My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 269: The imperial commander personally marches across the ocean

Chapter 269: The imperial commander personally marches across the ocean

What troubled Nero was never government affairs, but the boring work day after day.

After Shuo Yue joined, the arrogant Emperor swept away all the 'clutter' on the table very quickly while chatting.

Instructing the attendant to take away the official document, Shuo Yue rubbed her temples, looked at the vast blue sky outside the window, and fell into deep thought without realizing it.

And Nero didn't speak. She held her chin with one hand, tilted her head slightly, and looked at the governor's handsome face with a smile, his blood-onyx eyes, and his broken hair that glowed with silver texture in the sunlight.

The memories in the dream are vivid in her mind, just like the gentle touch of the governor stroking her hair. The calmness of the famous general and the vitality of the youth are well blended in Shuo Yue, like a blended wine, exuding a rich and mysterious atmosphere. , intoxicating.

She really wanted to break the seal of this fine wine and drink the mellow nectar.

Hmm, that will definitely be an extremely wonderful experience.

Thinking like this, a silly smile appeared on Nero's lips. He had no idea that Shuo Yue had come back to her senses and was looking at her cheerfully with empty eyes.

This Rome is probably a pill.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door.

"Your Majesty, all the guests from Chaldea have returned."

"Uh...oh!" Nero turned around and stood up quickly, "They're all back. That's just right. It's time for Yu to move around!"

"You just came back from me, right?" Sakuyue also stood up, followed the arrogant Emperor, and met Fujimaru Ritsuka in the hall.

"Hey, how are you doing with Lingmai and his team?"

"Although we encountered some non-physical ghosts, with the help of the shadow followers, we managed to set up nodes."

There was no caring little eggplant guarding him, but even so, Fujimaru's face was still filled with determination.

"A shadow follower..." Shuo Yue thought thoughtfully.

Although it was first proposed in 1.5.3 Subspecies Singularity Shimono that Fujimaru Ritsuka could fight by summoning Shadow Servants, it is obvious that Fujimaru practiced this early in the harsh timeline when Mashu was lost. An ability that allows him to protect himself until he finds a lone follower.

Seeing that Sakusuki and Fujimaru's exchange was over, Nero couldn't wait to join the conversation and expressed her plan:

"Sorry, although you have just come back, I am planning to go on an expedition to Gaul right now! Of course, it would be meaningless if I don't go out personally. The purpose is to encourage the subordinates who are fighting hard and give them a helping hand. I hope Fujimaru and the Governor can How about accompanying Yu, are you willing to come together?"

"Yes, let alone I hope you can dispatch me to the front line as much as possible." Fujimaru Ritsuka answered without thinking, "Ref Lenore is our enemy, and we must not let go of the guy who killed the director so cruelly. .”

During the conversation with Nero, Chaldea already knew that there was a figure in the United Army who could control powerful magic. Apparently Leif, who holds the Holy Grail, was most likely hiding in the headquarters of the United Empire.

"Okay, I understand. This wish will be realized by Yu-Nero Claudius. I will also petition the gods and ancestors of Rome to bless them all for successfully destroying their enemies!"

With Fujimaru Ritsuka's agreement, Nero laughed happily, secretly looking at the plain-faced white-haired governor while laughing.

It should be said that it was unexpected or unexpected - her servant shook his head and refused.

"I'm sorry Fujimaru, Master, my messenger has reported to me today that it's time for me to cross the Mediterranean Sea and go on an expedition to the heart of the United Empire."

As mentioned before, after Shuo Yue cleared away the internal remnants, he sent troops deep into the hinterland of the country, intending to bring an internal and external cooperation to the Roman Empire.

Just this morning, the messenger finally came with the news, so Shuo Yue, who was taking a break from the busy life of the palace, would also go into battle again and rush to support the battlefield.

Gaul is one of the front lines of the battle with the coalition forces, and Shuo Yue's actions of going deep into the enemy's hinterland can relieve a lot of pressure on the heroic generals stationed on the front line and Nero who is about to go there.

