My Destiny Illustrated Book of the Moon

Chapter 279 The emperor who ran away aims at the Holy Grail!

Chapter 279 The emperor who ran away aims at the Holy Grail!

In the feudal monarchy since ancient times, the generals who hold military power have always been the object of suspicion by the emperor.

The master who has great achievements may have a counter-intention and commit an unwarranted crime... When the world is in chaos, a famous general is the peerless sword in the hands of the emperor. But when the world is in peace, then the birds should be hidden and the rabbits should be cooked.

But when Shuo Yue looked at the blond emperor, she was shocked to find that her anger was not disguised, but hidden behind the intense emotion was some kind of emotion that did not belong to the emperor.

"You...really know what you are doing?"

"Of course, Your Majesty."

The dull hair on Nero's head was hanging down. She looked at the white-haired general with a calm expression and realized that a few minutes ago, he had watched the people of the United Empire step into the grave with such an indifferent expression.

In her memory, the image of the man sitting on the chair, gently listening to her laughter was still clear. However, his expression remained unchanged, and the reality of ruining tens of thousands of lives was also placed in front of her.

The sense of fragmentation brings shock, shock brings grievance, and grievance hides stubbornness, which eventually turns into resistance that is close to anger.

Especially when talking to her, Shuo Yue still didn't stop moving. The soldiers behind him yelled, shouted, and ordered the prisoners to enter the pit, just like driving pigs and sheep!

The soldiers of the United Empire had long been aware of the crisis. When they noticed Nero looking over, their pleas for mercy instantly became louder. Even if they were whipped with leather whips, they tried their best to make pitiful wails.

Like a wild beast struggling endlessly on instinct.

But such a move had an extraordinary effect on a certain emperor who had always been soft-hearted.

"I ordered you to stop, do you hear me!" Nero pulled out the meteorite sword amid the roar.

The next moment, her neck felt cold.


A low sigh escaped from her constricted throat, and the girl in the red dress turned into a stone statue as if she was fixed by Medusa's snake eyes.

Not only her body, but her brain refused to think, to acknowledge a certain reality.

"Hey, are you kidding..." Even Weber, who was provoking this matter, couldn't help but clenched the feather fan in his hand, not to mention the soldiers who stared wide-eyed and unconsciously dropped their weapons to the ground.

Because - Shuo Yue pulled out the bronze sword and put it on Nero's neck.

In other words, the emperor's personally appointed governor was holding Augustus, the supreme ruler of the empire, with a sword.

"The general's military orders will not be obeyed, even by you." The cold blade licked the emperor's delicate skin, bleeding traces and dripping blood.

He held the girl's waist with his left hand and held the sword behind his back, holding Nero to prevent her from turning around. In this way, Shuo Yue could not see her misty eyes and could strengthen their resolve.

"Please leave, Your Majesty, this is not a battlefield you can set foot on."

How respectful, how rejecting words from people thousands of miles away.

With a passionate love, the girl risked her life to find the man in the enemy's territory. However, when they reunited, he threatened her with a sword and ordered her to return to the wilderness surrounded by wolves.

A farcical comedy, a tragic character.

Holding back the tears in her eyes, Nero tried desperately to turn her head, but the man's arms were like heavy steel. Even if she ignored the deadly blade, the huge force still prevented her from moving.

Realizing that the soldiers' horrified eyes were focused on them, Nero wanted to get angry, but in the end he was unable to do so and groaned like a sigh: "You...rejected me too?"

The soldiers looked at each other, and finally Rosario stood up and knelt on one knee:
"Sorry, Your Majesty the Emperor, we all think that the general's approach is correct. These strange...enemies must be wiped out."

"Really?" Nero showed a sad smile.

This is no longer a matter of life and death for the United Empire Army. Their commander has raised his sword against Augustus. Even if Nero said it was treason, the Senate would not object, nor would the people of the world.

