My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 270 Nero’s Abnormality and Boudica’s Pain

Chapter 270 Nero’s Abnormality and Boudica’s Pain

Let's leave aside Sakutsu who returned to his stronghold and led his army across the sea. Nero and Fujimaru arrived in Gaul first after a rapid march.

"To all the soldiers who participated in the Gallic Expedition, thank you for your hard work for me, my people, and my Rome!"

"From now on, Yu will also contribute to the expeditionary force. There are also thousands of soldiers here!"

"There is no way we will lose in this battle! May the glory of victory belong to me and your dear Rome!"

Not long after arriving at the military camp, Nero personally took the stage and delivered a shocking speech to the soldiers. Encouraged by the emperor, the soldiers cheered and their morale soared.

"What a loud cheer. Is this the charm of Emperor Nero as a leader in his heyday?" Fujimaru stood in the corner, showing a little wonder.

"I think so. But it's unbelievable that the emperor who was so popular with the people in his later years... No, I won't say it anymore. This can't be said. People who live in the past cannot know the future. This is our policy." Bracelet The doctor on the other end was typing on the keyboard and suddenly said.

"Well, this reaction...Fujimaru, where are you..."

Before he finished speaking, a gentle voice came from the other side.

"Oh, it's coming faster than expected, His Majesty Emperor Nero Claudius. Hmm, this innocent boy is the rumored guest general? You really can't tell a person's appearance. It is said that you are very strong."

It was a red-haired woman with a delicate face who was holding a long sword and a shield. Perhaps it was because she had been on the battlefield for a long time. Although she had a plump figure, she also had a strong temperament:

"You are welcome from afar. I am Boudica, the general of the Gaul Expeditionary Army."

Boudicca was the queen and queen of the ancient Iceni tribe (Iceni people) in East Anglia, England. She led the British tribes to revolt against the occupying forces of the Roman Empire and destroyed three major cities in Roman Britain. , killed more than 7 enemies, and was the victorious queen who was infinitely close to success.

Such a sworn enemy of Rome suddenly transformed into a general under Nero. Again, history is really amazing.

Does this count as history?
Because of Mashu's absence, Boudica did not show her motherly side, but in a clean and neat style, she introduced the servant around her to Fujimaru and the doctor, Spartacus, who was also the leader of the rebel army. , and at this moment, Nero, who had finished his speech, also walked towards everyone.

"General Boudica, you have been able to deal with the enemy for so long with your current strength. Well, I want to express my gratitude to you!"

Just when Boudica smiled and wanted to refuse, a chill gripped her heart so tightly that she couldn't help but hold her breath.

In the spiritual base, the part belonging to 'Britain' was whining, conveying the fear of being a prey.

And the source of this fear comes from the smiling Emperor.

"Your hostility has already leaked out, Boudica." Unconsciously, the blond emperor's smile gradually became as dark as black mud.

"Oh, oppressor..." As if sensing something, Spartacus arched his back like a beast and roared in a low voice,

"You are right - what is left now is the Rome itself that you hate."


For Boudica, this is such a heavy word.

The cause of the incident came from a treaty. In order for Nero to successfully succeed to the throne, Nero's mother Agrippina poisoned the then emperor Claudius I. In the turbulent period of the transition between the old and the new, in order to stabilize the To the west, in Britain, Rome signed a treaty with the Iceni royal family, giving the Britons a portion of their land in exchange for their support.

But when Nero came to power, he went back on his promise and claimed that the previous land was not given to them but a loan. Now he not only wanted to return the original land to Rome, but also required the Iceni royal family to cede another part of the territory as a loan. Interest.

Boudicca, Queen of Ashini, naturally refused this request. As a result, Rome directly sent troops to intervene. Not only did they seize the land and confiscate the royal property, the Roman troops also raped Boudicca's two daughters in the street. Ka himself was beaten to the point of dying, which was the source of the uprising that year.

Rome, how arrogant and arrogant, seems to be synonymous with the most evil source of mankind.

Now Nero made Boudica feel the humiliation and grief and anger she felt at that time again. "Nero, you-"

The smile disappeared, not just from Boudicca but from Nero as well.

"Well, what's wrong with Yu?" Looking at the stunned people around her, Nero patted his head, showing a rather confused look, "Well... Yu remember standing here talking to you just now, right?"

Boudica looked at the enemy and emperor in front of him in silence.

At first glance, it seemed like a prank by Nero, but Lingji, who was no longer trembling, and Spartacus, who was silent again, were undoubtedly telling her that the Nero in front of her had returned to his original appearance. A wise man who is willing to put aside the grudges of his family and country and fight for a greater world.

However, those words and that smile were like sharp thorns piercing deeply into Boudica's heart, reminding her all the time that under the glory of Rome, the darkness was so thick and ready to move.

"Well, what's going on? I seem a little tired. Boudica, I'll leave these guests to you. Tell them about the war in Gaul. I have a headache and I need to lie down for a while."

"Got it...Emperor of Rome."

Fortunately, Nero was suffering from a headache and did not notice Boudicca's subtle change of words.


When night fell, Shuo Yue, who had accurately calculated the time, led his army across the Mediterranean Sea and docked in the enemy's hinterland.

In terms of happened to be when Nero said the hurtful words.

But it was as if the protagonist in the story had been reversed. This time, Shuo Yue, as the 'invader', had to lead the tired soldiers to meet the arrival of a crazy man after landing on the enemy's territory. Raid.


The chaotic brain only allowed the output of fragmented words. The purple-haired man who once escaped had the confidence to find and defeat his enemy single-handedly again.

"Status of combat readiness, the first army is on the battlefield."

Using the ability of the spiritual base to suppress the sleepiness of the soldiers, Shuo Yue skillfully summoned the blood evil spirits and dispatched the first legion, which was the most skilled in fighting servants, to contact Caligula head-on.

Then, there was an unexpected blow.


The Rose Spear, the Devil's Scale, the tentacles with indescribable shapes broke through flesh and blood, and struck hard at the spreading blood.

"This, this is...!"


The exclamations of the soldiers and the painful roars of the berserkers sounded together, and Shuo Yue frowned, feeling the blood evil defense line that was difficult to recover for a while. The spirit child appeared in his hand, he drew his bow and arrow, and stopped the frantic man with one arrow. tentacle.

"Cure your formation, retreat, concentrate your shield troops, and throw short spears from the second legion!"

After issuing a series of urgent orders, the white-haired commander concentrated on dealing with the strange and dangerous enemy seriously.

The real 'specialness' from this singularity finally showed its fangs to them.

(End of this chapter)

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