Nero, who knew this well, did not stop Shuo Yue, but after being lost for a while, he showed a bright smile again:

"Hmm, then I will wait for the good news from the Governor, and also take care of myself. The messenger——"


"The emperor is personally conducting the expedition, prepare quickly!"

The emperor, who was wearing a long crimson dress, waved his right hand forward heavily, looking energetic and high-spirited.

"Follow the order!

One person comes alone and rides alone, and one person rides away alone.

As free and unrestrained as the wind, as free as the clouds.Watching the figure go away, the blond emperor finally withdrew his gaze.

"Is he your servant, His Majesty Nero?" Fujimaru asked beside him.

"Well, he was a handsome guy who rode a white horse in a critical moment and saved Yu. Even if he didn't say it, Yu knew that he took the initiative to launch the expedition for me. Yes, Yu is very happy!"

"Really..." Fujimaru whispered and said nothing more.

Even the girl emperor's face showed a complex smile that was mixed with pride and loneliness.

He is the last Master of Chaldea, a lone man who saves the world - this is a beautiful emotion that he is not qualified to have.

"It's just that as a servant, he was loved by the emperor of a country."

"This is really a beautiful way of existence, between each other." On the other end of the bracelet, the doctor took a bite of the treasured strawberry cake and showed an impeccable smile.


The main force of the Imperial Army began to dispatch, and on the other side, the center of the Union Army, the palace near Madrid, also welcomed an uninvited guest.


Carrying his broken body and losing his mind, Caligula walked step by step on the road to the palace. The brown-haired man on the throne cast his eyes in displeasure.

"Stupid Berserker, do you still have the face to come back after everything has happened?"

To the man's mocking words, the berserker, or rather the berserker's body, reacted.

Following the riot of excessively strong magic power, countless "sprouts" were extracted using Caligula's body as a seed.

It was a huge tentacle with fluorescent blue eyes distributed all over the body, like demon scales. Where the demon eyes were located all over the body, there were rose-like thorns called 'Demon Spears'.

Looking at the savagely growing horror, the brown-haired man instead of feeling panicked, instead sighed:

"Oh, what an amazing way of existence! Such magical quality, such composition principles, so familiar, so incompatible! Could it be said that this is exactly -"

The next moment, his expression suddenly changed, he knelt down on one knee humbly and lowered his noble head.

"Welcome my king!"

An unknown shadow descended, and when the brown-haired man stood up, his eyes had turned into a dull golden color.

"Is this breath—the beast that bears the same original sin as me?"

The tentacles writhed, happily feeding off Caligula's pain and turning it into energy for conversation.

The man who was controlled by the unknown being was also silent, with only his eyes flickering slightly. He communicated and collided with the visitor at a certain level, and finally reached a consensus.

"Break free? Oh, that is the power from above the bright moon. Only such a miracle can imprison you."

"Understood, all I need is the stability of the singularity. If it's you, just take it and taste the viciousness to your heart's content——"

The golden eyes penetrated the past, present, and future, but became hazy because of the presence of one person.

"Huh? Someone actually interfered with my observation? It's just a vengeful spirit from the ancient East... No, that's not the case. It's just one of the wedges to suppress the evil of mankind. There is some essence that exists deeper, interesting."

"No matter what, there is no point in stubbornly resisting. The burning of human reason has become a fact."

"I leave this singularity to you, don't let me down."

The two ultimate beasts communicated here, and finally as the deal was reached, the eyes dimmed, the tentacles closed, and everything returned to its calm state.

The sky in Rome is still as blue as yesterday.

 Various internationally renowned distilled spirits, such as Moutai, Wuliangye, whiskey, brandy, gin, rum, etc., are all blended with high-quality base liquor.In the production process of liquor, fermentation is required to produce aroma, distillation is used to improve aroma, and blending is required to shape liquor. Blending technology can be regarded as the finishing touch of wine making.

  The so-called "blended wine" in the news means inferior quality, please don't misunderstand.

(End of this chapter)

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