But even so, they, including the soldiers of her Praetorian Guards, still chose to support the white-haired general and silently supported his treacherous actions.

The sense of betrayal of being abandoned by the world hit like a tsunami. Nero lowered his head and watched as all the soldiers of the United Empire fell into the pit, crying and shouting for mercy. However, the bloody giant statues like Shura remained silent, holding the The shovel lifted up the soil, burying all sounds and movements.Once, twice, three times...

The cold air seeped into the wound on her neck and spread all the way to the bottom of her heart, extinguishing her fiery enthusiasm.

The last handful of dirt fell, and the stars in the girl's eyes were extinguished. She lowered her head as if she had lost her soul, and was indifferent even if Shuo Yue let go of the sword.

In the newly filled mud pit, the countless arms that broke through the soil like plants and stretched desperately towards the sky were engraved in Nero's mind like hell.

Even the white-haired general's voice turned into a devil's whisper:
"Please leave, Your Majesty, I will send a reconnaissance team to escort you."

"no need."

Under the setting sun, the red dress dimmed, Nero didn't even look at Shuo Yue, he just stumbled off the high platform and walked out of the city without looking back.

The broken roses swayed in the wind and sand, were ignited by the setting sun at the end of the horizon, withered in the waves of silence, and disappeared.

Even so, the last Command Seal in her hand still shone brightly.

The white-haired general watched her leave, finally turned his eyes and walked off the stage step by step.

"Aren't you going to send troops to escort her?"

"Didn't you already see it? She is not just the Roman Emperor of this era. She cannot die even if I die." Shuo Yue said calmly, "Weber, I will entrust these soldiers of mine to you."

"Me?" Weber was startled, with an ominous premonition in his heart, "What are you going to do?"

Under his uneasy gaze, the white-haired man grinned, with undisguised malice in his blood-red eyes.

"If you're in a bad mood, go out for a walk."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw blood spurting out. Weber barely opened his eyes from the strong wind, but the trace of the man was gone before his eyes.

Looking at the soldiers who were looking over in surprise and a little uneasy because they forced the emperor away, Weber's mouth twitched and he felt a pain in his stomach.

"Hiss... retribution comes so quickly."


Bloody evil surged.

A bloody ray of light flew across the wilderness, but its direction was completely different from that of the departing girl emperor.

Shuo Yue moved forward quickly with the help of the blood demon, with blood-colored flames burning deep in his eyes.

As early as in Pisa, he knew that his ideas were incompatible with Nero's and that sooner or later they would part ways.

Rather than severing the connection, it would be better to cut it off cleanly... along with the girl's ignorant love connection.

After all, Nero didn't know that she was not purely 'self' at this time, whether her words and deeds were affected, and whether the love at first sight was a smoke bomb played by some evil beast to make Shuo Yue soften her heart?
Weber was right. Holding Nero and sinking deeper and deeper into the quagmire was a kind of torture for each other. Now that the main actors have entered the scene, the curtain opened, and Shuo Yue vowed to take on the mission of the famous general. , running through troubled times to prevent the birth of beasts.

How can I have time to take care of the female lover there?
Keeping Nero's matter deep in his heart, the white-haired man looked at the gradually revealed glorious palace with bright eyes and murmured in his mouth.

"The Holy Grail..."

Blood evil surged, and a heavy ax shaped like opening the sky took shape in mid-air. The blood-colored inscription was clearly visible, just like its sharp edge that was as sharp as the eyeballs of his peers.

Under the astonished gaze of the gatekeepers, the man slowly clenched his raised palms, then turned into a stream of light and smashed through the palace door in one go!
The huge blood-colored ax blade swung down in mid-air, like an angry meteor crashing down, embedding itself firmly in the center of the palace.


In the explosion that destroyed the world, a figure broke through the flames and air waves, advancing towards the depths of the palace without slowing down, and continued to move forward!
Goal, Holy Grail!
(End of this chapter)

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