My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 267 The master of traditional arts has a partner to talk to tonight

Chapter 267 The master of traditional arts has a partner to talk to tonight
With that stunning sword strike, until the end of the banquet, Sakuzuki was surrounded by enthusiastic soldiers, taking turns to toast. Not to mention Fujimaru Ritsuka, even Nero couldn't find a chance to interrupt.

As a result, I wasn’t able to find out anything about the command spell on the back of Nero’s hand until the end...

In the royal courtyard, the young man with black hair and blue eyes looked at the stars at night and the excessively bright halo, and couldn't help but sigh deeply.

The passionate and energetic girl emperor, the mysterious and powerful pseudo-servants, and the United Roman Empire they call it.

What will the future of this singularity look like?

"You are here, Fujimaru Ritsuka."

A voice that he had just met but was already familiar with came. He turned around and saw a general with white hair who did not look old, smiling and nodding at him.

"Mr. Shuo Yue, what's wrong?"

"Nothing else, I just want to chat with you. What's more, isn't it an old tradition of your master to talk at night?"

Saying something that the current Goudafu couldn't understand, the white-haired commander didn't feel angry and sat down next to Fujimaru Ritsuka.

"Speaking of which, Rome isn't the first world you've come to, right?"

Faced with Sakuzuki's inquiry, Fujimaru Ritsuka hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.

"Yes, before this, we have experienced two other special... worlds."

"So, can you tell me about your experience?" The white-haired man smiled, with deep blood-red eyes.

How did Fujimaru Ritsuka, who lost Mash, go through all kinds of hardships and get here?

He wanted to know.

"..." Fujimaru Ritsuka glanced at Sakuzuki in surprise, first apologized, whispered to the doctor on the other end of the bracelet for a moment, and then raised his head.

"This will be a long story, Mr. Sakutsuki."

"Then please keep the story short, Mr. Master~"

"Okay, okay..."

Seeing that Shuo Yue had made up her mind, the black-haired young man no longer resisted and slowly told his story.

Even though Fujimaru hid the name, Sakuzuki, who was familiar with the plot, could naturally find the corresponding person.

In Singularity F. Fuyuki, he and director Olga Marie fled in confusion until Cu Chulainn Caster recognized their will, took the initiative to stand up and became his servant, and then lured the blackened Archer to Rider The territory was hit by the "Petrified Demonic Eye" and lost its fighting ability.

During the battle with the blackened Saber, Cú Chulainn Caster drank the holy spring that he had taken out at an unknown time. Even though his spiritual core was clearly broken, he still summoned the Noble Phantasm: the Burning Flame Cage (Wicker). Man), died together with Saber who was frozen.

In the First Singularity: Orleans, Fujimaru Ritsuka initially tried to use Shadow Servants to fight the enemy, but was still unable to face the flying dragon. However, he soon reunited with Ruler Jeanne d'Arc and encountered the five mad knights. Queen Mary, who was summoned to the world during the attack, assisted the musician Mozart. Later, Siegfried, St. George, Kiyohime and Dragon Girl were also found one after another. Together with the dragon Fafnir, Jeanne d'Arc Alter, Gilles de Rei win the battle with difficulty.


"That's it." After finishing his story, Fujimaru Ritsuka's shoulders suddenly felt heavy, and a big hand patted his shoulders, sending out a warm feeling.

"Mr. Shuo Yue?"

"Fujimaru, you have come a long way." The white-haired general showed a gentle smile, which made the black-haired young man's nose sore.

Different from the greetings from the followers, Shuo Yue expressed her gratitude to him as a magician and a human being living on this planet.

For this, Fujimaru Ritsuka was extremely grateful.

Taking advantage of the right atmosphere, he blurted out the words he had been thinking about all night.

"By the way, Mr. Shuo Yue, what's the matter with the command spell on the back of His Majesty Nero's hand?"

"Ah, that." There was no heaviness as Fujimaru expected. The man shrugged and said easily, "That idiot emperor who doesn't know anything ordered me not to leave on my own on the day he summoned me." I didn't have time to advise them about stationing at the frontier, so it ended up like this."

"This, this is indeed something that any emperor can do." The doctor on the other end of the bracelet was helpless and funny.Different from Chaldea's "light version" command spell, Nero's command spell has unparalleled coercive power, and more importantly, it is irrecoverable. If it is wasted, it is really wasted.

At this moment, Fujimaru suddenly asked:

"Then, misunderstandings aside, Mr. Sakusuki, are you willing to continue to exist as His Majesty Nero's servant?"

The Chaldean doctor held his breath and felt a pressure coming through the communication.

Sakutsu looked at Fujimaru's calm and rational blue eyes, and it took him a while to raise the corners of his mouth.

"Of course - I am her Servant, so I am naturally responsible for 'her', right?"

Hearing this, the black-haired young man stopped asking questions, and Shuo Yue stood up with a smile as if nothing happened.

"Anyway, thank you for your hard work, Fujimaru, go back and go to sleep. If someone attacks you at night, I will help you solve the problem, and have a good rest as much as possible."

"Hahaha. Then I'll go back to my room and rest." The doctor's frivolous laughter came from the other end of the bracelet, "I also want to read Magic☆Merry's blog. I should update my diary soon."

Shuo Yue: "..."

Fujimaru Rika: "..."

"What are you doing, those eyes that look like you're looking at a pathetic creature? Can't I just be a fan of an Internet celebrity? I'm not tainted by the hype of the mass media or the rules of the TV station. I'm the ideal idol star!"

Even through the bracelet, Shuo Yue seemed to be able to see a certain orange-haired doctor scratching his neck, blushing and speaking out for his idol.

"Isn't the outside world already destroyed? Doctor." As if feeling embarrassed, Fujimaru put his hand on his forehead and sighed.

Hearing this, Romani Achiman made a triumphant voice: "You have discovered the key point. The world outside has indeed been destroyed."

"So you think Magic☆Merry and her homepage will not be updated? How stupid! Magic☆Merry is the ultimate idol who is completely detached from the world!"

"...But, it's actually just automatic simulation using artificial intelligence based on the original data."

Fujimaru rolled his eyes, while Sakusuki laughed from the side.

"Doctor, although I don't want to make irresponsible remarks on Ben San's interests as a single man, please don't forget your job."

"Otherwise, when Fujimaru returns, he will delete the doctor's treasured folder without hesitation, right?"

"Don't... don't be like this. I was joking. I will continue to monitor the surrounding situation and search for information! Anyway, you two should have a good rest!"

Under the threat of physical negotiation, the doctor gave up without hesitation, while Fujimaru and Sakuzuki smiled at each other, said goodbye and left.

Walking alone in the beautiful courtyard at night, Shuo Yue sighed and took out the magic gift she had brought with her from the beginning.

"In the end, I still didn't dare to give this thing away."

Not out of shyness, but out of apprehension.

After losing Mashu, Shuo Yue couldn't tell what the future of Chaldea would be like.

No, after all, it was an anomaly that Fujimaru could see him. He was a stranger who did not exist in the story from the beginning.

Whether the world is destroyed or not has nothing to do with him, but Fujimaru Ritsuka is an existence that he is unwilling to harm. After all, in a sense, he is Fujimaru Ritsuka, and Fujimaru Ritsuka is him.

Because of this, Shuo Yue became more and more cautious, fearing that he would do something that was detrimental to the situation or irreversible.

"Then there's Nero. I didn't remind her about her issues. Ah, I'm really weird."

Thinking like this, Shuo Yue couldn't help but sigh melancholy.

Feeling more and more confused.

(End of this chapter)

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