Ritsuka.

"Mr. Sakuzuki, is Mashu a very important existence to you?" Fujimaru Ritsuka did not blame Sakatsuki. He calmly took the bracelet and asked curiously.

What Gudafu didn't know was that his irrelevant curiosity would only make Shuo Yue more upset.

"It has nothing to do with me. I have never been the one entangled with that girl's fate." After drinking the full bottle of wine, Shuo Yue calmed down and squeezed out a smile, "I'm sorry for letting you see me just after we met. Now is the embarrassing part. To answer one of your questions - Fujimaru Ritsuka, I am not a true servant."

"My name is Shuo Yue, and I am a magician in the Magic Association, so I know you Chaldea."

"Hey, but you're not..." "Just call me Shuo Yue. This body is a pseudo-server, that is, it is created by using human beings as a container and allowing a heroic spirit to possess it. It's just that the heroic spirit Do you understand that you have entrusted me with the leadership of my personality?"

"Ming, I understand..."

"In other words, he is a person who has received the power of a heroic spirit as a human being. I see." The man on the other end of the bracelet said, "Then, may I ask, what is the real name of that heroic spirit..."

"No comment." For some reason, once he heard the voice on the other end of the bracelet, Lingjili subconsciously conveyed a feeling of rejection.Shuo Yue took a deep breath and tried to calm down her voice, "Sorry, that's not what I meant."

"It doesn't matter, I'm used to it, hahahaha..." The other side laughed dryly, "My name is Romani Achiman, and I am the head of the medical department of Chaldea, a human rights continuity protection agency. Please give me your advice."

Romani Archman.

How could I not know your name, doctor?
There was a warm look in Shuo Yue's eyes. He turned his head slightly and said in a gentle tone:

"Yeah, nice to see you."

At this moment, there was a noise in the distance, and the scouts hurried over and half-knelt in front of Nero.

"Dare to report to His Majesty the Emperor! A medium-sized coalition force is launching a surprise attack on the east gate of the outer city of the capital! It should be the last remnant of the United Empire! Our east gate garrison is difficult to resist...!"

After hearing this, Nero suddenly stopped.

"Well. It's rare that a pleasant banquet will be just like this..."

"Then let me go, Your Majesty, just in time to show our bravery to the guests at the observatory."

A quiet voice sounded, and the white-haired general put down the freshly heated wine, stood up, and walked outside the house.

Seemingly remembering the allusion of someone from later generations, he turned his head with a half-smile and gave an order:
"Let's pour the wine, and come as soon as you go."

He went out, drew his sword, and flew on his horse.

The fighting in the distance was getting closer and closer, and the messengers behind them looked anxious.

"Governor, there are hundreds of people on the other side!"

"So what, one ride is enough!"

Zhang Kuang responded, and a heavy but awe-inspiring evil spirit rose into the sky, turning into blood-colored black birds to guard the general.

After some killings in Pisa, he finally collected enough blood demons for him to drive.

"It's just a hundred people, why waste soldiers!"

Drums were beating and gongs were beating on the city wall, and the sounds of fighting were everywhere. The white-haired general was riding his horse forward, while the black bird behind him spread its wings and raised its head and cried.

"Kill him with one sword!"

The long sword was swung out, blood filled the sky, and the air of death filled the field. It was like the sky was shattering and the earth was collapsing, the mountains were shaking, and even the noise was cut into pieces and became lifeless.

The defender hiding behind the city wall cautiously poked his head out, and saw the white-haired general turning his horse's head and walking towards the palace. Behind him, there was no trace of anyone.

On the banquet table, the fine wine from the East was rippling and the heat was rising.

Shang Wen.

 Uncle Roman's voice was a little frivolous, as lazy as a dormouse!It's like the kind of person who gave up everything from the beginning and became someone who only laughs. ——Nursery Rhymes

  Doctor woo woo my doctor QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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