My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 268 Early morning, bedroom, alone man and widow jpg

Chapter 268 Early morning, bedroom, alone man and woman.jpg
After a tangled night, the next morning, everyone in Chaldea said goodbye to Nero early and went to Mount Etna to set up spiritual veins.

Shuo Yue extended an invitation to accompany him, but was stopped by Nero and dragged to his bedroom and office, and then...

"Hmm... (star--)" The emperor rested his chin on the table, and the emperor in a red dress made a slight and endearing cry like a little beast.

In front of her sight, the white-haired commander was reading Rome's military strategy without even looking at the titular Emperor (Master).

Seeing Shuo Yue's indifference, Nero pursed his red lips, fell back on the big bed and started rolling.

New Moon: Reading.


A soft pillow stuffed with feathers, straw and reeds flew over and hit the white-haired man's face, finally forcing him to close the book and grab the pillow with a sigh.

"His Majesty……"

"Governor!" Even though he was pretending to be angry, Nero's tone was soft, as if he was being coquettish, "You and Yu, talk to me!"

"No, I refuse. His Majesty is not so free." The white-haired general looked expressionless and pointed at her desk, "Today's official documents can no longer be piled up, right?"

"Uh-huh..." Looking at the stacked mountains of official documents, Nero swallowed and made a rather embarrassing sound. Then he started rolling around on the bed again, "No, I haven't eaten the rice yet, I have a stomach." I’m so hungry I can’t move!”

"You don't look like you are so hungry that you have no strength." Shuo Yue threw the pillow back angrily, "Before noon, the people from the Senate will come to collect the documents. Then we will see what excuse you can find to evade."

"Find an excuse to shirk?!" Shuo Yue's unintentional words immediately cheered up Nero, as if he had found a new way to open up, "Why didn't Yu think of it? You are worthy of being the governor!"

I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense... Shuo Yue opened her mouth, deeply apologizing to the officials who were looking forward to it.

Everyone, I am guilty. It was I who instigated this idiot emperor and made her take another step towards becoming a coward.

However, Nero's clever idea wasn't over yet. She thought for a while, then suddenly her eyes lit up. She raised her upper body like a seal, slapped the soft bed with her white arms, and cast an expectant look at the white-haired general. smile.

"Governor, I'm sleepy. Do you want to sleep with me? Yu's bed is quite big, isn't it?"

As long as the governor with outstanding military exploits is brought in, even the Senate won't dare to say anything, right?Nero thought so.

However, the girl did not realize that she was lying on the bed, raising her head like a swan. Not only did her clothes tighten, outlining her seductive body curves, but the soft pillow pressed against her chest highlighted her fair skin. It's a temptation that any adult male can't resist.

Faced with Nero's kind invitation, Shuo Yue fell shamefully silent. After a while, he looked away with difficulty: "Don't make trouble."

"Hey hehe..." Sensing the governor's wavering, the blond girl smiled even more happily, "Come on, come on~~Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Amid the exclamation, the white-haired general appeared next to her expressionlessly, and slapped her buttocks gently but not hard with his sword scabbard.

"Watch your manners, you stupid emperor!"

"Well!" Nero jumped up holding his buttocks, leaning against the wall like a frightened deer, looking at Shuo Yue who no longer remained indifferent but assumed an offensive posture, his big watery eyes filled with panic , "General...Governor, what are you going to do? Yu is the emperor!"

"A man and a widow are alone in the same room, and now you know the danger?" Shuo Yue sneered, slapping her palms with her scabbard, making a dangerous "pop" sound, and approaching Nero step by step.

As for Nero, looking at Shuo Yue who was getting closer and closer, he opened his mouth to speak, but in the end he suddenly closed his eyes, as if he was letting him take whatever he wanted.

Shuo Yue:? ? ?
Wait, is this plot wrong?Shouldn't it be Nero who issued the order to refuse, consumed the last command spell, and from now on, the sea is as wide as a fish can leap, and the sky is as high as a bird can fly?He had a hard time fooling the Chaldean people last night!

What's this attitude of doing whatever you want to do?

After being stunned for a long time, Nero quietly opened his eyes. When he found Shuo Yue staring at her with a complicated expression, he quickly closed his eyes and continued to pretend to be dead.

However, Shuo Yue did not intend to continue. He put away the scabbard, sighed and touched the emperor's head.

"Stop making trouble, Your Majesty, just deal with the official documents after breakfast... I'll help you."

When Nero opened his eyes, Shuo Yue had already left the bedroom, leaving only the girl with messed up blond hair and charming eyes sitting on the big bed, dumbfounded, and suddenly she let out a silly smile of "Eh heh heh".

Ah, this emperor seems to be a broken man. ————

After offering the breakfast he made himself to His Majesty the Emperor, and after a few minutes of quiet time, Shuo Yue leaned back on his chair and began to sort out the pile of official documents.

"Governor, won't you eat?"

"No, servants don't need to take in nutrients." The white-haired leader answered skillfully.

"Hmm." After a moment of silence, Nero started singing again.

"Governor, this oatmeal is cooked just right, and it warms my stomach!"

"Governor, are you really not going to eat it? These are the grapes just picked this morning. They are very sweet!"

"Governor, Governor..."

"Your Majesty, can't you be quieter?" Shuo Yue put down the document with a headache and turned around with a wry smile.

There was light hidden in those emerald eyes, which pierced the covering of blood. With the care of a girl, they explored Shuo Yue's heart through eye contact.

"Governor, are you worried about something?"

Shuo Yue was stunned.

He suddenly realized that although Nero acted affectionately and even a little silly and cute, she was the emperor after all, and she was Augustus who governed Rome in an orderly manner.

How could he let down his guard in front of such a smart girl?

But looking at Nero's worried face, Shuo Yue pondered for a long time and nodded.

"Yes, it's about one of my subordinates."

Perhaps, Nero can give him the answer he wants.

With this idea in mind, Shuo Yue packed up the official documents and arranged the words, telling the emperor about Kallen in a roundabout way.

"Hmm, so, Governor, what is your confusion?"

"Should I go against her will and complete the rescue I think? Or should I obey her will and let her continue like this...Humph, I have really become weak."

"It's not just a problem for one person, it's actually the case for the country and the world, Governor."

"how you said that?"

After saying the wrong words, Nero sat on the bed holding a pillow with a serious look on his face: "I want Rome to become better, but are the measures I promulgated actually what the people expected? This decree Will anyone be harmed?"

"I can think about this all night, one day, one week, one year... But even so, it is impossible to have an exhaustive plan, because human wisdom has its limits, there will always be omissions, and there will always be injuries. "

"But if you do nothing, nothing will change, Governor."

The girl looked at the thoughtful white-haired man with a gentle smile on her face:
"I want to protect someone, but the feeling of protecting becomes a poison that hurts each other; I want to save the world, but the love and compassion for the world becomes the source of destruction... Isn't this kind of thing normal?"

"But Governor, my Servant, if you stop moving forward because of such worries, humanity will not be able to move forward."

On that morning, the blond-haired and blue-eyed Venus revealed the devil's whisper with her delicate red lips.

"If you want to get the answer, don't you just have to do it?"

 Speaking of which, if Nero is overthrown now, I don’t know who will take advantage. After all, Nero is the same as Musashi, so you know what (laughing and crying)

(End of this chapter)

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